Source: Li Shi Business Review Author: Liu Xuehui

Ren Zhengfei once said that Huawei wants to allow positive and negative evaluations to exist at the same time.But now, regardless of the right or wrong, true or false, public opinion has praised Huawei, and criticizing Huawei has become a political error.Even if the pricing of mobile phones in Huawei China is actually the industry's practice that smartphone manufacturers such as Xiaomi, OV and OnePlus are all followed, it is also packaged as a nation's conscience that is more patriotic than friends.At present, there are too many water in Huawei, and there are too many water in public opinion, and it is urgently needed to add some real materials.


On April 11, Huawei released its latest flagship mobile phone P30 series at Shanghai Oriental Sports Center.Shortly after this press conference, the author saw similar situations after each major conference of Huawei before, and many WeChat public accounts released Huawei boiling body differently.

Among them, there was a sudden announcement of Huawei: 3988 yuan!Apple is dumbfounded, and the whole world is boiling!The article was reposted in the author’s WeChat circle of friends. This article exaggeratedly wrote:

Huawei!Huawei!IntersectionHuawei!IntersectionWhen the Chinese pollen cheers loudly, China is boiling!When the Huawei P30 mobile phone and P30 Pro are marked with the price of 3988 yuan and 5488 yuan, selling at a high price at a high price in foreign countries, and selling low prices in China!I couldn't help crying!At this moment, it was the moment when Chinese made his eyebrows, it was the moment that the Chinese could never forget!

Let the people be beneficial to the people, let the Chinese people, this is Huawei's feelings, Huawei ’s responsibility, and Huawei’ s confidence!


These exaggerated texts derived from the starting prices of Huawei P30 and P30 Pro in China, which were 3988 yuan and 5488 yuan, respectively. When the previous Europe was released, the starting price of Huawei P30 (6GB+128GB) was 799 euros (about RMB 6056).The price of P30 Pro (8GB+512GB) is priced at 1249 euros (about 9467 yuan).

Judging from the surface pricing figures, Huawei's pricing in Europe is indeed much higher than China, but is this the truth?I checked the information and found that the starting versions of Huawei P30 and P30 Pro in China are all 6GB+64GB, which is lower than Europe's starting versions.In addition, in addition to Huawei's mobile phone pricing in Europe is higher than that of China, almost all smartphone brands such as Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, OPPO and OnePlus are the same.

People who are familiar with the smartphone industry know that the pricing of smartphones in different countries is affected by multiple factors.

First, the operating costs and costs of different countries are very different.For example, the smartphones of Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO and OnePlus are mainly produced in China. The cost of warehousing and logistics generated by shipping mobile phones to Europe is much higher than China; in addition, in developed countries such as Britain, France, and Germany,The cost of manual, marketing, sales and service is much higher than China, which leads to the same mobile phone, and its comprehensive cost and cost are higher than China, so the pricing will naturally be higher.

Second, there is a big gap between the tax rates of smartphones in China and overseas sales.First of all, the sales of Chinese brands in China do not involve tariffs in China, while sales in Europe need to pay tariffs.In addition, Europe is mostly high welfare countries, and its business tax is higher than China's business tax, which also causes smartphones sold in Europe to sell higher than the price of China.

Third, in China, smart phone manufacturers will pre -installed a lot of miscellaneous APP software in mobile phones, so they can charge a lot of pre -installed fees from the pre -installed software app, and in Europe, it has strict software pre -installed software for smartphones in Europe.Control, so the revenue of the pre -installed software cannot be generated.

This has led to China's smartphone companies to increase some hardware pricing when selling in Europe to make up for its income loss on the pre -installation of the APP, but the most important thing is that in the sales channels of smartphone, Europe and China are very different.

At present, China's smartphones are mainly sold in e -commerce and offline open markets. The proportion of sales of operator channels is already very small. In Europe, the core sales channels of smartphones are mainly based on Vodafone and other operator channels.The sales machines sold in operator channels mainly include contract machines that contain calls and traffic packages. Therefore, the pricing of mobile phones such as Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO and OnePlus is not the price of bare metal, but includes contract prices for calls and traffic packages.

Therefore, it will be higher than the price of the bare metal and because the pricing of the operator contract machine is generally divided into different price files. The lowest price difference is 50 euros, mostly 449, 499, 549, and 599.Price is priced, so smartphone manufacturers usually lean on a gear when pricing their products, and the exchange rate of the euro relative to the RMB is about 7.5: 1.

In addition, European users can buy mobile phones only need to pay a very small down payment price through operator channels. The fee paid every month is very low, which also makes users not sensitive to the overall price of smartphones.

Due to the above -mentioned comprehensive factors, the pricing of various smartphone manufacturers in Europe is higher than that of the Chinese market.For example, at the Barcelona MWC exhibition held in 2019, Xiaomi's 6GB+128GB version released by Xiaomi is priced at 499 euros, equivalent to RMB 3779, which is also higher than the 6GB+128GB version of China Mi 9.800 yuan.In this regard, Lei Jun gave two reasons more frankly. He said that European tax and operating costs were relatively high.

Another example is the recently released Samsung flagship mobile phone S10. Its 8GB+128GB version is priced at 5999 yuan in China, and the lower S10 6GB+128GB version is priced at 929 euros (about 7178 yuan) in Europe.It is nearly 1,200 yuan higher than China.

Europe is a special market, and we look at the Southeast Asian market similar to the Chinese market.Recently, the Huawei P30 series also launched sales in Malaysia. The P30 sold in Malaysia has only 8GB+128GB version, and the price is 2699 Linkt (about RMB 4442), which is almost the same as China.

There are challenges, the latest year!In the materials, the reporter asked Yu Chengdong. Today, the price of the Huawei P30 series is lower than the overseas pricing, which is very good for Chinese consumers.Ask President Yu, why can domestic pricing lower than overseas pricing?

Yu Chengdong did not truthfully explain the real reason why Huawei's mobile phone in China priced lower than European pricing, nor did it express the fact that the Southeast Asian market and the Chinese market pricing were almost the same. Instead, we answered that we are different from other domestic manufacturers. Other manufacturers are in.China sells expensive, and its overseas is cheap.The Chinese market is relatively large, and we hope to provide Chinese consumers with more cost -effective products.We do overseas prices are much more expensive than domestic, we have always been like this.

The author's answer to Yu Chengdong is quite surprised. If some self -media do not understand the truth, or like to use some boiling bodies with national emotions to attract users' attention, Yu Chengdong is the head of Huawei mobile phone.The facts of Chinese prices are lower than the facts of European pricing, but it uses the asymmetry of China and overseas to deceive Chinese users and crack down on competitors. It is not advisable.


In addition, this interview will start on a self -media public account specifically followed by HuaweiThis content is not so much an exclusive interview, it is better to tout the Ah. Almost every problem seems to cooperate with Yu Chengdong to carry out public relations propaganda to Huawei.

Yu Cheng also mentioned in an interview that the Huawei family even exceeds the total cost of developing and development of all mobile phone manufacturers in China.They are not at the same level as us.Huawei's research and development costs are much higher than the configuration of other manufacturers. It is not quantity but quality. It also says that leading others can catch up with us, leading us, one street, and chasing for one year.

I am familiar with the smartphone industry, and I will almost experience the latest flagship mobile phones of various mainstream brands in time. For the Mate 20 series I have recently used, it does make the author look at the author in the fieldsThe flagship mobile phone at the same price than OPPO, Vivo and Xiaomi did not show the absolute leading advantage of shaking the opponent's street as Yu Chengdong said.

Instead, compared to competitors such as OPPO and vivo, there are still gaps with OPPO and vivo in the fields of sound quality and appearance design in the fields of sound quality and appearance design. In addition to degrading competitors.Team.

Not long ago, the author studied the rise of Huawei mobile phones. It was found that the rise of Huawei mobile phones was actually the 30 -year effort of the Huawei Group, rather than relying on the Huawei mobile phone business team for several years.Without the accumulation of operators' business on core technology and operating channels, if there is no cash flow contributed by Huawei operator business to support its strategic tackling in the early stages of business, Huawei mobile phones cannot have today.And Yu Chengdong raised the role of the mobile phone team, and the value of other teams was not objective.

Huawei is a very excellent company. This is an undeniable fact. Especially for the continuous tackling of research and development, it is admired by the industry.Ning Gaoning, the head of the famous central enterprise, praised Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei, said that China ’s entrepreneurs who have actually led enterprise development with R & D may take office.

The author has also maintained a respectful business success in the success of Huawei's business, but we can affirm its commercial success, affirm its investment in research and development, and affirm its spirit of hard work, but we cannot think that it is more than other Chinese enterprises more than other Chinese companies.Patriotic and noble, this is not a fact, and it is not fair to other companies.Huawei cannot talk about national conscience. Other companies such as OPPO, vivo and Xiaomi are not foreign consciences. The respective behavior is just a normal business move to a commercial enterprise.

However, under the current public opinion environment in China, Huawei is placed at the commanding moral heights, and criticizing Huawei has also become a political error of public opinion to a certain extent. If anyone criticizes Huawei, it will often be seized by many people.However, some questions I think that it may be good to Huawei. If the Chinese continue to use national emotions to kill Huawei, Huawei will definitely have a big problem in the future.


Ren Zhengfei gave a speech at the work report of Huawei Public and Government Affairs Department that Huawei wanted to allow positive evaluation and negative evaluation to exist at the same time.The negative evaluation is 30%-40%, which is correct.There are main channels in the Yangtze River, and there are some vortexes, and there are some wood chips next to the vortex.The river flows quickly in the middle, the side flows slowly, and there is a return.We believe that this represents the truth.If we clearly promote Huawei as a main channel, it is actually opposing.

We want to allow some wood chips and vortexes on the side, so the sound of promotional does not have to be neat.

Ren Zhengfei also stated at a speech meeting of public relations that Huawei must make good use of the concept of online media to expand from various media reports to some Weibo, WeChat big V. As long as this big V always asked politics, does not blame the government, does not blame the government, does not blame the government, does not blame the government.The review policies are all about micro. We have to turn him into a friend. Ask him to see Pakistan and participate in some activities to make him feel.

For example, he has 1 million fans. Many people will repost after publishing, and may cover tens of millions of people. The video stays on the surface. In fact, the texture of the text is more powerful than the video.

Huawei did use the power of online media very well. It united a group of Weibo and WeChat big V on the Internet and shouted for it, but the result is that no matter what Huawei is right, true and false, public opinion, public opinion, public opinion, public opinion, public opinion, public opinion.They all like it, and there are almost no negative sounds, which is probably a contrary to the original intention.

As Ren Zhengfei said, Huawei wants to allow positive and negative evaluations to exist at the same time, adding noodles with water, and adding water. If it is just a sound, it will easily attract the opposition of public opinion.

The fact is true. In the recent period of time, some rational people have begun to realize some of the problems existing in Huawei.High, and the practice of low domestic conscience of national conscience has been criticized.

Huawei is already a global enterprise, and it will face many challenges of globalization. When it is held on the moral height of the national conscience, although it can better enjoy the Chinese consumer dividends, it also means that once it encounters a moral crisis, it will encounter a moral crisis.It is easier to fall into the altar than other companies.At present, for Huawei, there are too many water in its public opinion, and it is urgent to add some real materials.