Author: Zheng Yue

58 years ago, on April 17, 1961, the United States planned to raid Pig Bay, that is, the Pig Bay incident, which caused the formal breakdown between the United States and Cuba.Now, on the day of the 58th anniversary of the Pigwan incident, the Trump administration announced that it would impose new sanctions on Cuba, which has aroused the attention of the outside world.

On Wednesday (April 17), John Bolton, a US national security adviser, announced that restricting US citizens' remittances to Cuba can only remit $ 1,000 per quarter, and restrict US citizens traveling to Cuba.

However, the most notable thing is that the Trump administration announced the third regulations in the Herms-Burton Law.

In 1996, the United States promulgated the Herms-Burton method in order to block the trade between Cuba and the outside world.The bill consists of four clauses, of which the third regulation stipulates that due to the victory of the Cuban revolution, Cuba has collected a large number of Americans's assets to state -owned, and these assets are easy to make Cuba and foreign companies profit. ThereforeThird countries that can invest in Cuba in the United States.

And because the EU countries and the United States allies such as Canada have many trade exchanges with Cuba, and considering the interests of the allies, although the third regulations in the Herms-Burton Law have been established for 23 years, they have neverReally implemented.Since the law was promulgated in 1996, the US President has continued to suspend the implementation of the third regulations every six months.

At present, the US -Europe trade has friction.Last Tuesday (April 9), Trump announced in Twitter that, given that the World Trade Organization (WTO) subsidies to the Airbus (Airbus) will cause damage to the interests of the United States, the United States intends to levy $ 11 billion in EU products worth $ 11 billionTariffs; WTO will make a decision on the United States in the summer of 2019.

In this regard, the European Union took corresponding countermeasures on the U.S. tariff threats on Wednesday (17th), listing a $ 20 billion US product tariff list to retaliate against the US illegal subsidy Boeing.

Today, the United States has announced the launch of Article 3 of the Herms-Burton Law, which has once again harmed the interests of allies.The European Union condemned the United States on Wednesday and stated that all options would be considered, including a lawsuit to the WTO to defend the legitimate rights and interests of the EU citizens and the legal rights of enterprises in Cuba.

For Cuba, the American approach is undoubtedly a provocation.Article 3 The regulations have not been implemented for a long time. In addition to harming the interests of the United States allies, it is particularly important that once the regulations are really implemented, it is actually an infringement of Cuban national sovereignty.

In the United States, the Democratic Party also expressed dissatisfaction with the Trump administration's approach, and believes that this behavior has destroyed the consensus of the past two parties in Cuban policy.In 2014, the Obama administration announced that it would realize the normalization of relations with Cuba, and the two countries also officially resumed diplomatic relations in 2015. Now the Trump administration claims that the Cuban policy of the Obama period needsRepair.

However, the Trump administration's move to destroy international law is more important to put pressure on Venezuela. On the one hand, it is dissatisfied with the Cuba supporting commissioner Duoro regime.Effect, warn other countries to abandon support for the Madro regime.

Looking back at the national security strategy report released by the Trump administration in 2017, this concept of priority to Trump's US priority.The Trump administration has got rid of the correct binding of politics. As long as he can implement the political platform that you think is beneficial to the United States, he can use pressure on other countries, sanctions, US dollar international currency systems, US military forces, and US markets.Resources and tools.In the eyes of Trump, the so -called international relations are focusing on how to maximize the interests of the United States, not to place it in a global pattern.

For the two years since Trump took office, the preferred interest orientation in the United States has become increasingly obvious, and the new sanctions on Cuba's implementation of Cuba have also caused the selfishness of their own interests and cause damage to the sovereignty of a country.It is foreseeable that during the future administration of the Trump administration, it will also continue to implement its priority of pragmatism in the United States.