Writing: Oujing Luo

Deren officially succeeded on Wednesday (1st), becoming the new Emperor of Japan, and officially started with the times.The emperor is the head of state of Japan, but it is actually a symbol of the people. The leader is still the head of the government and the Prime Minister Shinzo.Like Abe, Deren is the same generation of post -war background.Ming Ren's abdication and Deren are in place to witness the complete end of a generation of Japan.

The Emperor Akihito said many times before abdication that during his 31 years, he had been trying to find the meaning of a symbol and everything he should do.This so -called symbol, in addition to the literal symbolic emperor, also has the meaning of national representative symbols.The Emperor has no real power, but it is a symbol of Japanese citizens.After Deren succeeded, he also said the same thing.

The Peaceism of Deren and Abe

For the first time after the throne, Deren said that he would pray for peace for the people and the world. It is believed that he will follow his father's footsteps to become a peaceistist in Japan.

Ming Ren refused to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, protesting the sacrifice of the Grade A war criminals and the victims of the war, and was criticized by the Emperor Miyami, the Supreme Smart of the Yasukuni, to destroy the Yasukuni country and caused a storm.

Abe hopes to cut with past historical burdens through the new generation.In his 70 years of conversations after the war in 2015, although he apologized for the aggression of the Japanese war, he also said that Japan could not let the descendants who had nothing to do with the war would always bear the fate of continuing to apologize.What Abe hopes is that in the new generation of his batch of war, ending this historical entanglement, allowing Japan to restore the dignity of a normal country without apologizing without the moment.

How Deren will represent the post -war generation of Japan

Among the existing monarchy in the world, monarchs generally play two roles: the first is to be a model of national morality, and when the country is turbulent, they stand out and clean up the situation to lead the country to return order;A symbol of unity of the country.

The Emperor of Japan belongs to the latter. Whenever a natural disaster occurred in Japan, he would go to the disaster venue to condolences to the wounded, encouraged the people, and stood with the people.

Like Mingren, Deren has stated that he must remember history.But unlike his father, Deren did not really experience the war. He and Abe were the same generation of post -war generation.While Abe said that he wanted to cut historical burdens, he also said that he would maintain world peace and refuse to repeat the same mistakes.But the so -called positive and peaceful of Abe is different from the peace of the public.

How the new Emperor Deren will face the intended to return to the former light and let Japan the Abe government and right -wing forces, which have obscured its past history, will become the focus of Japan's future development in the future.Although the emperor is not the head of the executive, as the head of state, he will also watch him all over the world.In the future, he will have countless opportunities to show the world of the new generation of Japan.