So far after the Ethiopian Aircraft Cross -Air Corporation has been questioned by many parties.Local time on Tuesday (March 20), Boeing issued a statement, but still did not have a positive problem.Two accidents involving Boeing 737 MAX are accidental or a trap?Behind these two crashing accidents, it actually contains the severe crisis facing the United States.

At present, the black box of the crashed aircraft has been found. Although there is no formal and comprehensive result of the cause of the accident, according to the statement of the Ministry of Transport of Ethiopia, the black box information of the Corporation of Ethiopia is significantly similar to the crash of the Indonesian Lion Airlines in October last year.At the point.

On March 17, a group of engineers composed of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Boeing acknowledged on the 17th that Boeing faded a security issue around the MCAS system in order to launch its next -generation narrow -body aircraft in competitors Airbus.Pushed 737 MAX to the market before.The engineer also said that FAA commissioned most of the 737 MAX security test to Boeing and believed in Boeing's conclusion.

Federal prosecutors and Ministry of Transport officials are conducting an unusual investigation on the development of Boeing 737 MAX passenger aircraft, and the jury has issued a subpoena.Boeing is now facing a global trust crisis and criminal investigation. This incident should bring deeper thinking to the United States and the world.

U.S. President Trump did not issue instructions on March 13 until the Boeing 737 MAX banned Boeing 737 MAX in other countries around the world.Earlier, Faa insisted that the aircraft had no systemic problems and therefore did not have a basis for flight.Trump seems to be convinced of this. Even after the announcement of the ban, Trump still praises Boeing as a very, great company, with extraordinary performance records.

As the largest aviation manufacturing company in the world's largest operating income, Boeing is divided into the world in the air buses jointly established by the civil aviation market and Europe, and there is no need to repeat status.However, its monopoly position may also explain the reason why the US government has delayed banning Boeing 737 MAX, Trump and FAA's ambiguous attitude.

Aircraft manufacturing is an important pillar industry in the US economy, while Boeing provides tens of thousands of employment positions for aircraft production.If a cross -border company has a crisis, it is impossible for the US government to watch.

The Boeing 737 MAX models have reached 5012 in total global orders (the price of each passenger aircraft is between 125 million and US $ 130 million). These orders are unreasonable because of the current ban.If Boeing is determined to be responsible for the accident, according to the most conservative estimation, the claims and fines it face will reach $ 5 billion.If it is confirmed that the company's technicians are not reported to this, the amount of claims will reach a higher level, which does not include the request of compensation from the affected airlines.

According to estimates, if the crash of the passenger plane is caused by Boeing's passenger aircraft safety issues, this time Boeing will face a loss of trillions of dollars, including the market value of evaporation, the cancellation of the order, and the cancellation of other machines that the buyer loses confidence.Order.This is not only a blow to Boeing, but also a blow to the US aircraft manufacturing industry and even the US economy.

From this point of view, Trump's praise of Boeing seems to be understandable that FAA's attitude towards Boeing's extreme protection may be more because of the habit of helping super -large monopoly companies.What's more, there are inextricable connections between Trump and Boeing, and Boeing's huge lobbying ability in Washington.For the United States, Boeing is too large (Too Big to Fail.

It is too large that the book itself can tell the US government's assistance to large Wall Street financial institutions before the 2008 financial crisis broke out.However, a scene of the U.S. government's handling Boeing incident seemed to have known each other.

Like Wall Street's large insurance companies and investment banks, there is an inseparable connection between Boeing and the US government.

Boeing Chief Executive Officer Dennis Muilenburg came to the White House to clear relationships many times after the 2016 Trusti winning election. Trump even asked to reduce the cost of the Presidential Presidential President Air Place of Boeing.After Twitter's Twitter stated that contemporary aircraft were becoming more and more complicated and difficult to control, the two also called, and Millenberg once again guaranteed the security of the President.

Boeing's political lobby last year spent more than $ 15 million.During the mid -2018 election alone, Boeing sent a fundraising committee to a number of Congress candidates and other political organizations.In addition, Boeing is the second largest defense partner of the US government. From 2014 to 2018, the contractual contract between Boeing and the government reached US $ 14 billion.

Like the rotating door between Wall Street and the White House, there are also such channels in Boeing executives and American politics.This also increases the government's loopholes in Boeing regulatory.

The current US Department of Defense Patrick Shanahan has previously worked in Boeing for 31 years, and he is the first unsecured experience in half a century and was directly nominated by the President's Minister of Defense.This is the case for the Ministry of National Defense, and FAA is even more so.Boeing can so easily accelerate the security test of 737 MAX, and can realize that it can give yourself a test conclusion, and it can be seen that its vulnerability is large.

Just as the US government did not save the feasible way to rescue Lehman brothers in 2008. When the initial information of Boeing 737 MAX's black box was exposed, the US forbidden flight became a stop loss to Boeing.

It is precisely because of the support and regulatory loopholes of the government for many years that Wall Street's large financial institutions will continue to expand, while adding leverage, the internal business structure is constantly complex, and eventually disconnect from the real economy, resulting in crisis.

Is this risk accumulation not reflected in other industries?Purdue Pharma, which has recently developed opioid drugs in the scandal, and Facebook, which is a lawsuit (Facebook), which is a lawsuit due to leakage user privacy information, are all leaders in their respective industries.In the eyes of the public, there will be no mistakes or safety risks, but it turns out that this is not the case.If the Boeing plane is proved to have hidden safety hazards, it only becomes the next example.

The problems of security supervision in the fields of finance, medicine and manufacturing have fallen into structural traps, and the overall development of industries and economy in the United States has also been threatened by similar traps.

Like Boeing, a leading company has become a state -owned enterprise in the United States. Its monopoly position has made the government have to protect it. It is this protection that has accelerated its decline in its competitiveness.

Compared with Boeing, which has a century -old history, European air buses have been at least 50 years later than Boeing in aircraft manufacturing. Why can two companies today be in court?Since the 1980s, the Air Bus has invested $ 19.5 billion in R & D funds.At the same time, Boeing has only developed a new type of aircraft Boeing 777 in 15 years, and the R & D investment is only one -third of Europe, and a large amount of funds have entered the financial market.

In the 1990s, in order to cope with the threat of air buses and maintained the status of a large aviation industry in the United States, Boeing announced the acquisition of another US aircraft manufacturing company Mai Dao Company, becoming the world's largest civil aircraft manufacturer at that time, and the only civilian market in the US market.Mechanism.The U.S. government, which had already passed the monopoly law before, not only did not obstruct it, but also played a booster effect.

At the same time, Boeing began to adjust its marketing strategy and used the company's strategic position in the United States. Passing the then President Bill Clinton carried out public relations activities. Until now, the US president's visit to sell aircraft has become a traditional issue.

The monopoly position of Boeing and the dilemma of the air buses areThe government's support is closely related. However, this has also led to market distortions. From 2004, Europe and the United States accused each of the WTOs that they had a huge subsidy for the aviation manufacturing industry.

The existence of enterprises that cannot be inverted itself may become a structural trap of an industry. The tragedy of the crash of Boeing planes today, and the severity of this trap.Looking back at the decline of the American automobile manufacturing industry, or the threat facing today's communication manufacturing industry, it is actually related to this structural trap.For Boeing, the blow may have just begun. Hong Kong 01