The United States regards China as a strategic opponent, and in the Obama era, there was a double pressure of geopolitical overlapping geopolitical economy, that is, the Asia -Pacific rebalancing strategy and the cross -Pacific partnership Agreement (TPP).During the Trump era, he directly implemented a trade war against China, and aimed at Huawei and ZTE in China, Huawei and ZTE, to prevent the development of China and maintain an absolute leading position in the United States.

Now, the European Union's strategy for China has also begun to change, and began to focus on reviewing China and reconstructing Sino -European relations.On March 12, the European Commission announced a 10 action plans for China.

The main point of the action plan is that the European Union must establish a more balanced economic relationship with China, and requires the leaders of EU countries to curb Chinese state -owned enterprises and strengthen the prevention of cybersecurity threats from Chinese enterprises.This not only made people call for the United States allies to give up Huawei.

The five -eyed alliance led by the United States and other Western countries, whether they oppose Huawei 5G technology and equipment, or are full of doubts about Huawei, are basedUnsafe technology and equipment can cause leakage of intelligence and technology.This is the case for Huawei, other Chinese state -owned enterprises have also been in foreign investment, no matter where they go, they will serve the Chinese government.

The United States has surged Huawei and ZTE, and called on allies to abandon Huawei technology, which is based on the needs of Sino -US trade friction.Especially in the final stage of the Sino -US trade negotiations, the United States launched a centralized attack on Huawei 5G technology to force China to make more concessions in order to achieve the U.S. priority that Trump expects.If the U.S. game is clear and the goals are direct, the European Union's strategic relationship with China not only follows the United States, but also a later consciousness.

At this time or earlier last year, in the face of Trump's protectionism and unilateralism, the European Union regarded China as an important force to support globalization.China has always regarded the European Union as an important pole.Of course, in the Sino -US trade friction, the European Union also try to avoid choosing stations as much as possible.China Europe has consensus in opposing US unilateralism, while the United States and Europe have a common position on the poor protection of Chinese intellectual property rights.

The European Union's 10 action plans in China, the core content is to have a new understanding of China and be vigilant about China's strategic forces.More importantly, in terms of relations with China, the European Union has clarified the category of cooperation with China, such as climate cooperation, but also pointed out the risks of the existence of Chinese enterprises, technology, and capital to enter the European Union.A more fair competitive environment.

Obviously, the EU's requirements for China are two -way. On the one hand, the M & A projects of China's capital in the European market should meet the high standards of EU labor and environment.At the same time, it is hoped that EU countries should face legislative adjustments in the face of Chinese investment to prevent the impact of Chinese state -owned enterprises and state subsidies on the EU market.On the other hand, the European Union also called on China to fulfill its commitment to enter the market, including reform of the WTO, especially about subsidy and mandatory technology transfer, and reaching an agreement on bilateral investment by 2020, and hope that the Chinese market will be expanded.

What's more, the EU requires member states to seek consistent principles on 5G network security issues.In short, there are anxiety about Huawei 5G technology and equipment, and it feels that the best member states abandon Huawei technology and equipment.In this regard, the British Financial Times on the 13th stated that the 10 action plans of the European Commission were regarded China as a systematic competitor, and VOA bluntly stated that the European Union's new strategic documents called China as competitors.

The European Union has always been suspicious of China, but now it is more anxious or even panicked.On the one hand, it is because of the influence of Sino -US trade frictions and the traditional alliance relationship between the Atlantic Straits, which has caused the EU to follow the US anti -China pace.On the other hand, the European Union is facing an unprecedented crisis.The German economy showed a downward trend, the role of the EU's leader decreased, France was deeply trapped in yellow vests, and Brexit became Drag Europe, and Italy did not care about the US and European opposition to join the Belt and Road Initiative.To strengthen the centrifugal force, we need to find a realistic opponent to enhance the sense of crisis of the EU countries and enhance the cohesion of the EU.

However, the European Commission proposed that these 10 action plans have discussed at the European Council of Brucel from March 21st to 22nd, and paved the way for the European Union and China to hold a summit in Brussels on April 9.It seems unlikely whether this can reach a consensus to accept the EU countries.After all, it is more difficult for the European Union to speak with a sound than ever.Not to mention that in order to alleviate the country's crisis and fiscal tension, it has to join the Belt and Road Initiative. Previously, Portugal, Greece, and some Central and Eastern European countries also joined the Belt and Road Initiative.

Starting from the European sovereign debt crisis, Greece and Italy believed that cooperation with Chinese economic cooperation was more reliable.In addition, although the EU's internal attitude is hesitant, the EU has not reached the consensus of abandoning Huawei 5G.The US ambassador to Germany forced Germany to abandon Huawei, but triggered a rebound in Germany.The Wall Street Journal, which is onlooker Qing, said on the 13th that EU officials acknowledged that it was indeed a serious challenge to form a unified line in the European Union.

Regardless of the United States or the European Union, there have been suspicion and anxiety about China.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kan said on the 13th that he said on the 13th that he hoped that the European side would be objective, rational, and fair to the development of China and the new round of reform and opening up. With the Chinese side, it continued to promote the sustainability, health, and stability of Sino -European relations.develop.

It is normal for the EU relations to be adjusted to China. However, the EU must have the backbone instead of following the United States. Otherwise, the long -term good strategic relationship formed by China Europe may face the danger of deterioration.The key is that the European Union has now become a community of interests that are loose and their lines.In the face of China's release of interest signals, it is difficult for the European Union to speak to China like the United States and make a fist.Therefore, the European Union's strategy for China is just to release deep anxiety.

(The author is a senior researcher at the China Chahar Society, a guest researcher at the Chongyang Financial Research Institute of Renmin University of China)