Perspective collision

Zheng Yongnian, director of the East Asian Research Institute of Singapore, has recently been a major Northwestern issue entitled by China, which has aroused heated discussions on Xinjiang issue scholars.The reason is that Mr. Zheng has always been keen on China's political research and policy recommendations, especially in the research of China's internal transformation and its external relations.Its remarks about Xinjiang also brought some expectations.

However, Mr. Zheng's high theory of Xinjiang, a new field of Xinjiang, was immediately refuted by folk scholar Li Yunfei. He believed that it was not only limited to Xinjiang.The feeling of falling (Li Yunfei: Nothing in the Northwest).

In fact, in the study of various disciplines such as linguistics, geography, history, and religion, Xinjiang is more comparable to Central Asia, not in the Northwest.The reason why Mr. Zheng tied Xinjiang and the northwestern northwest was nothing more than because the Muslims (Muslim) population in the Chinese ocean were scattered in the northwest.

In order to connect Xinjiang and northwest provinces, Mr. Zheng actually invented the unheard of Muslimism and Muslimization.Religious ideology has been developed globally (Muslims have been developing and becoming global religions since the 7th century as a religious group).

Mr. Zheng's article attributed the issue of Xinjiang in the 1980s, the marketization of the 1990s, the population changes, and the internal cause analysis of the internal cause of unequal policies.To the author's surprise, as a scholar of international relations, Mr. Zheng explained the special circumstances of Xinjiang with the general experience of contemporary Chinese history.Political changes.

Among them, the most significant geopolitical change in contemporary Central Asia was the disintegration of the former Soviet Union in the late 1980s and the new life of the Central Asia country.It is in this context that China began the struggle of anti -three -strand forces in Xinjiang (rather than the entire Northwest), which is a forefront of Central Asia.With the establishment of dictatorship in Central Asia, the deepening of national contradictions in Central Asia, and the revival of religion, the cooperation between anti -three forces in Central Asia directly spawned the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.In short, without the disintegration of the Soviet Union in Central Asia and the birth of the Central Asian Turkic countries, how could China have a struggle for anti -three forces in Xinjiang in the 1990s?

In 2001, the anti -terrorism war in the United States in Afghanistan adjacent to Xinjiang deepened China's concerns and countermeasures on Xinjiang since the disintegration of the Soviet Union.First of all, the enemy and me in the American Anti -terrorism War forced the neighboring Afghanistan station teams including China and Pakistan to support US counter -terrorism.Different from Pakistan to accept US military aid and scholarship as its cooperation conditions, China has timely throwing anti -terrorism issues on its national territory (Xinjiang) in a timely manner and is recognized by the United States.

It was after the September 11 incident that the lists of various terrorism, terrorist activities, and terrorist lists in Xinjiang were announced one by one.That is, from this time, we know that in addition to the historic national divisionist elements, Xinjiang also has terrorist organizations such as the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (East Iran), which are related to the base organization (Kaida).EssenceIn fact, whether it is anti -terrorism cooperation with the United States, or anti -terrorism cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the main association of terrorist organizations and terrorists (such as the East Iranian and Uzbek Islamic Movement) is the base organization of Afghanistan.Therefore, during the Afghanistan war, the arrested East Turkistan held in Guantanamo was a local manifestation of the anti -terrorism achievements of the two countries.

To be fair, because of the support of China, the West, especially the United States, did not provoke China on the Xinjiang issue during the Afghanistan war.The Xinjiang issue and Western provocation mentioned by Mr. Zheng should be strictly after 2009.From the perspective of the international situation, the Afghanistan anti -terrorism war in the United States has changed or even deteriorated.Obama's came to the stage marks a major change in the national strategy, that is, from Bush's counter -terrorism war to Obama's punishment first, and a strategic transfer from the war -terrorism war to the Asia -Pacific rebalancing.

It was under this strategic guidance that the leader of the base organization Osama Middot; Middot; Laden was killed in 2011, which caused the Sino -US anti -terrorism cooperation to have gaps and even frictions.From the perspective of China, eight years after the U.S. anti -terrorism war, the 7/5 incident of Urumqi, which shocked China and foreign countries, had to be said to be due to the loss of speculative counter -terrorism cooperation.

The occurrence of the 7/5 incident did not become a reason for reflecting on the war of anti-terrorism in the United States, its long-term impact on Central Asian geopolitics, and historical opportunities on anti-three-share forces.EssenceIn fact, the Counter Violent ExtRemism has long been in Western countries, especially with the outbreak and continuity of the Afghanistan and Syrian civil war.

However, the anti -polarism that the West, especially France and other countries such as France is targeted at the armed elements who go to the Syrian battlefield and return to the mother country, but there is no such situation in Xinjiang.Even a few Uighur forces appearing in the Syrian battlefield did not return to China.Therefore, since 2016, Xinjiang has implemented an extension through the transformation class or the re -education center. The objects are basically the usual people who abide by the law.It is this large -scale extremities that have caused China to fall into a diplomatic dilemma and the possibility of being Naz.It is worth pointing out that the impact of Saudi Arabia or Turkey that Mr. Zheng was worried about did not appear in this round of storm.North America, Western Europe, and Southeast Asia are the home protests.

Xinjiang's geography, history, and religion determines that the Xinjiang issue is part of the Greater and Central Asian issues.Whether it is the Tagikistan Civil War, the Uzbekistan Islamic Movement, the Cilgis ethnic conflict, or the unilateral counter -terrorism policy and measures of Central Asian countries, or the multilateral counter -terrorism cooperation and exchanges of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, it is directly linked to Xinjiang.

At the same time, Xinjiang's governance model is more like the Central Asian model, not the East Asian model. Mr. Zheng, who is good at the research of international relations, should have the most right to speak.Of course, if Mr. Zheng believes that the Xinjiang issue is part of the issue of China and even China, and advocate the export of Xinjiang governance model, then it is another matter.

The author is an associate professor at the Department of History of the University of Frostburg

Specializing in Chinese Muslim Research and China -Muslim State Relations