Source: United Daily Author: Qiu Shiyi

At least from the 15th of the 15th, the 40th anniversary of the United States Association celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Law, Hon Hai President Guo Taiming's signs of the presidential election became more and more obvious.How can he have the patience to participate in every event about the Taiwan Relations Law, Indo -Pacific Strategy and the New Museum of Taiwan (AIT) in the Taiwan Association (AIT)?In the first Taiwan -US relations symposium held by AIT and ICRT at the National Taiwan University, Guo Dong sat from the opening ceremony to the last group of group discussions full of academic language.The next day, the Indo -Pacific Security Dialogue Seminar, Guo Dong, who was involved, even stood up because Xiao Meiqin, who was attending the meeting, did not look at him.

How can Guo Dong, who is a businessman, suddenly focuses on political affairs?In addition to Mazu's dreams, maybe Guo Dong feels Trump's rise and the Korean storm. In this era of global amateur participation and populist trend, he believes that there are also people.At the age of seventy years, wealth may not be able to satisfy him. Instead, a sense of mission makes him want to create another peak of life.

Taiwan's politics has never been lacking in surprise. There are three keywords here: Internet politics, young people and the elderly.Starting from the rise of Ke P (Ke Wenzhe) in 2014, the Democratic Progressive Party won in 2016. Young people have won in the online battlefield. In real life, there are rich and idle people in real life.And bullying.However, as the Facebook interface becomes more and more fool, it has become a remote control in the hands of the elderly. In 2018, it was a year of collective counterattacks in the elderly; from north to south, from military and public education to southern agricultural workers, all of them roared on FacebookAnd with the live broadcast that only young people understand in 2016, the elderly in 2018 began to live crazy.A live broadcast of a bald son can be as high as tens of thousands of people. In the Election of the six cities at the end of 2018, all of them were converted to support the total votes of Han, and they blessed how many mayor of Lanying County and city council candidates.

However, the mouse dragged slippers, and the big ones were in the back. In fact, in an internal meeting of the Kuomintang, the mayor of the Kuomintang was spread out. Mayor Han probably learned early, so even the president of the election was retained.

Overall, instead of discussing the possible competition between South Korea ’s Yu and Guo Taiming in the future, a more interesting perspective is: After Guo Dong announced his election, how can Han Hei, who originally hated South Korea Yu, transformed into Guo Hei smoothly?The morale of the blue camp at the blue camp brought by Han Liu does cause the reaction force on the community software. The deep green and young people's disgust of Han have no longer to increase.Wangzhong Media blindly refused to look at Han, and there were many university students responding.Of course, whether young people with anti -South Korea have a large volume, whether the most silent young people still have to be questioned.

At the same time, Green Camp, including President Tsai, spared no effort on the attack on Mayor Han ’s several months. However, these two days of the focus of the light lights suddenly focused on Guo Dong.Now the DPP, Lai Shen insists on taking the primary selection, Cai Lai has officially turned his face. The Party Central Committee even delayed the primary play. The DPP played the most of the Kuomintang court means in the past.At this time, Cai and Lai Lian Korean Yu had not yet been digested, and suddenly another Guo Dong came. Will it be indigestion?

From the politics of young people in 2014, in a blink of an eye, the elderly politics in 2020, this transformation occurred online.Recently, even partial green the editorial pointed out that next year's President of the Democratic Progressive Party, the election of the President of the Democratic Progressive Party is dim, and can only keep the legislators. Now the firepower of the green camp is weak, and you can only talk about the absurdity of Wu Dunyi's call primary election.Mind.This wave of most lonely is probably traditional blue -green politicians, including Cai, Zhu, and Wang. Political figures need to be popular, which will always be the same. Hu Youwei: It is difficult to go to this presidential road of Guo Dong

As soon as Guo Taiming was considered the president, he immediately triggered a lot of discussions.To say shock, it may not be necessary, because this is already an old topic. After Trump was elected as the President of the United States, Guo Dong, who is also a giant, should have something to do with it.He had carefully inquired about public opinion in 2017, and found that public opinion was affirmed by Guo Po.However, after that, Guo has not paved the way from the president to president for the past 2 or three years. It should be a special problem that he must face on this road. Now the president is selected again.If you come to the election, even if Mazu already has instructions, there are many voters support. Whether you want to be a clever, Ming, or wise, you need to think more.

What challenges will Guo choose President Guo?First of all, from the person in charge of the private enterprise of the rich country, the person in charge of the private enterprise transferred to the public office with the largest power. Guo Ruo was elected as the president. Based on the principle of evasion of interests, he and his relatives would definitely be asked to disconnect with the original business, and even all the direct and indirect indirect and indirect indirectly with any company.The relationship is to maintain the selflessness of the president.But even so, does the green camp continue to inspect Guo's words and deeds in a microscope to see if its words and deeds are suspected of helping Hon Hai Group?In this atmosphere of suspicion and inspection at any time, how can Guo propose a claim for Taiwan's industrial transformation or scientific and technological development?Even if Guo proposed the policy of high -tech industries, as long as Hon Hai made a profit, it is inevitable that you have gossip.

Therefore, for Guo, this brilliant president's experience, whether an incomplete asset, or a liabilities that cannot be thrown away, can not make fully optimistic predictions.After all, once Guo transformed into a politician, the green camp and green media would not be soft to Guo.In the end, it has nothing to do with Hon Hai, of course, the weakne of his most easily attacked.Or if Green Camp wants Guo Xian to move all production business back to Taiwan to express his true love in Taiwan, and then ask him to disconnect all the relationship with Hon Hai immediately. May I ask, can Guo Dong play this cruel political struggle game?

Secondly, some people believe that Guo's operating multinational enterprises has a good relationship with Beijing, Washington and Tokyo, which will be greatly helpful for maintaining Taiwan's security and expanding the space for international activities in Taiwan.The problem is that when he became the president, his personal activity scope must go to the Hon Hai Global Framework wherever he can go, and the restriction is limited to the Republic of China framework that can not go anywhere.The friendship with many national dignitaries must also be placed in the international situation of the Republic of China.When it comes to international personal friendship, Guo Dong's era is one thing; to become President Guo, of course, it is another thing.

What is even more troublesome is that with Guo's investment scale in the mainland, once he decides to run, he will be required to express his expression on cross -strait policies.The most sensitive one country, two systems, and two systems, Guo, regardless of whether it is agreed or opposed or wants to dodge, must face the great pressure from both sides of the strait.South Korea ’s Yu has no career on the mainland. He dares to say, but what about Guo Dong?And this is not what you have to say after the election, it is to answer as soon as he announces the election; as soon as he answered, he may have an immediately impact on his existing business on the other side.Is Guo Dong prepared?

In the end, to be elected president, there must be enough voters to support it. I hope to be nominated by the Kuomintang and the nomination method decided by the Party Central Committee. This is not a matter of personal domineering.Now that the blue camp is up and down, most of them have been prepared to recruit South Korea ’s Yu. Unless Han’ s two days will say that they do n’t choose the president, otherwise, as long as he does n’t speak, Guo will not be enough in the recent polls.As soon as a few such polls come out, Han's strong consensus is determined, and Guo is difficult to be nominated by the Kuomintang.This is another actual challenge for Guo Dong to choose the president.Of course, if you want to be an independent candidate, it takes more money, the source of the ticket will be even more unclear, and the challenge will be greater.

From the president to the president, how do I go to this road?Guo Dong needs to consider it carefully.

(The author is a professor at the Department of Journalism of China Cultural University)