The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland has always been the focus of global attention. In the past two years, this forum has become the two -strong pioneering platform in China and the United States, Chinese President ... and US President Trump in 2017 and 2018, respectivelyAfter the forum expressions.By 2019, this trend is even more heated. ... neither of Trump attended the forum in late January, but still couldn't stop the strong smoke nitrate flavor of the Sino -US trade war.It is worthy of concern whether the European -selected edge station will move to the number one populist road in Europe in the future.

One of the biggest turns in Sino -US relations in 2018 is that the Trump administration has not only regarded China as competitors in its national security strategy, but also clearly turns China into competitors.The development of this series includes Vice President Pence's strong criticism on Beijing, punitive tariffs on the US government's export products on Chinese export products, and global blocking operations adopted by Chinese technology giants Huawei.More importantly, the Trump administration's tough policy for China has obtained a wide consensus in the United States Republican and Democratic parties, trade unions and troops.

The Trump administration has always attempted to lobby European countries side by side with the United States, especially in the national security field to be alert to China, and European countries have not accepted it.At the end of 2018, the Huawei Meng Wanzhou incident changed the entire situation. Under the premise of the sharing of intelligence resources, security and trust, Huawei has been blocked in Europe in a row, and its layout in Europe has been disintegrated rapidly in the past 20 years.

Can the Huawei incident be used as a microcosm of the Sino -US war in Europe?not necessarily.Although Europeans are more and more skeptical of the goals and strategies of Chinese leadership, they have more opposition to the Trump administration to obstruct China's rise with tough means.For many European countries, the challenges and opportunities of China's rise are coexisting, and they are unwilling to be trapped in the Cold War caused by the New Deal and Ery of China and the United States.

In 2019, European governments will have to decide whether to stand with the United States in this new strategic confrontation or formulate their own routes.The United States has recognized China ’s activities in the Asia -Pacific region and the South China Sea, as well as the opening of the Chinese market. However, in view of the limited interests of European countries in the Asia -Pacific region, China’ s economic benefits are even greater, European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries and European countries be.The focus of the United States is different.Europeans are worried about the impact of China's rise on the norms of international rule of law and democratic governance.The 16+1 initiative of China and 16 Central European and Eastern European countries in China is also considered to be a seed of differences within the European Union.

Despite these concerns, Europeans still try to avoid the positive confrontation between the US Trump administration and China.Europe avoided the White House's approach to unilateral trade sanctions on China. Instead, it promoted reforms through the World Trade Organization negotiations, restricted China's preparation of state -owned enterprises, and screened more strictly for China's acquisition of sensitive assets in Europe.

However, given a deep trade connection between Europe and Chinese markets, it is unlikely that Europe to implement a comprehensive ban on investment in China's sensitive industries like the United States.For example, although Britain has adopted a decision to cooperate in the next generation of 5G communication equipment in telecommunications companies, at the same time, Britain's nuclear regulatory agency agreed to enter the China Nuclear Industry Group to promote the British nuclear reactor plan.

In addition, China and the European Union are currently undergoing negotiations between the China -EU bilateral investment treaty. The European Union may further use the US -China trade war to ensure that China will concessions during the negotiations and open more European companies to China.European governments also hope to allow China to participate in the Group 20 (G20), because the global financial crisis broke out in 2008. Without China to voluntarily provide funding in 2009, the G20 would not be able to propose reliable insurance policies for the next global financial crisis.

On the other hand, since the Trump administration came to power, the contradiction between the United States and Europe has emerged from the Paris climate change agreement and the Iranian nuclear agreement to NATO, forcing Europe to rethink across Atlantic.

2019 is a critical year for Europe.Belows and the European Parliament elections will affect the future of the European Union. The yellow vest movement in France reveals the division and anxiety of European society.The version of Aachen Treaty has re -emphasized the German Axis League, without any reason.

The tougher the Trump administration's position in China, the more urgent the motivation to find a alternative in Europe, which does not want to be trapped in trouble.Europe may not make a clear choice between China and the United States, but if European liberals have lost in this year's European Parliament election, the rivers or left are rising, and Europe will enter the Brexit as a Brexit in 2019.EssenceAt that time, Europe may have a European policy, and its position in China will inevitably be tougher.This is not good news for the world.

The author is a senior media person