US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) meeting held in Washington on April 13 that the current negotiation process with China is close to the end.Next week (April 15th-April 21st), together with Liu He, pass the call.

But he also emphasized that compared with the expected date reached by the media's agreement now, he attaches more attention to further optimization of the content of the negotiation of the agreement.

Mnuchin said that if the United States fails to comply with the terms that may reach the agreement to end the US -China trade war, the United States is willing to face a response from China.In the agreement reached in the United States and China, the United States is making some commitments, and China is also making certain commitments.I expect the execution mechanism to play a role in both directions. We expect to fulfill our commitments. If we do not fulfill our commitments, we should have some reactions, as well as in the other direction.

Mnuchin made such a statement because he and the US trade representative Leitchizawa had a call with Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu He on April 9.We will call again on the morning of the 11th. After the call of Mnu, we revealed that we have basically reached an agreement on the execution mechanism of the agreement. The two parties jointly decided to establish an agreement execution office to follow up and deal with follow -up matters.

For this round of call consultation, the United States has long been previewed.

Senior economic adviser to Donald Trump, President, Larry Kudlow, said on April 7 that the United States and China reached a trade agreement on April.Consultation again.

Liu He visited the United States from April 3rd to 5th to conduct trade negotiations. A few days after Liu He returned to China, China and the United States conducted telephone consultations.This kind of communication frequency and style are not the first time.

From February 21st to 24th, the seventh round of high -level consultations held in China and the United States. After the consultation, Litthezer, Mnuchin, and Liu He continued to talk about related issues on March 12 and March 14.After the Xite Conference during the Argentine G20 Summit, Liu He and Littichzer and Mnuchin called on December 11, 2018, and the deputy ministerial call between China and the United States was held on December 21, 2018. After that, Liu He, January 30Visit the United States on the 31st.

Frequent interviews and calls between China and the United States have indicated that many problems between China and the United States have been decided by Liu He and Littichizer.The two must frequently ask for instructions to decide.

Although the overall agreement has been completed 90 %, the remaining 10 % is the key to fatal.Text words, execution mechanisms, and structural reforms, no problem can be decided by Liu He alone.Now China and the United States have continued to visit each other and speak constantly. Behind the step by step.

Liu He must ask for instructions.Although the Chinese side is the leading negotiations from the end, behind Liu He is the overall decision of the Chinese government.Liu He is not only a person who has negotiated, but also an information conveyer.

According to the voice of the United States, Liu He did call with Nuchin and Littichzer on April 9.However, the official China official has not been announced. The Ministry of Commerce of China only said at a press conference on April 11 that the leaders of the two sides had made a call and discussed the leftover issues.As of the release of Hong Kong 01, China has not mentioned it in the official report.This is enough to see the complexity of the situation. Establishing an executive office is far from Liu He's promise to the United States.

Since the trade negotiations in China and the United States, the delegations in the United States have frequently changed their decision -making power. Trump is the final of all negotiations.This is undoubted.

No matter whether it is Litzizer or Liu He, no one can make a decision alone.The real negotiator of trade negotiations is Trump.

Prior to the G20 Xi special meeting, Kudlo and Liu He met in private two times. Liu He said directly: I said nothing.President Xi will come forward and say.(IM Not Going to saything; its going to be president xi.)

In the G20 Xiti Conference, Kudlo said that IT theft and technical transfer, and Trump also participated in it. He is our real leader. He has been promoting these negotiations, including him, including himI wrote a letter before G20.

Kudlo said that Trump asked if he could list Fentanyl as the control of supplies, and agreed. In this regard, Trump is very happy, happy, and satisfied.Another thing is that Qualcomm acquired NXP, and Trump also asked in person. Can this matter be considered? He said that if this presented to him, he would consider approval again.

Since the G20 Xi conference, China and the United States have conducted five rounds of high -level consultations.Liu He visited the United States or representatives of the United States to visit China, and most of them met them with Trump himself.Liu He has carried a message from the United States.

The real contest is not Liu He and Litterzer. The negotiations between the prospects and fate of the two countries, and the leaders of China and the United States are in person.

US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said after talking to Liu He: The meeting between the leaders of the two countries is important.We hope to reach an agreement as soon as possible, but we will not set up an arbitrary last period.No final negotiation.This also implies that no one with Trump wants to give each other the final disc. There is the influence of the leaders of the two countries behind it.