On October 28, Borsonaro, known as Brazil Trump, was elected as the new President of Brazil.His high vote defeated the former President Lulla's laborer candidate Fernando Middot; Adida.

On October 29, German Chancellor Merkel announced that it was responsible for failure to lose its recent local elections, abandoned the chairman of the CDU where the CDU where the campaign was located, and no longer seeking re -election after the end of his term.In fact, whether she can complete the term of office (until 2021), there is still a lot of variables.

For the supporters of globalization, it is really a leak.The Merkel Times of Germany and EU politics will end, and the iron lady finally pays the price for refugee issues.When President Obama left office, he hoped that she would continue to protect Western values.It seems that this glory and burden can only be inherited by the young and ambitious French President Macron.The latter's speeches at the UN General Assembly have long revealed the spirit of being unreasonable; however, France's economic situation and political climate may not be able to support his ambition.Will the EU, which internal and external troubles, will accelerate the shift to protectism and populism?

The steering of Brazil has been unstoppable since President Rossev was impeached and Luolla was imprisoned.Borsonaro's vote rate is nearly 10 percentage points higher than the opponent, and once again confirmed the changes in public opinion.During the economic take -off stage, the gap, corruption, and social disorder of the rich and the poor have deteriorated after economic stalls. The Labor Party must eventually be responsible for it.The elected president is not friendly to China, and it is more than once accusing the Chinese enterprise's merger to acquire Brazil.

Similar accusations, China is quite aggrieved, but is no stranger.In 2018 alone, this sound was in Malaysia, Brazil and even Palestine's elections.

Bolsonaro's election and the frustration of Merkel marked protectionism and anti -globalization forces again, and in the European Union and Latin America, Liankezhong Town.In the 2017 European election, how can the globalization power be stunned and barely guarded, how can it stand this impact?

Why do you do here?The new reality requires new theories to explain, or to reverse the old theory, and see its historical penetration and enduring.In the late Cold War, Hayek and the Austrian school were well -known, and tame became an important theoretical resource for the previous round of globalization.Things must be reversed, and now, the international order after the Cold War is fluttering, and Karl Polanyi (Karl Polanyi) has been re -discovered.His economy is embedded in the thought of social and double -way movements mdash; mdash; freely laissez -faire to expand the market, which will inevitably lead to reverse protectionism to prevent the economy from being detached from the society and protect the society.Very inspiration.

Protectiveism, and even its accompanying populism, compared with the claims of global elites, seem to lack rationality, but it is a spontaneous protection of society.No matter how good the theory or doctrine, it is inevitable that it will become unrealistic about it.Merkel's large -scale acceptance of refugees, the political correctness of the United States to treat ethnic minorities is a example of the theory or values to extremes, which has threatened its social structure and mainstream culture.It is inevitable to cause rebound.

The same is true for economic globalization.For example, the amendment of the North American Free Trade Agreement has increased the proportion of automotive parts in the United States (through the provisions of the hourly salary); in the US -Europe, the United States and Japan's free trade negotiations, agricultural products are even more difficult for negotiations.These are the self -protection of society under the global market expansion.

Then, the reform of the future World Trade Organization (WTO) and the revision of the world economic and trade rules will inevitably pay more attention to the protection of society to correct the previous deviation.To give up, globalization cannot continue to advance.As a beneficiary and firm supporter of globalization, China should take the initiative to adjust and adapt to this trend.For example, investing in foreign investment more local labor, paying more attention to the social impact and environmental protection of investment, to avoid violent rebound in the local society.

In contrast, the ruling party advocates coordinating reform, development, and stability.Official call: combine the intensity of reform and the speed of development with the acceptable degree of the people.Many people with insight, such as Zheng Yongnian, have also called for protection and rebuilding the society under high -speed development.However, it is difficult to do it, and there are still many pain points in the field of people's livelihood.

At present, China's economic downturn and the prospects of trade war are unknown. The whole society has attracted attention to appease enterprises and fight for the economy. This is not wrong, but don't forget to protect the society.For example, on issues such as social security collection and environmental protection, two should also be used to take care of the interests of enterprises, workers and society.After all, only with both fairness and efficiency can efficiency last long.

Protectiveism is prevalent, and the economy is embedded in society. The key is that economic growth has left too many people, and economic trains crushed the bottom.How to achieve tolerance development is undoubtedly a common problem facing the world.Who solves this problem, who will eventually win.Moreover, it is not only an economic victory.Is it not reluctant?

The author is the legal adviser of the communication company of Jilin Province