US media said former US President Carter revealed that President Trump (Trump) called him for the first time and wanted to talk to him about China.

Carter said Trump is very worried that China will lead us.Carter said that the United States is the best country in world history. Since 1979, the United States has consumed US $ 3 trillion (about $ 4.09 trillion) in military expenditure.On the construction, this is why China walks in front of the United States almost every aspect.Carter also said that he knew that Trump was worried that China would surpass the United States and become the world's largest economic country.

In the predecessor of Trump, President Obama (Obama) came to power in 2009, that is, he announced to the world that the United States will continue to lead the world for 100 years:Ten years later, as soon as he took office, he emphasized that Trump, who would make the United States great again, but could not conceal his anxiety and worry that the status of the United States would be replaced by China.Carter analyzed the reason for Trump. The argument was basically correct, but it was only for the correct part of the United States, but it failed to touch the deep reasons why China rose rapidly.

First of all, the most critical point is that the development phenomenon of contemporary China must be rising, and the rise plus revival.It cannot be seen that China GDP surpasses Japan in 2010 and becomes the second in the world. Instead, it must be understood that China returns to the second and continues to return to the world's first.

Recently, a few Western experts finally understood the performance and status of China in the long -term history of human beings. In the past 30 centuries, China has always been the first in the first 28th century.What happened.Here only analyzing how China can prosper is also what Carter fails to say.

Adam Adam's theory of Economic Angel Adam pointed out that the economic system of the unity of market economy plus private property can ensure that the country is rich. This argument can prove that it is true in terms of theory and reality.Nationality related.

A nation that can support the market economy system must be diligent, righteous, clever, and strong enthusiasm for getting rich. Needless to say, the Chinese nation is one of the few ethnic groups in the world, so that all resources can be exerted to be exertedTo the maximum efficiency, the entire society can release the maximum energy.What's more, there is also the worldist of Western historians Tang Enbi, the ability to include all albums and absorption, so unless it is a natural disaster and human disaster, the Chinese people can basically live a good life.And can maintain long -term prosperity.

In modern times, China has entered its decline since the Opium War in 1840, and was repeatedly bullied by imperialism until the lowest tide in 1978.The China that Westerners in the nearly five generations have gone downhill. They think this is the normal state of China, so they are surprised and puzzled by the rise of China in the past 40 years. I doThe special and very state of the nearly 40 years that has been confused for nearly 40 years is essentially the beginning of China's normal return to China from a very state.Reality and trends show that as far as the concept of GDP is concerned, China replaces the United States and returns to the world's first first, which is not far from around 2030.

Trump's anxiety is understandable. Carter's analysis cannot fully release all questions. The real answer must also be found in the long -term history.

(The author is a senior commentator of Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV)