
Beijing Yiye

Japan's major event is the year of the Emperor's New Emperor. Many Chinese netizens have also followed the lively, including proudly that the Japanese New Year will never get rid of China's influence.

According to the Japanese government, the Japanese year will be Lingwa (Japanese Nian Reiwa) from May 1st, and Linghe and the oldest poetry collection in Japan.Number.

The Japanese media have been compiled. From the beginning of the year of the Tang Dynasty, the year number of the Tang Dynasty has been followed in 1374, and all the 247 years in Japan stem from Chinese classics such as the Four Books and Five Classics, without exception.

China's official response was very decent. Geng Shuang, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was asked when asked about the Japanese New Year account: This is Japan's internal affairs, and we do not comment.

However, some Chinese self -media couldn't help but shout at ease: Japan's New Year's number could not turn the palm of China in China!

It doesn't make sense at all.

The Wanye Integrated Book is from the late 7th century to the late 8th century during the Nara period.The song of the plum blossoms from the fifth volume of the Wanye Ji Ji Ji Jiao: The 32nd preface of the plum blossoms: The moon is the moon in the early spring.

The background of this volume is that the Japanese poet and the politician companion travelers held a plum banquet, and the people attended 32 songs.

Netizens pointed out that the above -mentioned situation is similar to the preface of the Lanting Pavilion written by the Eastern Jin Dynasty calligraphy and politician Wang Xizhi in 353 AD.The keywords are also from the Eastern Han inventor Zhang Heng in 138 AD, who was the same as Zhongchun Lingyue, which was exactly the same.

Netizens also pointed out that the concept of Lingyue first came from Chinese ancient books such as the ceremonial Chinese scholars in the thirteen classics of Confucianism;The flowers of the Japanese first thought of the Japanese.

Japanese culture is inspired by Chinese culture. Even the oldest Japanese literature can see the shadow of Chinese literature. This is an objective fact.

Some Chinese netizens are therefore immersed in cultural superiority. For example, there is a message: After all, your uncle is still your uncle, don't de -Chineseization.There are also netizens spoofing, with other segments of Chinese ancient books, the source of the Japanese New Year is as a pseudo -literature such as the order of the order.

However, some Chinese netizens showed cultural confidence in a message, saying that they do not need to rely on the Japanese New Year to have Chinese elements to feel confident.

Japan's Tongcai WeChat account wrote that in the Internet, it is pointed out that the above -mentioned Sino -Japanese literature similarities are actually Japanese scholars such as Yamazaki Kenji, the Japanese publishing house, and a number of Japanese netizens.Chinese netizens lamented in a message that it was found by Japanese netizens first. Japanese netizens also learned about Chinese classical literature than Chinese netizens.

Some netizens have emotions that it is the most valuable that can inherit the ancient culture and affect the entire society. In this regard, Japan is better than blue out of blue.

In the end, it is Chinese netizens or Japanese netizens to dig out the Chinese elements first to correct the Japanese government's statement. It is not easy to verify for a while. It is not necessarily important to know more about Chinese classical literature than who knows Chinese classical literature.

I think it is more interesting that in a major issue in the year, Japanese netizens and scholars can publicly sing on the Internet and put forward the arguments to negate the official interpretation to affirm the influence of Chinese culture.Confidence in the Japanese government and society.

On the other hand, actor Zhao Lixin asked on Weibo the day before yesterday: The Japanese occupied Beijing for eight years. Why didn't he snatch the cultural relics in the Forbidden City and burn out the Forbidden City?Is this in line with the nature of the aggressor?

He was strongly criticized for this. He apologized yesterday: I am a Chinese blood flowing in my bones, and I will never wash the ground for thugs.On the issue of national honor and disgrace, the Chinese people's room for different opinions is much narrower.