Sing Tao Daily News

U.S. President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong -un talked about half of his leave, and canceled his subsequent work lunch. The science fiction movie in Kim Jong -un's mouth was broken.Although the two sides remained politely on the surface, they were still guarding step by step. They were unwilling to give up the enemy's ace in their hands. Therefore, it is still difficult for the Korean Peninsula to have no nuclear negotiations.

After the United States and North Korean leaders held a historic ice -breaking meeting in Singapore last June, they faked in Hanoi, Vietnam's capital.Before the meeting, the positive news was flying all over, and even revealed that the two sides planned to be a declaration of Hanoi. The leaders of the two countries signed yesterday to pave the way for the formal end of the war in the name of the two Koreas.

The two major camps of the United Nations Allied Heads led by China, North Korea, and the United States signed only the suspension agreement in 1953, not the peace. In theory, everyone is still in a state of war.The location of the meeting was selected in Vietnam, and the United States publicly stated that the Vietnamese model is worthy of the Korean mirror.

Available to be afraid of the other party repeatedly

Vietnam, like South Korea, experienced the battle in the north and south in the middle of the last century. North Vietnam later unified the country and imitated China's reform and opening up. It also repaired the relationship with the deadly against the United States of that year.With the help of Vietnam's contradictions with China on the South China Sea issue, the United States has hoped that China has hoped to improve its influence through its relationship with North Korea.

However, the premise of improving relations is that North Korea has abandoned the development of nuclear weapons.The United States has been imposing sanctions on the North Korean nuclear test explosion and missile testing, making it difficult for North Korea to improve the economy.Kim Jong -un wanted to promote reform, strengthen economic strength to improve people's livelihood, and strive to seek a comprehensive revocation of sanctions in the United States.

Last year's Singapore Conference, North Korea promised not to conduct nuclear tests and removing Ningbian nuclear facilities, but the United States did not revoke sanctions.The US position is to ensure that North Korea must fully abandon the development of nuclear weapons, including destroying its ability and facilities to re -develop their nuclear weapons, and will consider discontinue the sanction ace in their hands.This meeting, the United States pointed out that North Korea still has other nuclear weapons and missile facilities outside Ningbian, and Trump explained that he left the field because North Korea asked the United States to revoke sanctions in an all -round way.

Ensure that trade talks with successfulness to the United States

The reason why the two heads eat ginkgo together is because the two sides are still highly guarded and they do not trust each other. The United States is worried that North Korea will say that North Korea will say on the issue of limiting the core and ban nuclear weapons; North Korea will withdraw from the Iranian nuclear agreement and intervene to overthrow the U.S.Multi -country regimes are prison, and they are reluctant to give up this ace that threatens the United States and let their fish.The main significance of the Singapore meeting is to break the ice. When the meeting of Hanoi, the negotiations between the two parties entered the deep water area, and the difficulty of reaching an agreement was doubled.

Trump answered in a reporter after the meeting, saying that he was ready to leave at any time. If China does not cooperate, I will do so to China.This is concerned about whether to break the nuclear negotiations to break the situation and put pressure on China in trade negotiations.

The Sino -US trade war is currently only staying in a state of not upgrading. The two sides have not removed the tariff measures that have been levied. Just as North Korea requested the United States to fully terminate sanctions, China also hopes that the United States will fully cancel the newly issued tariffs.However, China and the United States have a strong willingness to reach an agreement because both parties have suffered losses for the trade war, and the cost is greater than the United States and North Korea do not reach an agreement.

Trump has expressed his hope to invite ... to sign an agreement in the United States, but there is a Breakthrough in Hanoi. Unless China has 100 % grasping the agreement, ... it should be appointment to the United States.