On April 23, 2019, on the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the PLA Navy, China held a grand ritual ceremony.Due to the obstacles of the fog, the entire ship reading is like the flowers and the moon in the water in the mirror.Thanks to the authorities that have issued a large number of pictures and videos of multiple perspectives afterwards, they are more three -dimensional and easier to judge. The amount of information obtained is even greater, which shows that the Chinese Navy is moving towards the road of internationalization.So what are the important changes in the Chinese Navy?Let's talk about it below.

Injection to international standards more transparent and open

As the saying goes, the clouds see the true chapter.This time ... the re -examination ship is the Xining ship No. 117. From the banner text of the boarding ship's side rail, it has been used internationally internationally.Plans DDG 117.PLANS is an English abbreviation of the People's Liberation Army Navy's Navy's Navy. DDG is an air defense destroyer, and Japan's Liangyue is a general destroyer, so the DD logo is used.In the past, China used Chinese characters and Chinese pinyin. It is not easy for foreign counterparts to understand and hinder communication.

Another example is the 094B strategic nuclear submarine in the reciprocal ship. The introduction is PLANS SSBN 12, which is the English abbreviation of the People's Liberation Army Naval Submarine Troops (PEOPLES LIBERATION Army Navy Submarine); SSBN is an international pass for the ballistic missile nuclear submarine (strategic nuclear submarine).mark.However, this is obviously different from the Chinese introduction of the Long March 10 nuclear submarine.Why?It is most likely that there is more than one long march nuclear submarine No. 10, just like the Long March 9 nuclear submarine.

Last June ... The graphic reports of inspecting Qingdao nuclear submarine base have shown that China began to use English marking nuclear submarines.... The nuclear submarine named the Long March 16, and the English label is Plans SSN 419.SSN is the meaning of attack nuclear submarines, and the Chinese and English port number is also different. I analyzed this issue in a post on July 23 last year in Ming Pao ("Chinese nuclear submarine is still in the United States and Russia for 30 years").Zhongshun predicts that the port number of China's 094B strategic nuclear submarine should be No. 412, and it is mistaken to make mistakes as the announced this time.

As the strategic nuclear submarine and attack nuclear submarine of the country, especially the number of Chinese navy equipment nuclear submarines is still quite limited. The first island chain and the second island chain are also tightly monitored in the United States.The navy's sincerity.

According to official reports, after this ship reading, the Chinese main ship 052D SHIELD destroyer was also opened to foreign troops, and the core departments of the ships, such as the cab and the map room, were also open.

As early as 2014, China allowed the then Minister of Defense Hagel to visit the Liaoning ship carriers. After two hours of visiting, I watched the key cabin rooms such as the flight control room and the cab.Visit.On the contrary, there are many small instruments in the United States. According to a widely circulated real joke, Liu Huaqing, the vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, was restricted when visiting American aircraft carriers. In order to see more, Liu Huaqing visited his toes.

Through this ship reading activity, the Chinese Navy also strengthened traveling with foreign countries on maritime communication and crisis coordination, and strengthening multi -directional exchanges such as joint military exercises.The above active measures fully reflect the efforts of the Chinese Navy's improvement of transparency and the determination to open up.

Nuclear submarine technology obtains super divine power

Over the years, the two Internet celebrities of domestic aircraft carriers and 10,000 tons have attracted the attention of the public, which has made the Chinese nuclear submarine ghosts unpredictable to develop, which should be more concerned about this ship reading.

Compared with the 094A strategic nuclear submarine, which debuted this time, compared with the 094A debuted by the South China Sea ship last year, the obvious feature was to change from the 3 drainage lines of 094A to a drainage line, thereby reducing water resistance and noise.Through the multi -angle dynamic videos released by the official afterwards, it was found that the 094B boat was particularly thick, indicating that the intercontinental missile it was equipped was larger and the range was naturally farther.

But these achievements are just fur mdash; mdash; real achievements lies in its super magic skills, that is, stealth and anti -hidden body skills.

The first is stealth technology.China and the United States have adopted the natural loop reactor technology. Generally, it is necessary to start the maximum noise source of the main pump, and the vibration reduction raft is installed on the main noise sources such as the reactors, motors, generators, and shots.In this regard, the American and American practices are the same.

However, China ’s unique magical power first promoted the technologyless pumping technology invented by General Ma Weiming.It increases the speed of nuclear submarine and greatly reduces the noise. This one can be reduced by 10%. For example, the original noise of the nuclear submarine is 110 decibels.As early as 2017, Ma Weiming has clearly stated that this technology has been applied to Chinese submarines and stated that it must be at least 10 years ahead of the United States.

Another noise reduction technology is that China develops an imitation shark skin technology on the surface of a boat, that is, a shark skin -like sound tile like a shark leather structure made of bionicism.It can absorb sound waves inside and outside, which can not only absorb the submarine's own noise, but also absorb and weaken the detection sound waves of the enemy's sound, and reach the sound of sound.

Third, on January 17 last year, the People's Liberation Army News reported in detail He Lin, a professor of noise reduction expert and a professor at the University of Naval Engineering.He developed a series of vibrating devices for submarines. One of them developed noise sources such as engines to directly reduce the production of noise and become a white noise that cannot be detected.His achievements are described as a revolution in the noise industry.

Followed by anti -stealth technology.According to a report on January 4 this year, the sound stealth state test and analysis system project undertaken by Harbin University of Engineering won the first prize of the 2018 National Defense Science and Technology Progress Award.To put it simply, it is a vertical sound technology, which is known as a revolution in the field of water sound in the 21st century, which can capture radiation noise generated by low noise machinery equipment.In other words, no matter how many layers of vibration -reducing floating rafts installed by the other party's equipment, the faint audio produced by it can be detected even if it is mixed with seawater noise, and the accurate direction and distance of its sound source can be measured.At present, China's new dragging array, buoyna, underwater ballistic sound, noise measurement sound, target recognition sound, underwater communication sound, etc. have all applied this technology.

Another anti -stealth technology is Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS), which is different from ordinary sound. It can be used by humans to check the body's X -ray and CT.Who is more excellent.SAS can clearly depict the target shape, making it unprepared, and also makes the attack more accurate.There is only one highlight on the screen on the screen, which must be judged by combined with fingerprints.

095 and 096 nuclear submarine or launch

Chinese practice is not the latest for you.China 094B nuclear submarine is already the ultimate version of this type, and there will be no more 094C.China's next -generation nuclear submarine is the 095 attack nuclear submarine and the 096 strategic nuclear submarine. It has been reported that it has been successfully developed and even launching.

On August 16, 2016, Li Tianbao, chairman of the Bo Bo Group, inspected the indoor shipward of the newly installed production line of the Bo Bo. Xinhua News Agency issued the news.This is a factory building specializing in the construction of 095 and 096 nuclear submarines, with an area of 40,000 square meters.The huge assembly room is divided into 3 production lines, each with a length of 285 meters, which means that 6 nuclear submarines can be assembled at the same time.Not far away, there is a 200 -meter multiplier 170 -meter workshop for construction of nuclear submarine segment modules.

According to reports, on December 9 last year, the Fifth China Industrial Awards launch conference was held in Beijing. The China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry (Bohai Shipyard is its subsidiary) with the new generation of nuclear submarine development projects to win the China Industrial Award. The award is China.Industry fieldHigh prizes.Generally speaking, the development project of no visible results will not win prizes.Therefore, many famous think tanks in the United States believe that China's 095 and 096 nuclear submarines have been built into the water.

The author is Hong Kong military commentator