Deng Yanwen: Bad supervision and governance always monopolize public power in one way. The government is the only subject of governance, or other subjects are only the vassals of the government.

With a loud noise, 78 lively lives were gone.

This explosion that occurred in Tianjiayi Chemical Plant in Xiangshui County, Yancheng, Jiangsu was the most incidental accident in China in recent years.It allows the Chinese government to vigorously rectify the efforts of various accidents to be black and can be regarded as samples for the failure of local governance in China.

Good governance is first manifested as good supervision.Although the government is the main body of supervision, supervision is not just a government singing unicorn, and individuals of enterprises, communities and citizens should also participate. It is the process of cooperation and common governance of these diverse subjects.That is, the government's injustice or public concern can respond to and actively solve it in a timely manner, and the public can also understand their public responsibilities, consciously fulfill their obligations, and actively participate in public affairs.The diverse subjects are not only guarding the duty, not invading each other's field, and through joint participation, interaction, response, and supervision to create a safe, harmonious and active community/social environment.This is the good rule that experts say.

The bad supervision and governance always monopolize public power by the government. The government is the only subject of governance, or there are multiple subjects on the surface. However, in fact, other subjects are only the masters of the government.Independence power is completely the government.In addition, although the government has also established a system and specifications in public affairs and social management, including accountability mechanisms, these are basically idle. Officials are keen to avoid harm, fighting for harm, fighting for more, and more than more.The mind and energy are used in interpersonal relationships.The regulators and the regulators are made into one. Whether it is for personal interests or GDP political performances, it actually formed an alliance of interests. It is reflected in the supervision process.Essence

We can see cases where there are too many countries or local governance in the world.Generally speaking, they all have the following characteristics: First, they cannot provide basic social and life order, or in this social order, the principle of dominance is the rules and jungle rules of animals; the second is that there are some failed countries/Although the region has established basic order, the people, especially the lack of social security of the disadvantaged groups, will suffer no delusion at any time.It is also unbelievable that the official system and mechanism, and officials regard the people as Diao people. To maintain the rule and governance, they can only rely on the official one -way forced force.

The countries/places with one of these characteristics can be attributed to failed countries/regions, but the degree of failure is different. At the same time, the three are countries/regions that are serious failures.

It is measured that many places in China have been in a state of governance for many years.Sound water is an example.In Xiangshui, the people are seriously lacking in security. The absence of their sense of security is not from the collapse of the basic order of society, but from the government's long -term poor supervision of hazardous chemical companies.The government cannot win the basic trust of the people.

Sorting out public reports of the media, Chenjiagang Chemical Park, where the perpetrator Tianjiayi Chemical Factory is located, can be described as inferior. Not only did there be too many explosions, leaks and fire accidents since 2007, but also caused 10,000 villagers to escape in 2011.EssenceThe company has been criticized by local environmental protection departments many times, and the State Administration of Safety Supervision issued a letter in 2018.The chairman of the enterprise has also been sentenced and punished by the court for illegally dealing with hazardous wastes and severely polluted the environment.

However, for the Chenjiagang Chemical Park and the enterprises involved, the local regulatory authorities have seriously missed their duties.Although within half a month before the explosion, local leaders have also demanded that the problems of issues of issues have been suspended and rectified, including the morning of the explosion, the government convened the main person in charge of the county's key enterprises to conduct a special lecture on safety production training.Take strict rectification measures. The so -called attention is only reflected in the conference and documents, or with fine instead of rectification. When the company sees the government's way of walking and passes, he dares to do it and produce it illegally.

What needs to be pointed out here is the experience of responding to media supervision more than 10 years ago by the media more than 10 years ago.In 2007, there was an explosion in Xiangshui and dozens of people. The accident attracted the central media to interview and report to obstruct the media to buy reporters.Afterwards, the Xiangshui Propaganda Department summarized this approach into the so -called experience.In fact, the experience of rolling water is a common phenomenon in China. As long as scandals and accidents occur, the practices in various places are basically the same and similar.As a process of governing the society, it is used to treat public opinion supervision with this strict thinking and practice, and at the same time, it also blocked the public's basic trust in the government.In 2011, the background of 10,000 people fled after the rumors of the explosion of Xiangshuizhi plant.This shows that the trust of the people and the government has reached its unprecedented grim.The government is not unaware of this, but unwilling to solve it.

This is the true portrayal of local governance in China. It not only exists at the local level, but also exists at the national level.As far as the latter is concerned, in the words of some scholars, China's development has formed a governance mechanism and management style of motion and conventional governance, dual -track operation in recent years, that is, the inertia and puppets of conventional power with sports governance are used to continueThe great economic and social mission is continuously completed, and at the same time, it is used to avoid the out of control of exercise with conventional technical governance.

However, for local governments and officials, due to the non -stable and clear institutional protection, the subjective evaluation and judgment of superiors are difficult to ponder. This dual -track operating mechanism will cause no disappointment in governance.Investing and operating interpersonal relationships are used to trying to figure out the intention of superiors.It is an important criterion for an official to have a sense of view and grasp. It is the norm for the daily management of the government and the scene to become a kind of lazy administration and idling.Coupled with the pressure of GDP's performance, unless something or the problem is staring too tightly, or is already in an urgent state. If it is not handled, it will seriously affect the career.Pressing down, easy to be confused by the other party.In fact, in many cases, the specific regulators can be aware of the seriousness of the problem. However, since everyone is perfunctory, there is a chance to have a fluke and follow the wave.

From the strict perspective of regulatory rules and regulations, China is actually not bad, but in the end, it is difficult to escape the layers of management and layer of soft fate without exception.In terms of governance, there is no corresponding execution mechanism.In view of the government's monopoly public power, society is in an atomic state, and the people of accidents have to rely on the government's single relief pipeline. Therefore, in order to avoid accidents, the government's sense of responsibility is very important and critical.Unfortunately, in most cases, this is not the case.As a result, the officials and the people are divorced, and the people have lost their government trust.

The failure story of China's local governance will continue to be written.No matter how high levels emphasize the people at all levels, there must be people in the hearts of officials, and to take high pressure, but according to the current situation, as long as the party leadership is not changed and the official as the only subject governance subject is not changed.The people's indifference and passing and passing will be the same.

(Note: The author is an independent scholar, a researcher at China Strategic Analysis Think Tank. This article only represents the author's personal point of view.