Associate Professor Gu Qingyang (second from left), Xu Fangda (third from left), Minister of Trade and Ministry of Education (third from left), and Dr. Deng Xiuzheng (first from right) yesterday at the fourth Chinese student bilingual forum.(Photo by Chen Binqin)

Associate Professor Gu Qingyang of the School of Public Policy, the National University of Singapore, pointed out that Asia Danian and China should complement each other through their own comparative advantages, and establish a win -win ecosystem with cooperative competition strategies.

When he gave a speech at the 4th Chinese Student Bilingual Forum yesterday afternoon, he also compared the relationship between China and Asian member states to high -speed railways: by connecting the power source of each carriage, forming a scale effect, and benign on the value chain with benign.Increased competition.

The forum is jointly organized by the Tonghua China and Lihua Middle School. This year's theme is Yaxian and China: cooperation or competition?It attracted about 1,000 students from various middle schools, junior colleges and universities.

Another guest guest, Dr. Deng Xiuhuan, Director of the Yasufan Research Center of the Yusov Isa Eastern Institute of Singapore, warned that Asianan should avoid relying on China completely, and it cannot be reduced to a chess piece in the Sino -US game.

He introduced that the latest survey of the Asian Security Research Center showed that more than 45%of experts from all walks of life in Asia have believed that China will become a Revisionist Power, and has been vigilant on China's growing economic and political influence.He believes that Asia should cooperate with China under the premise of safeguarding its own interests and principles.

Xu Fangda, Minister of Trade and Education, the Minister of Trade and Industry, pointed out in his opening speech yesterday that the development of various regions in China is different, and the situation of the Asianan countries is different. Therefore, the cooperation between the two parties must consider the specific conditions of the local area.If Singapore becomes a hub between China and Asia and provides value, it must continue to establish networks and connections.

He pointed out that talents are the core of Singapore's competitiveness, and call on students to learn more about China and surrounding areas. In addition to going to China, they also have to go to Asia.

Before the forum, the organizer's survey on the scene showed that 68%of students believed that the cooperation between China and Asian'an was greater than competition, and in the second round of surveys before the forum, it increased to 90%.

Lin Lixuan, a senior student of Lili Middle School, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the competition between Asia and China is unavoidable, but there is still a lot of room for cooperation.

For example, China ’s Belt and Road Initiative can provide development resources for Asianan, and Asianan can also help solve problems such as excess capacity in China.She believes that the dual cultural courses of Lixuan Middle School can help her understand all aspects of China, which is good for her future career development.

Chen Peiling, the president of China, said in his closing speech that there are wonderful and diverse views on the forum, but students need to witness themselves in the future to form their own opinions.She also encouraged students to participate in more activities in China and jointly promote the interaction between the two countries.

The latest survey of the Asian Security Research Center shows that more than 45%of experts from all walks of life in Asia have believed that China will become a revisionist power and remain vigilant on China's growing economic and political influence.