Author: Chen Yixin

Times Magazine quoted three US officials on the 5th that President Trump had decided to temporarily put on hold on the F-16V fighter and discuss whether the M1A2 chariot should be sold.Until the United States and China finalized the trade agreement.Tsai Ing -wen, who is looking forward to these two military sales, is now being hit by the United States. In addition to being difficult to hide the disappointment, it may also add a lot of plans to integrate the strategy of India Tai.Thinking of roadblocks.

Based on the need to complete the US-China trade negotiations as soon as possible, the State Council not only strongly opposed the sales of F-16V fighters, but also demanded a cross-ministerial meeting to determine whether the United States should sell the Taiwan M1A2 tank.

Why does the United States decide to temporarily put on the F-16V military sales case and discuss whether it is necessary to sell Taiwan M1A2?First of all, the mainland official media has appeared in the past month that the United States has always supported Taiwan with a fragrant field.From Congress to continuously pass the Capitolic Case and Amendment, Trump also comes to sign, and US Secretary of State Pompeo said that he will include Taiwan into the Indo -Pacific Economic Plan and the US Association (AIT) Director of the United States (AIT).The Ministry announced that the United States and Taiwan jointly established the Indo -Pacific Democratic Governance Consultation Mechanism, and until the US warships passed the Taiwan Strait from three, it also confirmed the judgment of Lu Media.AIT confirmed that US officers entered at this sensitive moment. Lu Fang believed that this was the United States further darked to enhance the US -Taiwan relations.

Secondly, with the difficult situation of purchasing weapons from Taiwan, the purchase of American weapons should be treated low-key, but Taiwan is opposite. From the official to the folk discussing the F-16V and M1A2 military sales cases, the performance of their performance is messy., Make Mainland China Stress.

The plan to buy 66 F-16V is called Fengyang. Taiwan has issued a letter of demand letter to the United States at the end of February. According to the US government's overseas military sales regulations, the administrative department must inform Congress within 4 months.

Taiwan can submit a letter of demand letter, which means that both parties have fully communicated privately.As a result, the US government should approve the transaction.The first plane is expected to be handed over at the end of 2023 or 2024. In addition to the active F-16A/B performance improvement plan named Fengzhan, Taiwan will have more than 200 F-16s that have greatly improved combat power by 2030 by 2030EssenceTaiwan officials even said that the United States may announce the sale of 108 Taiwan's strongest M1A2 chariot before the announcement of the sale of F-16V.

Third, Cai Yingwen passed the Hawaii in late March, and confirmed that Taiwan had proposed to the United States to purchase F-16V and M1 tanks to the United States through video.Her confirmation is obviously one stone and three birds, one is to make a statement to the United States, the other is the pride of the Chinese, and the third is to show off to the other side.

Xue Ruifu, Assistant Minister of Defense of the Pentagon Building, was optimistic recently that the United States would be normalized in Taiwan's military sales. Unexpectedly, the Trump administration was more needed by China than China.EssenceTrump has softened Beijing's posture in order to seek a trade agreement.

What embarrass the Cai government most is that they can't offend the main American, and even have to make a good face, saying that they are happy to see the trade darration of the United States and China as soon as possible.Although the Cai government is still holding the mentality of cracking teeth and blood, once the military sales are put on hold, it may not be able to recover in one and a half years. In this way, it is not unlikely to affect her process of Lianmei's anti -Chinese strategy.And her re -election.

(The author is a lecture professor at the Department of Political Science of China Cultural University)