The founder of the WikiLeak Decrypted website, Ansanch, has always been a controversial person. Supporters believe that he has disclosed the U.S. government's electrical text, revealing the secret military operations of the United States in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places, and secretly arresting people.He believes that he is just a conspiracy theorist who is trying to escape judicial sanctions.

Forty -seven -year -old Assange was born in the city of Tuslael, Queensland, Australia in 1971. He claims to grow like a nomadic nomadic. He has been transferred to 37 schools everywhere to settle in Melbourne.

As a teenager, he showed his computer talent. He was fascinated by hackers and had confession for 25 degrees for hackers, but he paid a fine every time.

In 2006, he and a group of social movements and computer experts founded the WikiLeak decryption website to provide pipelines for the release of confidential information.In 20110, WikiLeak Decrypien first released the screen of U.S. helicopters in Baghdad's fire on the peaceful people, and a large number of U.S. military documents in Afghanistan and Iraqi secret military operations.The criticism of the personnel of the people in various countries has lost the face of the United States.

Global anti -war people, human rights movers, and many media have actively cooperated with WikiLeaks at the beginning to appreciate his illegal behavior of revealing power countries.

However, WikiLeak Decrypted later released some confidential documents, including the identity of the liner, intelligence collection techniques, and important infrastructure location. The US government criticized Assange's move to make many people get in danger, and some media also began to follow him.Cover the line.

In 2016, Ansan suspected of cooperating with Russia to announce the information stolen by Russian hackers from the US Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Colline.Many people couldn't understand Asanic's motivation, and he said he wanted to hurt Clinton, but he denied that the information came from Russia.

Asanic hid in Ecuador's Embassy in London since June 2012 and evaded the allegations of sexual assault in Sweden. He denied the crime and said that Sweden wanted to give him the United States.After seven years, he fell into the hands of the British police, and it was difficult to escape the demand for the extradition of the United States.The U.S. Department of Justice stated that he would sue him with a conspiracy to obtain US secret computer data. Once Anshan was sent to the United States, he would face a maximum of five years in prison.