Sing Tao Daily News Agency In the first quarter of the US economy, the growth of up to 3.2 %, coupled with China's earlier growth of 6.4 %, the growth rate of the first quarter of the world's largest economies in China and the United States was beyond expectations. EarlierThe need for releasing funds to the market because of concerns about the slowdown of the economic slowdown will be greatly reduced.

In the first quarter of this year, the start of the United States was unfavorable. The Sino -US trade war was upgraded. The earlier tax reduction effect has been played. In addition, the government has always appeared in the longest part of the fiscal budget.Due to the cold and cold effects of the pole vortex, it is extremely cold to fight the consumption intention of the people. Later, the Boeing passenger aircraft air crash also caused the market to worry about economic performance.At the same time, the federal reserve is constantly put pressure on the federal reserves.

The market was originally expected to grow at a economic growth of about 2.1 % in the first quarter of the United States, but the final numbers were as high as 3.2 %.Bombing, the government's suspension problem was resolved, and the Sino -US trade disputes showed signs of solution. The stock market was prosperous, and the employment situation improved.From one o'clock in February, it rose from one o'clock to 9 % in March 19th.

Economy is good at Lite Trump

As for the Chinese economy impacted by the trade war, the performance in the first quarter did not decline like expected. It remained at 6.4 %.The second is that the government has relaxed the monetary policy slightly.

The economic growth of the two countries in the first quarter is better than expected. If trade disputes are resolved, the economic performance will be stimulated in the future.The meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China no longer emphasizes the six stability of employment. Instead, it is proposed that active fiscal policies must take efficiency, and stable monetary policies must be tight and moderate. In other wordsTo boost the economy and reduce the market's longing for interest rate reductions.As for the next time the US Federal Reserve, there is also a lack of pressure to reduce interest and boost the pressure on the economy.

Trump once predicted that the US economy would have three percent of this year. Many people originally felt that this was just his usual extravagance. Now in the first quarter, it has increased by 3.2 %.It is a heaven and night, which is good for him to re -election.

Europe brings shadows to the world

However, the United States still has to face the hidden concerns of the internal and external economies. One of the factors comes from Europe. As the EU economic locomotive, Germany, the fourth quarter of last year was only 0.9 %, and it was difficult to rise in the first quarter of this year.In addition to the EU's factors such as the Sino -US trade war and the US government's stopping, and the uncertainty of Brexit arrangements, the economy also lacks new growth points in its own economy.And the concerns of backward production, as the German bank of the largest bank of Euro District, profitable.If the EU's economy is not able to flourish, and even retreat, it will also affect China and the United States.

In addition, economic analysts pointed out that the first quarter of economic growth in the United States also included three short -term factors, including the increase in infrastructure expenditures such as government road construction, greatly increased imports, and the increase in business inventory.One o'clock is the lowest in six years.

In the next few months, these negative factors will pull positive factors such as the resolution of trade disputes with China and the United States to pull each other, and the economic and market performance will be left and right. The Chinese and American governments will adjust their fiscal and monetary policies in response to the situation.However, in the short term, in the case of such beautiful economic growth, it is difficult to look at the central banks of the two places through measures such as interest rate reductions.