Author: Chen Yixin

Former US Vice President Biden announced on the 25th that the President of the Democratic Party was in primary election, which made the party intends to ask the number of big people as high as 20.

In the election tweet, Biden clearly expressed that he was fighting for maintaining the core value of the United States.He said that if Trump is doing two fulls, the reason why all the United States will become the United States will face the survival autumn.

According to the polls announced by Politico on the day before he announced, Biden's momentum in the party has exceeded the left -wing and federal senator Sanders, who had temporarily led the rolling.In terms of optimism, he also led Trump with 42%to 34%, putting Trump's sense of pressure, and tweeted to him.

Despite the shocking bomb for Biden's election, he had to successfully challenge Trump still has many difficulties to be overcome.

Biden's last name is indeed fighting with Trump.Since the 20th century, the trend of the surname of the President of Winning is the shorter and the better. The only exception is Eisenhower, so during the campaign, he played the slogan I like I like iKE.

However, Biden is currently a lot of Trump in terms of raising campaign funds or fighting for the recognition of the Chinese and western states and the blue -collar class.Biden has begun to call for horses and fight for members of the former President Obama team.Once elected, he is expected to set up a ruling team that is more stable than Trump. Unlike Trump, he has been in power for less than 3 years and has appointed 2 Secretary of State, 3 National Security Consultants and 2 National Defense Ministers.However, Biden won from the Democratic primary election to match the Trump doubles that had been set in a Republican Party.

In terms of the relationship between the government, Bayeng debuted for a long time. At the age of 31, he chose to be a Federal Senator in Drava. He stayed in the Senate Foreign Council.He has repeatedly helped Obama to resolve the contradiction between the White House and Congress.

As for Trump's diplomacy and military knowledge, it mainly comes from the military generals, but often stands on the opposite side with Congress.The biggest difference between the two is that Biden can reconcile Dingxuan, restrain their men, and will not let them be a self -running gun and offend the boss.Officials of the Trump administration often attacked each other, and even Trump himself often quarreled with his men, and was completely unable to become a body.

In terms of policies against China, Trump's foreign policy is quite anti -China, but his businessman's personality is difficult to believe that he can resist temptation at a critical moment without sacrificing Taiwan's interests.Biden has long adhered to the US -China policy for a long time. In the voting record of Congress, he strongly supported the Taiwan Relations Law in 1979, but in 1999, he also opposed the security strengthening of Taiwan's security in Taiwan in 1999The law believes that once the bill of selling Taiwan's advanced weapons is passed, it will be excessively stimulated, which will make the Taiwan Strait more unable to calm.

If Bayeng will go out smoothly in the Democratic primaries, it will become the biggest challenge of Trump.Who can enter the White House and depend on which teams have made less mistakes and are more grounded with political opinions.

(The author is a lecture professor at the Department of Political Science of China Cultural University)