On May 4, 1919, more than 3,000 students such as Peking University and other universities held a demonstration on the street after the assembly of the Chinese Beiyang government refusing to sign the Paris Government in Tiananmen.Modern Chinese history said that this day was the May 4th Movement, which was far -reaching.(Wikipedia)

This year is the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement.A century ago Peking University students, because they were dissatisfied with the failure of the Beiyang government's diplomacy in Paris, launched a demonstration of the patriotic demonstration, and later evolved into the rescue campaign that called for cultural reforms to achieve the rich people and the people, and changed the fate of modern China.The May 4th Movement proposed the call for Mr. De and Mr. Sai, and believed that the democratic system and the scientific spirit could save China.This cognition is a painful lesson summarized by the Chinese scholars since the Opium War.

The Opium War broke the mentality of China's retreat and self -defense, and was flowing in the modern world history dominated by the West.For non -Western civilization, how to self -improve to prevent the destroy of the country is a common challenge at that time.It is obviously not feasible to retreat, and it is also denied by the Sino -Japanese War of the Sino -Japanese War. Finally, the conclusions of Mr. De and Mr. Sai showed the collective wisdom.Although it once moved towards the crooked road of comprehensive westernization, after a hundred years of trial and error practice, the Chinese finally realized that modernization is not the same as westernization, and democracy and science have their universality.

The modern European civilization originated from the curiosity of unknown phenomena, and then generates the method of studying natural sciences, and ultimately crystallization is an objective spirit.This objective spirit is the basis of western respect for individuals, emphasizing the rule of law, admiring rationality and critical thinking, and it is also the department of modern values such as separation of political and religion, democratic competition, and freedom of speech.From the world history of the industrial revolution to the present, modern values are universal and advanced. Most of the society that embrace modernity has achieved great development.This has been confirmed by the revival experience in East Asia. The progress of Japan and the Swallowlon must be understood from this perspective.

Modernization is not the same as westernization, and modernity and tradition are not necessarily up. It can also be confirmed from the above -mentioned East Asia, especially Japan, especially Japan.In addition, Mr. De Sai of May 4th shows the epoch -making significance of China's collective wisdom at that time, because they have summarized the core connotation of the value of generations.The history of splitting north and south of the Korean Peninsula shows the universality of modern values and advanced MDash; mdash; despite the same type of text, the amazing achievements of the south of the south embrace the two south are very different in the north of the north.The lights and dim lights of the north and south of the satellite night sky are evident.

In the Chinese society, Taiwan embraced Mr. De after the ban on the party, and Hong Kong directly inherited Mr. Sai because the British colonized.Although the democratic politics in Taiwan is frequent, it is still the envy of many Chinese at home and abroad, and even recently attracted some Hong Kong people to move.The spirit of the rule of law in Hong Kong has also created the most free and prosperous society in Asia.

The experience of Taiwan and Hong Kong shows that Chinese society can accept the two gentlemen well, but the problems that have occurred in economic development and social stability in recent years, which highlights that democracy and the rule of law are introduced into different societies.The soil, and continuously updated and improved, can produce a system of operating system that can reflect both democracy and science and adapt to local social conditions.

As a society dominated by Chinese in Southeast Asia, Singapore cannot be unable to from the outside of Asia's historical development trend.The magnificent new cultural movement, which was a hundred years ago, could not wake up the immigrants of the new and old Chinese in Singapore, and let them start to ask for it, thinking about how this ancient nation bid farewell to feudal and ignorance, and move towards the true meaning.There are several generations of Chinese youths, and the patriotic spirit carried by this movement and the pursuit of science and democracy will inevitably have a huge resonance to cause physical strength.In addition, it must be pointed out that the British colonial background in Singapore makes it easier for the local Chinese to get close to Mr. De Sai. Although our democracy and the rule of law are different from the former colonial clan, it is not difficult to find the relationship between the sidelines in the spiritual appearance.Singapore Chinese Society may be implicitly implied in terms of temperament with other Chinese society.Although in terms of cultural consciousness, the Chinese News Agency has special feelings for China, but I believe that most of the Chinese people should affirm the courage to leave their homes.

Hanshu Middot; Yi Wenzhi records that Confucius is losing and seeking the words of the wild, showing a high confidence in the universal value of human civilization mdash; mdash; Central Plains's ritual and music culture may be lost at a time, but it can still be from Siyi.Find.Looking back at the May 4th year, we should have another understanding of this confidence.