
Ji Yan Chunqiu

Police shackled away from the police in the Shanghai Renji Hospital. After network fermentation, the police explained and the media interviewed the relevant parties. The basic facts have surfaced, but there are still doubts to be solved.

This storm is roughly: On April 24th, Zhao Xiaojing, chief physician of thoracic surgery at Shanghai Renji Hospital, refused to diagnose him because of a patient and his family who asked to Gazai (cut line), and he and his family members.Sports conflict.After the patient called the police, after the police rushed to the hospital, they took the survey of the patient and asked Zhao Xiaojing to go to the police station for investigation.Zhao Xiaojing asked to go to the police station for investigation after the patient was completed, and was rejected by the police.The two sides fell to the ground after their physical contact, and the police took Zhao Xiaojing with handcuffs to the police station.

According to online videos, a policeman tried to set up Zhao Xiaojing, who was going to wear a doctor, and Zhao Xiaojing resisted, causing the two sides to fall to the ground. Another policeman came forward to bring hands handcuffs to Zhao Xiaojing.confusion.

Several all -armed policemen forcibly took away a doctor who was showing a doctor in the hospital's waiting hall, and had a strong visual impact effect.Moreover, the Internet news also stated that Zhao Xiaojing was a famous doctor in Renji Hospital. He refused the patient to forcibly add plugs in order to maintain the normal diagnosis order. As a result, he was falsely accused and was treated rough.

Once online videos and news flow out, it has quickly attracted public opinion.Most netizens were embarrassed to Zhao Xiaojing, accusing the police of being rude or even wronged.The Chinese Physician Association also issued a statement saying that it is not just a slogan to respect the health of the doctor. It is also what medical staff's use of fees is also the deserved health.

On the evening of April 26, the Shanghai police reported that the incident of handcuffs and the doctors had gone through, and the content and Internet rumors were very different.

According to police notifications, the patient was looking for Zhao Xiaojing to return to the consultation based on the appointment.At about 10:30 in the morning, the patient made a reservation based on the reservation and went to the Renji Hospital to register for the consultation; when it was at around 12:50 noon, Zhao Xiaojing proposed to retrieve the CT film.At about 30 minutes, the patient was told that he had to wait.The family members of the patient insisted on leaving and arguing with Zhao Fusheng. Zhao Xun introduced the patient's family to the clinic, and physical conflicts occurred on both sides.

Judging from the process of physical conflict between the two sides, Zhao Xiaojing and the patient were not very fault.As a famous doctor, Zhao Xiaojing was too busy when he took the clinic. It was not difficult to understand the patients on time.The patient's consultation at the agreed time is not for no reason, and he has been delayed repeatedly.Contradictions have appeared, how to resolve is the fundamental.

However, both sides chose an irrational method of resolution: the family members of the patient chose to refuse to leave the clinic, which will inevitably affect the work of the doctor; the doctor chose to launch the patient's family to launch the clinic, which will inevitably lead to physical conflict.As a result, the two sides raised the shelf in the clinic and upgraded the contradictions into public security incidents, causing police to intervene.

Judging from the police report, the shelf was not played lightly.Experience, the 10th rib fractures on the right side of the patient's family, and the ninth and 11 ribs on the right are suspected of bone fracture.If the injury was caused by Zhao Xiaojing, Zhao Xiaojing was afraid that it was difficult to get rid of the intentional injury.Police asked Zhao Xiaojing to go to the police station for investigation, which was reasonable and legal.

However, after coordination of all parties, this storm seems to be calm.Zhao Xiaojing and the local police were interviewed by the media.Zhao Xiaojing acknowledged that he did not understand the police law enforcement process, and the police stated that the police have adopted a relatively tough way in accordance with the legal terms, and did not effectively avoid contradiction upgrades.

Changan Jian, a WeChat public account of the Central Political and Legal Committee, published an article the day before yesterday that the police and Zhao Xiaojing have reached a consensus of mutual understanding and mutual forgiveness.In the heart of a doctor, the police are always a protector; in the heart of the police, they respect the dedication of the doctor.

But the voice of one side should not be ignored, that is, patients and their families.Especially: What is the rib fracture of the patient's family?Does the patient reached a reconciliation with Zhao Xiaojing?Some netizens said that the fractures of the patient's family were an old injury, and some netizens said that the fracture was caused by the patient's family.In the end, the public obviously needs a more authoritative statement.

Needless to say, in this storm that the medical, affected, and police involved, the patient is a relatively weak person.Because of this, their voice is also important, and their legitimate rights and interests need to be protected equally.