Gardner: As ISIS loses the last site, the West urgently needs to reflect on how to change the foreign policy that gave birth to the throwlism, otherwise a more vicious terrorist forces will emerge sooner or later.

With the support of the US Air Force, the Syrian Kurdish armed forces will soon end the Harry, which controls Syria and one -third of Iraq during the heyday a few years ago.Islamic State (ISIS) is about to lose its last main stronghold in the Syria border and the Euphoria Valley Mdash; MDash; Bachuz.The survivors of this jihad organization have entered the wild wilderness, regaining terror and suicide attacks, and some foreign combatants may bring the war back to China.

The primary task of security departments in various countries will be to prevent a new wave of terrorist attacks that have trauma to Paris and Nice, Brussels and Berlin, London and Manchester, Istanbul and Akara.

However, as the Harry's country that pose a threat to the Middle East has reached the end of the road, what is urgent now is to reflect on how to change the Western foreign policy that reliably spawns the sacred war.If the West continues to act in the Middle East, it is only a matter of time for a more vicious terrorist forces.

For the first time, modern jurisdictionalism was helped at the end of the Cold War, when it was auxiliary forces in the West.It was the jihad supported by the United States in the 1980s that fought with the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, and launched an evil war for Osama; Osama Bin Laden and Al-QAEDA, and the 9/11 terrorist attack buriedDrop the foreshadowing.But after entering this century, the West's stupid and wrong record in the Middle East was amazing MDash; MDASH; and there was no excuse for the Cold War.

U.S. leaders' invasion of MDASH; mdash; in the United States and Britain, they sell MDash; MDASH; the most shocking dull move.For a country that has been overwhelmed by war, sanctions, and tyranny, this disaster from the sky brings the deterrent of the United States that brings the United States to brag, it is better to show the limitations of American power ruthless.

The US invasion and occupation of the regional pattern will be disrupted, and the Shiites (in the majority of Iraq) in Islam will be put on the throne of power in Islam.massacre.While spreading enthusiastic Sunni jihadism, this sectarian killing has also strengthened the power of Shiites clergy and militia that ruled Iran, making Iran the main beneficiary of this war.The future of the region is subject to the agent war between the Iranian and Sunni -dominated Saudi Arabia, and the Israeli and Iranian President Donald Bull; Trump's Donald Trump (Donald Trump);Confrontation.

A large part of this situation is expected, and some people have made such expected.The Iraq war has always been a regional game with no consequences.The United States' great increase in troops from 2007 to 2009 saved a little honor. At that time, the U.S. military combined with Sunni tribal militia and defeated the predecessor of the Iraqi branch MDASH; mdash; ISIS.

However, ISIS was later reincarnated, born in the ashes of neighboring Syria, and returned to Iraq in 2014 to create a cross -border Harry to get the country.It is necessary to remember that the number of people at the beginning of the rising period of the jihad is not yet on the MDASH; mdash; after losing all the sites, MDash; MDASH; one -tenth of the number of people who can still rely on.They have re -launched the attack in Anbar and Nineveh in western and central Iraq.In 2003, they emerged in these areas, and they re -assembled there in 2014.

This is not the random phenomenon of the area or the unrelated feature.It is the result of the result of Western policy MDASH; mdash; or as far as Syria, which has lasted 8 years in brutal civil war, is the result of the lack of Western policy.

Outstanding US diplomat William Bull; William Burns helped the President of Barack; President Barack Obama reached the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement (signed by Iran and six world countries).He pointed out in his recently published memoir that the White House led by Obama often uses minimalist means to pursue the goal of the highest programmer.He refers to a major failure of Obama in 2013: Syrian President Bull Bull; Bashar Al-Assad regime uses the Salin Poison Qi to deal with the civilians of the anti-government army occupation zone, and Obama did not fulfill the punishment of AssadThe commitment of regime.But there is a larger gap between the goals and means.

Adventureism and hesitation fatal cocktails mean that the United States and Europe had encouraged the rebels dominated by Sunni in Syria to resist the Assad regime and promised to provide it (although the results were not provided) to overthrow the need to overthrow the Assad regime.Weapons and funds.On the contrary, the West subcontracted the mission of the armed opposition to the allies, such as the Saudi Arabia led by Wahhabi, which led the opposition camp to the Islamic extremism.This can also be expected.It helps turns Syria into a magnet that attracts extremists.

As Obama worried about Afghanistan and Iraq, Syria gradually became a copy of these two countries.In Washington, it is painful to avoid accidental consequences in Syria. Mdash; mdash; especially for the first -class Sunni anti -government forces, they will always be betrayed.

Today, Trump wants to declare the victory of ISIS and then withdraw troops from Syria.Western reckless intervention has not worked, and considering that the withdrawal of the troops has not worked, including the withdrawal from Libya and Iraq.It is undeniable that these are difficult choices.Intervention (such as in Libya and Iraq) did not work without fully promising to rebuild a country.However, in Syria, the United States and its allies made dangerous attempts, but now they are considering rebuilding under the circumstances where Assad's tyranny is still there.

Deraa mdash; MDASH; Assad, the southern Syrian city of Syrian, starting 8 years ago, to commemorate this moment, for his father, the late Hafez Al-Assad,A new bronze statue to replace the rebels under the beginning of the civil war.This is likely to reflect the Sad regime's view of rebuilding: fully restores the autocratic rule of the Assad family mdash; MDASH; this is another great gift given to jihadism.

Translator/He Li