According to media reports, at 14:48 on March 21, an explosion accident occurred in Jiangsu Tianjiayi Chemical Co., Ltd., located in Xiangshui County, Yanshui County, Jiangsu, and affected 16 surrounding enterprises, residential areas and kindergartens.CCTV's latest data shows that the accident has killed 47 people (editor's note: the latest statistics, 64 people have died as of the morning of the 23rd) and 90 were seriously injured.At present, the relevant personnel of the accident have been controlled by the public security organs.

Judging from the number of casualties alone, this accident is undoubtedly a particularly major safety accident together.47 people died, they were either husbands, wives, or children.This means that just yesterday, there were 47 more broken families in this world.The fragility of life lies in the disaster that may not be avoided at any time.To this end, at any time, the most important thing is the valve that keeps life safety.

Safety is always inseparable from supervision. The more detailed the supervision, the more meticulous the supervision, and the less safety accidents will be.Starting from this logic, a safety accident, especially as a major accident like the sound water, must be inseparable from the supervision.In fact, it is reported. Some reports show that Jiangsu Tianjiayi Chemical Co., Ltd., which has exploded this time, can be said to be inferior.He has been punished by relevant departments for many times because of environmental protection, and his person in charge has been sentenced to prison.

If environmental problems have nothing to do with security, in February 2018, the company was criticized by the Names of urging rectification by the State Safety Supervision Bureau at the time, and pointed out that there were 13 hidden dangers of security, including benzene that constituted a major dangerous source of the secondary level.The jar area and methanol can not be set up with emergency cutting valves, which is undoubtedly a security issue with conclusive evidence.In fact, according to the existing information judgment, the reason for this explosion is likely to be related to this hidden danger.

What is more dramatic is that at the end of last year, during the survey of Xiangshui, the secretary of the Yancheng Municipal Party Committee went to Jiangsu Tianjiayi Chemical Co., Ltd. to learn about the implementation of the company.Through visiting the survey, the safety production of chemical enterprises has been repeatedly emphasized, and various hidden dangers are required to comprehensively investigate.A company that has been notified for many times and even criticized by the State Administration of Safety Supervision has exploded a tragic casualties due to the hidden safety hazards of the names of the name. What does this indicate?

This is undoubtedly a loud slap. The leader just paid attention to such a serious security accident.If this can not be explained in the form of unlicensed supervision, what more reasonable reason is there?Compared with the security without tricks and incompetence, the skeleton water has a single move in terms of prevention and supervision.

Together with the explosive information, the water surface is an article titled calmly to deal with the emergencies. Do a good job of public opinion guidance mdash; mdash; Xiangshui 11middot; 27 The main approach of accident news coordination work.EssenceIt is said that the local propaganda department, which records in detail how the local government has obstructed the advanced experience of national news media reporters after the 2007 explosion.

On November 27, 2007, a similar big explosion occurred in Xiangshui County. The chemical enterprise exploded during the production of heavy nitrogen salt, causing 8 people to die and dozens of people injured.After the explosion accident, the local reporters who came to Xiangshui strictly stared at it.In this regard, the wonderful text described it without any pride: At the first scene of the accident, the personnel we were stationed with the comrades of the chemical concentration area were patrolled day and night, strictly guarded the death, and resolutely discouraged the reporters interviewed privately.During the period, three groups of reporters tried to overcome the intensive walls, went deep into the scene, and were found in time by the patrol team. They immediately persuaded the scene.

The authenticity of this wonderful text cannot be judged, but the experience of preventing and control reporters mentioned by it has been confirmed by Chinese Youth Daily reporter Li Runwen.Li Runwen said in an article about water experience that on November 29, 2007, after the outbreak, the local area immediately launched an emergency plan for reporters to interview.Buy reporters and obstruct the interview.In the interview, he encountered the situation where local officials arranged for a strong makeup to wipe the woman's massage, but were rejected.

The accident occurred. Thinking not to disclose the disaster in the first time, not to concentrate on doing good afterwards, not to find the cause of the accident.The media, what does this mean?

Perhaps from some leaders of Xiangshui, it is safe to cover the problem, but it is tantamount to covering the ears and stealing.Without the truth, how can I teach?How can I prevent it without lessons?Too many lessons remind us that another disaster often occurs in such a false group and quiet.

Rescue is still continuing, and the accountability must be carried out. We can no longer describe it.

Author: Zhang Bingjian (Qianjiang Evening News commentator) Source: Qianjiang Evening News