Sing Tao Daily News Agency The Chinese State Council issued an official letter to the Hong Kong Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue, asking for a report on the ban on the operation of the Hong Kong national party forbidden to the Hong Kong independence organization, and the first full text of the public letter was announced, reflecting that the central government attaches great importance to the issuance of information about Hong Kong's independence tolerance, especially some Hong Kong Hong Kong, especially some Hong Kong Hong Kong.Independent organizations still have activities, and now there are district councils and Legislative Council elections, the SAR government must adopt a tough attitude to implement the responsibility for curbing Hong Kong independence.

The central government issued a letter of letters to the SAR Government and requiring the SAR Government to submit a report.The official letter mentioned that maintaining national sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity is the responsibility of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, and the common obligations of the Chinese people, including compatriots in Hong Kong.These words are not only for the SAR government, or to Hong Kong people, and let foreign forces know what to do.

The Hong Kong National Party was founded about three years ago. It regards the Hong Kong people as a nation. Chen Haotian served as the convener of the party to promote the establishment of the Hong Kong Republic.The concept will be explained at the meeting.

In addition to support, there is a meaning to achieve

Last year, the Security Bureau qualified the National Party as an illegal organization in accordance with the regulations of the community and prohibited them from operating. Anyone provided him with money, venue, and other support. The Executive Council rejected his appeal last week.It is estimated that the party will ask the judicial review of the government's decision.

The authorities banned the Hong Kong National Party and won the qualifications of those who were not willing to vowed to support the basic law. They caused great political controversy in Hong Kong society and were viewed by international watches. The opponents believed that this was a manifestation of the two systems in Hong Kong.The central government publicly stated this time that in addition to showing the support of the SAR government's treatment of such incidents, it is also clearly requested that the chief executives and even officials at all levels must strictly adhere to the basic principles of anti -Hong Kong independence, and should not be tolerant.The constitutional status, the integrity of Hong Kong independence to destroy the national territory is over the red line, and must not be allowed.

The ban on the Hong Kong National Party has completed the procedure of the administrative organs. As for whether the judicial procedure is launched, the parties are determined by the parties. At this stage, the central government's request for submitting a report on the administrative agency of the SAR is to emphasize that this is an important responsibility and must be done well.

No split land gaps

The opponents have always questioned why the central government needs to vigorously sever some of the minority Hong Kong independent people. However, the central government has different evaluations of them.Oblowing out the fire of the stars, it is not allowed to provide a gap in any behavior of the split country.

In addition to Hong Kong independence, the central government is also facing the issues of Taiwan independence, Xinjiang independence, and Tibetan independence. These aims to split the organizations of the country, and they also have contact with Hong Kong independence people and even support each other. In addition, separatist activities have also been supported by some foreign organizations.Foreign governments are used to restrain China.The United States has played a Taiwan card for many years. In recent years, the demands of the Hong Kong National Party have also been used by some members of the United States to pressure China to form the effect of internal and external effects.

Faced with the complex domestic and foreign situation, the central government attaches great importance to the work of the Hong Kong government's ban on Hong Kong independence activities. In particular, some Hong Kong independence organizations participated in the New Year's Day parade this year, and continued to promote the concept of Hong Kong independence on campus.Establishing a parliament.There will be parliamentary elections for two years.This official letter reflects the central government's expectations of the Hong Kong government to continue to obey the responsibility of the customs clearance, not allowing parliamentary politics to become a broadcast independence platform, and show that this is the primary task of the Hong Kong government.