Former Secretary for Administration, Chen Fangsheng, visited the United States with two Pan -Civil Legislative Council members and was interviewed by Vice President Pence. The specifications were very high. No wonder she smiled brightly.Chen Tai was waiting for the first time. About five years ago, she met with Democratic Chairman Li Zhuming, then Vice President Biden.The U.S. government arranged this breakdown of this time, not improvisation, nor accidental. One of the rules can be seen that when the United States wants to fight against China, the "Hong Kong chess" is a large -scale faction, and the Pan -politics guest has the opportunity to be put on a chessboard.For the United States, when meeting with them, they talk about human rights, freedom, and autonomy, all of which are just a bunch of spectacles. The real calculation is how to curb China to obtain the maximum national interests. Conversion of China to put on the people on the people to get on the chessboard Chen Tai and Li Zhuming visited the United States last time. In April 2014, everyone should remember that at the time, the Chief Executive of the Chief Executive was arguing that the political style was surging.The society shrouded the atmosphere of "changes".At that time, Biden met with the two people, which was directly related to changing the global strategy in the United States, and this new strategy continued to this day. For more than ten years before 2014, the United States directly or indirectly induced the color revolution in Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, overthrowing anti -Western governors.After U.S. President Barack Obama came to power, he saw that these regions had been settled, but the Asia -Pacific region rose due to China's rise and threatened to the United States. Then he formulated a "return to Asia" strategy to seek "Rebarancing" in the Asia -Pacific region.At this time, the United States turned to Hong Kong again, seeking to change Hong Kong's political system, so that the forces that resisted Beijing could be governed as a pawn that contains China. Chen Tai and Li Zhuming were met with the intention of the United States. Soon after, Hong Kong broke out in Hong Kong's occupation similar to the "color revolution".Connect these things in series, it is not difficult to see the connection with the US "return to Asia" strategy.As the New York Times article said at the time, the US checks and balance objects were the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Now the Soviet Union does not exist, and the check -and -balance target has turned into China.Based on this analysis, the United States' strategy for Hong Kong is a link of the "hegemony" of the United States and China in the New Cold War era. The two strong games in the United States play the "Hong Kong Card" In the past five years, the new Cold War in the United States and China not only did not ease, but was upgraded, but it turned to economic and trade and science and technology battlefields.President Trump launched a trade war to China last year. On the surface, he wanted to reduce trade redness. In fact, it was to combat the Chinese economy, defeated its scientific and technological development, and finally weakened each other's national strength and let himself dominate the world. Two major powers, Hong Kong, international city, which is in the forefront of China, is inevitable that the clouds are inevitable and inevitably become a card that the United States wants to use.As the trade war has entered a subtle stage, the United States has obviously more actively using Hong Kong's unique economic and trade role in the near future as a bargaining chip with China, and "canceling the status of Hong Kong's unique tariff area" has become a suspension of hanging on the heads of China and Hong Kong.Threat opponents to win more. According to this strategic direction, Tang Weikang, Consul General in Hong Kong, rarely pointed out that Beijing eroded Hong Kong autonomy, and said that "one country, two systems" faced risks, and warned that the Hong Kong independent tariff status was considered.Repeat this tone. EMSP; EMSP; From this perspective, Burns meets Chen Tai is just a step of chess in the United States.All are "chess pieces", and they are just a "over -the -world death".Is they doing benefits for Hong Kong or for the United States?The people in the pan -people should reflect on it carefully.