After the meeting of the heads of state in Hanoi, the North Korean leader Kim Jong -un has continued to move on diplomatic internal affairs.The Kremlin website issued a statement on April 18 that Russian President Putin and Kim Jong -un have determined to meet before the end of April this year.

On April 17, Kim Jong -un gathered and guided the new type of tactical guidance weapons conducted by the Korean Academy of Defense.Through this test, the design index of the weapon was verified, and Kim Jong -un expressed satisfaction with the test results.

The week before North Korea's testing weapon, Kim Jong -un hosted the fourth plenary session of the seventh Central Committee and the first session of the 14th Supreme People's Conference for the Seventh Central Committee from April 9th to 12th.The new leadership team was selected, and an important political report was also published.

It is worth mentioning that Kim Jong -un criticized the United States and South Korea in the report.Kim Jong -un said: The United States openly proposes a unilateral requirement of robbers, and deliberately set up obstacles in the road of improving relationships. Hellip; hellip; the United States does not eradicate the arrogance and hostile policy of unknown current affairs.Any achievement is not expected.

He also criticized South Korea that he should not be arrogant with exquisite medals and promoters himself, and would be a person who supported the interests of the nation.

Not only that, Kim Jong -un also responded to the third special gold of the US initiative: the United States talks about the third North Korean and American summit talks, but we are neither welcome nor interested in the head talks like Hanoi North Korea and the United States.Kim Jong -un even pointed out that I don't have to be obsessed with the DPRK Summit for sanctions.

After the negotiations in the United States and North Korea fell into an impasse, Kim Jong -un criticized the United States and South Korea, tried to shoot new tactical guidance weapons, and also transferred to the Far East to hold talks with Putin, which was very hard. It seemed that the US -DPRK negotiations would be stranded.

Why did Kim Jong -un's tough voice after the U.S. North Korea negotiations fell into a deadlock?Where does Kim Jong -un's confidence come from?

Kim Jong -un's confidence can be said to be related to China.Kim Jong -un understands that in order to promote the US -DPRK negotiations, China ’s power is essential. This is not only because of the friendship between the two friends, but also because China’ s dual -track policy on the North Korean nuclear issue has not only adhered to the goal of nuclearization, but also considering North Korea.Reasonable and safe concerns.

Earlier, Kim Jong -un will basically choose to visit China before and after the Special Gold Association, and ... negotiate with ...From the back of the US -DPRK relations, Kim Jong -un has conducted four visits to China.It is speculated that Kim Jong -un has a strategy of negotiating from DPRK and the United States or has been instructed by the Chinese side.The change and concession of North Korea may be related to China, and North Korea, which shows sincerity, is waiting for the United States to respond.If the United States has not changed, China is likely to urge the United States to take action.China's entry is likely to affect Kim Jong -un's strong response to the United States.

China may be a small part of the origin of Kim Jong -un, but it is not the most important.The biggest factor that allows Kim Jong -un to have such confidence is the economy.

North Korea's economic development has achieved results in recent years.According to public information, North Korea ’s GDP in 2016 (GDP) was US $ 29.595 billion; the GDP in 2017 was US $ 30.704 billion, an increase of about 3.7%over the previous year.

The food gap that plagues North Korea is gradually narrowing.According to the budget of the world's grain agriculture, North Korea needs about 5.5 million tons to 6 million tons of grain each year.However, in the late 1990s, North Korea's grain production has been hovering from 24 to 3.5 million tons, and most of the grain supply relies on foreign aid.After 2014, the total grain output of North Korea rose to 5.08 million tons; in 2017, North Korea's total grain output was 5.45 million tons, and in 2018, it was 4.951 million tons.

From the data, North Korea's food demand can basically be self -sufficient.In addition to the improvement of GDP and food conditions, North Korea ’s industry and commerce have also changed.After Kim Jong -un's administration, he began to increase investment in business and light industry, and adopted a series of urban construction measures.Taking Pyongyang as an example, North Korea built 100,000 houses including Wanshoutai residential area in Pyongyang, capital, as well as many facilities such as restaurants, clothing stores, farmers' markets, playgrounds, large swimming pools, ski resorts, etc.Upgrade of traffic roads.

In addition, since 2012, the number of North Korean comprehensive markets has also increased. At present, there are 420 comprehensive markets in North Korea. There are more than 20 comprehensive markets in Pyongyang. The scale of the market has continued to expand.Sales have increased significantly.

In the cognition of the international community, North Korea's economic development has also been restricted by international sanctions and is in a state of poverty and backwardness.However, from the above data and information, it can be seen that through reforms in North Korea, the country's economic development and agricultural industrial production have stabilized, and it is not as bad as the outside world imagined.I believe that the North Korean economy will change significantly in the next few years, which is also an important confidence of Kim Jong -un's strong voice to the United States.

Looking back at Kim Jong -un's governance report, he can feel that he has a very clear and correct understanding of the current status and future development of North Korea: All relying on foreign supplies are neither reality and easy to subject to people, and North Korea must develop economy.

He said so, and did it.In fact, Kim Jong -un has made major resolutions to the third plenary session of the Seventh Central Committee of North Korea in April 2018 at the third plenary meeting of North Korea.The first meeting of the People's Conference selected the new leadership team of the North Korean government, all of which are economical talents.A series of measures in North Korea are enough to show their determination to strengthen the development of the North Korean economy.Even if the US -North Korea negotiations are in a deadlock, Kim Jong -un also wants to ease US -DPRK relations, but North Korea will not stop the pace of developing the domestic economy. After all, doing what you should do is the most important for North Korea. This is also North Korea for North Korea.Future development is found.