Sing Tao Daily News

U.S. President Trump published a state -of -the -art advice, calling on the country to choose a great choice.When he listened to his words, he had to observe his behavior. His political style was full of sensation and differentiation. He started to start and became the president who had the most speculators because of his opinions.It's easy to talk about.In the next year, the United States and even the international community may be affected by special instability.

The time to publish the state of national information alone has reflected the strong differentiation of American society and politics.Because the House of Representatives controlled by the Democratic Party refused to allocate the budget for the construction of a fence in the Mexican region, Trump refused to remove the project from the budget, which led to the federal government's longest part of history due to lack of money turnover.The national affairs counseling also had to be published for a week after the two parties were reached before the two parties reached an emergency through short -term fiscal funding.

The most remarkable campaign promise of the US -Mexico border fence, becoming the longest content in the Guoqing Counseling article, surpassing various economic and people's livelihood achievements and measures, as well as diplomatic relations such as China and North Korea.

Wallout dialing deadlock is difficult to solve

He called for the dilute party struggle, breaking the political stalemate of many years, and repairing Chen's old scars. In essence, he called on the party to go back to the party.He did not mention that the party's struggle was intensified during his tenure, nor did he not mention any political compromise he was willing to make, but only asked his opponent to cater to his political measures.

He also put Congress on the stage, pointing out that most people in the Congress had approved the construction of the wall, but did not mention that Congress had passed the midterm elections, and the majority of Democrats who opposed the walls had changed.The content of Trump's speech failed to reverse the people's feelings to himself, and did not make any political concessions or transactions, it was difficult to change the Democratic Party to change his position unless he had a new trick to break the deadlock.

The party struggle in Trump also includes a investigation by Congress and Special Prosecutor on his campaign team.He described the only thing that would hinder the US economic miracle is the stupid war, politics or ridiculous party survey, and simplified the investigation around him into a purely political party operation.

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Special prosecutors' judicial investigations should not be affected by political stances in principle. Of course, if the report is issued in the future, how to deal with it, whether the House of Representatives will propose an impeachment bill is full of political party considerations.The United States will hold a presidential election next year. Some political figures are rubbing his hands in an attempt to break Trump's re -appointed dream. Therefore, this situation will chase Trump's poor and fierce.

Even the Republican parties are not united into iron cakes.Trump has been disagreeing with the traditional Republican elite, and because he has to deal with the Democratic Party together, he barely holds it together. In fact, he mentioned that China ’s foreign trade in this time mentioned that Chinese foreign trade is cheap in the United States, and he blames the catastrophic trade policy for decades., Indirectly scolded the leaders and members of the two -party party for many years.

For the US presidential election, the two parties will set up presidential candidates through the party's primary election. Usually the ruling party will support the president to continue to be re -elected, but Trump is very controversial inside and outside the party.The detonated political bomb has caused many variables in the next or two years of American politics. Continuous disputes, and global political situations are also unclear because of American factors.