U.S. Judicial Minister William Barr submitted to Congress Robert S. Mueller III on the same day, saying that the investigation did not find the Trump campaign team in Russia during the 2016 election.This is also a key report that Trump has not been in Russia after the report of the Intelligence Commission of the two hospitals.

Although many investigations around Trump have no conclusion, including whether it has hindered justice and campaign violations, the introduction of Miller's report, or the end of the Russian investigation, is of great significance to Trump's symbols.At the technical level, the end of this survey is a victory for Trump.As for the political struggle caused by the content involved in the report, it was another matter.

Judging from the corner of Trump, the introduction of Miller's report made him get four gifts.

First, the counterattack was defended and the Democratic Party was passive.

In the process of investigating Trump in Congress and Miller, Trump has been packaging the survey as a Democratic political persecution or down his conspiracy.Neither the Congress report and the Miller report found the evidence of Trump's ordinary Russia, which only allowed Trump to further sit in this allegations of Democrats.No matter how refuting the Democratic Party at this time, Trump will be countered in a timely manner.Moreover, with this report, the Republican Party's opposition and questioning Trump's voice will be reduced, and more unity before the 2020 election.

As the Ministry of Justice announces the stage of the report content, the public will inevitably start discussions.The Democratic Party will inevitably take the opportunity to play.At this moment, the US public has been exhausted by investigation and impeachment, so the Democratic Party is also afraid of the end, and it is not advisable to easily provoke public nerves.If the Democratic Party holds Russia, it will only make the Democratic Party more passive.

Second, consolidate and even widen the voter foundation.

Trump's report on Miller emphasized that he was not guilty to hear domestic voters.It took 22 months, nearly 20 million US dollars, wasted so much manpower, and finally got the result of his firm conviction.Especially when Trump is about to officially launch the 2020 election for re -election, Miller's report was introduced at the time.The laws and ethical issues he face will be relieved.At least they no longer question and oppose Trump as much as before.

As an election strategy, Trump will continue to emphasize the political conspiracy of the Democratic party since the Obama administration, so as to maintain the basic market for voters.Coupled with the advantages of the president or head of state, Trump may even expand his voter's foundation on the basis of consolidating hardcore voters.

Third, enhance the international reputation and image, and reduce the impression of weakness abroad.

Investigation of Russia is an American internal affairs incident, but it is also a hot spot that is widespread by the international community.Trump reported that he was not guilty to hear the world.This is also to establish a strong position in the country and avoid being tagged by the judicial investigation scandal of the judicial investigation.Of course, the domestic innocent president will also be better, and more respect will be enjoyed abroad.Without the Russian investigation, foreign countries will have less voices about Trump's vulnerable presidents.

At the international level, Miller's survey proves the professionalism of US judicial surveys, which is a good thing for the image of the United States.The Wall Street Journal Agency group also lamented that all Americans should be happy for the end of the end of the enemy's betrayal of the country.The editorial said that Fortunately, the conclusion of Miller's report regained the public's confidence in the US political system and election fairness, otherwise it would only cause the United States to fall into a political crisis.

Fourth, we will sweep a major concern in diplomacy and have a better relationship with Putin.

Although Miller's report did not prove that Trump was ordinary, it was determined that Russia did try to influence the results of the 2016 election.In other words, the content of the report will inevitably bring more noise to US -Russian relations.Congress will also prevent Russia more and increase checks and balances on the Trump administration's US -Russian relations.However, diplomacy has always been the White House.When Miller was still investigating, Trump had not avoided suspicion, actively approached Russia and emphasized his personal relationship with Russian President Putin.Now Miller reports that he has not been in Russia, Trump will only deal with Putin more freely.

Although Trump received the above four gifts.But as far as the current cracking political atmosphere is concerned, Miller's report will not eliminate the mania and hostility of US politics.For example, does Trump hinder justice?Why is there no conclusion on Miller's report?Democratic logic is simple.They believe that one of the basis for Miller's investigation is whether Trump was expelled from James Comey because of the Russian survey.The Trump team said that this was a judge's job, not the task of prosecutors.In addition, the content of the report will not be completely disclosed, and it will also make the Democratic party politics.It also depends on how the Trump administration's judicial department should publish the time and content of the report at the request of Congress.