One was established by the Internet programmer to establish a project on the GitHub community of the code warehouse platform to disclose the phenomenon of some Internet companies' 996 working system. A large number of news caused by a large number of 996 workers poured into and complained.Hu Xijin, editor -in -chief of the Global Times, posted on Weibo today (13th) that 996 cannot become a general call for the workplace.

Hu Xijin said on Weibo that every entrepreneur must have worked more hard or even struggling than 996. The company's nine deaths, one of which was fighting out of life.However, he does not think that 996 can become a common call in the workplace.

He said that the person in charge of the company and executives can work high -intensity, because they have real choices, and they can work overtime out of interest and strong career.However, at different locations, the company should not ask them to dedicate to the company and the person in charge of the same loyalty and dedication, because they are different from the person in charge and executives.

The full text is as follows:

Lao Hu said 996 a week ago. After some corporate big brothers publicly stated, some people called for me to make a follow -up comment.

I think Jack Ma and Liu Qiangdong said they are their own real feelings.Every entrepreneur must have more severe hard work than 996. The company has a life of nine deaths, and some of them are fighting out of life.They believe in such extreme struggles, and their careers have successfully strengthened their outlook on life, and objectively speaking, there are some people like them in a large society like China, and the dare to fight and dare to fight.Personally, dare to bet on your body.

However, 996 cannot become a general call for the workplace, and even within the company, especially the mature large companies, should not be the management of management.If the competitiveness of a large company is based on the general 996 working system of employees, it should not be the basic spirit of violation of the labor law.Of course, some backbones should form a high -intensity overtime overtime in a special period and facing special tasks, and it is likely to be necessary, but this requirement cannot be facing the entire team, and it cannot be the main source of the company's market vitality.

The person in charge of the company and executives can work high -intensity, because they have real options, and they can work out of interest and strong career overtime.However, at different locations, the company should not ask them to dedicate to the company and the person in charge of the same loyalty and dedication, because they are different from the person in charge and executives.If the company asked them to do that, I think it is not fair nor practical.

I personally think that this round of public opinion has its positive significance for 996, which is also the new understanding and pursuit of people's per capita GDP of about 10,000 US dollars per capita.China's high -quality development actually includes the improvement of work efficiency, with more civilized and human labor time arrangements.I believe that many large companies will face the real pressure of outstanding employees for long -term overtime willingness to decline. The era culture of the era of all their brothers and supporting the company's energy is actually shaken.

I think China is in a period of transition from the historical transition of wealthy and strong, and some outstanding groups in the entire country and our society.China is far from being able to compare welfare with developed countries, but creating better living conditions and quality for workers is already one of the important connotations of the country.At this time, the attention to the phenomenon of 996 is definitely a progress, but this discussion cannot be absolutely available, and the outline is online. Some of them must rely on the labor law for mandatory norms, and some of them must be adjusted by the market, especially this issue in China in ChinaOutstanding Internet companies are the most prominent times.

The awareness of people's resting rights is constantly awakening, and the dual role of this pressure and labor law will bring some changes.Which company can form a better balance between conforming to this trend and maintaining the company's spirit, I believe its competitiveness will have a stronger sustainability.