Author: Eric Middot; Harvert

As the world is preparing for the new fifth -generation (or 5G) communication technology deployment, China has become increasingly prominent as equipment suppliers and global system standardists.However, is the world ready to accept Chinese participation?Will the suspicion of Chinese technology motivation lead to differentiation, so that some countries use the omnidirectional 5G network, and other countries use low -equipped 5G?

The deployment of 5G networks will completely change many aspects of daily life.As the transmission speed is increased from about 70Mbps of 4G to 4.5Gbps of 5G, 5G smartphone users will find that all speeds are accelerated from video content download to mobile game functions.And 5G will also bring many other new functions, such as wireless virtual reality, remote surgery, and network smart cars, factories and residentials.

In terms of deployment and experiments of 5G networks, Chinese mobile operators and smartphone manufacturers have been in the first place. They have advantages with Chinese equipment manufacturers in competing for the global 5G cake share.For example, there are media reports in China that by the beginning of 2019, Beijing Mobile has operated a 5G base station in the Chinese capital, and its download speed is 2.8 GBPS, which can transmit a few G films of a 5G device within a few minutes.The operator also plans to achieve comprehensive 5G coverage within the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing before the end of the year.Beijing Unicom has installed multiple 5G base stations at multiple locations in 2018. Beijing Telecom will set up a 5G exhibition hall at the 2019 Beijing International VR/AR World Expo to show virtual reality and network functions.

Chinese smartphone manufacturers are also leading 5G mobile phone sales.At the Barcelona World Mobile Communications Conference in February 2019, OPPO announced that it would launch its 5G Android phone in the spring of 2019. Xiaomi launched a price of $ 679 at a price of $ 679 and will be sold in May.Huawei, the leader of global telecommunications equipment, is also unwilling to show weakness. It launched a foldable 5G Mate X smartphone that is said to be able to reach 4Gbps.Outside China, Samsung, South Korea, also has a foldable 5G mobile phone Galaxy Fold, but its price is as high as $ 1980.As for the smartphone designed by the United States, the analysis of human analysis is expected that 5G iPhone will not be available until 2020.

As early as March 2018, the U.S. government's US Foreign Investment Commission issued a report, expressing the rapid development of Chinese 5G technology in China and China's possibility of becoming the leading force in the field.The committee claims that Huawei has about 10%of 5G necessary patents. After these technologies are included in the international recognized standards of 5G operating systems, the holder will obtain a generous patent fee.

According to statistics from the German market intelligence company iPlytics, by the end of 2018, Huawei has a total of 933 5G necessary patents, second only to Samsung's 1166 items.China ZTE is ranked third with 796 items.A report from the Chinese media said that by February 2019, Huawei already has a maximum of 5G patents, reaching 1529, and the company has a total of 36%of 5G patents with ZTE and two other Chinese companies.The report pointed out that American companies only have 14%of patents.However, some communication technology patents, such as those patents owned by Qualcomm, USA are more valuable than other patents, so the absolute number of Huawei patents may not necessarily be converted into unprofitable profits.

Even before 5G technology appeared, the United States suspected that Huawei was a potential entrance to the Chinese government for espionage.In 2011, the US government prevented Huawei from acquiring the California technology startup 3Leaf Systems, and in early 2018, ATT forced ATT to abandon the sales of Huawei mobile phones in the United States.The Chinese company attracted global attention last December. Its chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada because the United States accused her of fraudulently fraudulent US banks and violated the sanctions order with Iran.

After the United States took the lead in prohibiting government and government contractors from using most of Huawei, ZTE and other Chinese companies, Australia and New Zealand also announced in 2018 that they would not allow Huawei to participate in their 5G network construction.Government and telecommunications operators in Japan and Britain either have decided or are considering similar bans.However, American allies Germany seems to be more willing to allow Huawei to participate in the construction of the new system. As Economic Minister Peter Middot; Aldmer pointed out in early March 2019 that Germany did not intend to exclude any company in the upcoming 5G bidding.Including Huawei.

At the same time, Huawei's CEO of Cisco System Company's CEO Chake Middot; Robbins suggested that governments do not have to worry about Huawei dominated 5G technology, indicating that the current infrastructure of the world is by communications equipment from Europe, China, the United States and other places.Commonly built by merchants.Although Huawei has competitiveness in the field of wide -range radio technology and core network equipment, Robbins pointed out that there will be no manufacturers with 5G equipment.Even the 2018 report of the US Foreign Investment Council acknowledged that the United States still dominates the formulation of standards.

Although measures are taken to limit Huawei's penetration, as of the end of last year, Huawei has signed 26 5G commercial contracts to ship more than 10,000 base stations in the global market.According to Guo Ping, the chairman of Huawei, for those 5G markets that choose not to cooperate with Huawei, they are like NBA games without star participation.

As for Huawei's future role in the US market, this Chinese company tried a new strategy in early March to promote it.It sued the U.S. government and claimed that it had been threatened as a security threat.Although the possibility of success in the lawsuit is very small, Huawei's publicly and reliable insistence on its equipment can consolidate its good reputation in Europe and other developed markets in Europe and the world.

Therefore, the United States and its allies and most countries in the world may differentiate in the 5G field in the future.If the United States and a few developed countries refuse the Chinese -made 5G equipment and smart phones of Huawei or other manufacturers, then these countries may have to adapt to a variety of functions that can provide a lack of cutting -edge technology.