Wang Jun: Because the political trial is difficult to achieve the expected results, it is recommended that relevant Chinese departments to accelerate the reform of the personnel system, truly manage good people, and pay attention to practical results.

Recently, the term political trial is very active. First, Chongqing announced that candidates for college entrance examinations need to accept political trials. Later, Fujian also had to conduct ideological and political and moral assessment of candidates.Words and deeds or participate in cult organizations, the plot is seriously allowed to allow the college entrance examination.After these news came out, it has aroused widespread attention from the Chinese public and heated discussions.Through these discussions, it can be found that the Chinese public is still dedicated to political trials, and political trials are still not intended.

First of all, it is necessary to explain that in China, political trials have always existed, nor are Chongqing and Fujian, large and small organizations and institutions in China, especially in the institutional units. Political trials are actually part of daily work.Ordinary Chinese, from childhood to large, are inevitable to fill in a political trial or unit opinion whether they are promoted to employment, appointment promotion, or traveling abroad as ordinary people.It can be said that the political trial accompanied by countless Chinese people's learning, work and life.There is no political trial, or this link is not too much.

No doubt, political trials are a word that makes many Chinese people who remember the Cultural Revolution.One of the reasons is that during the Cultural Revolution, the political trial was abused by unprecedentedly.The consequences are obvious: the freedom of countless people is unreasonable, and many people's development opportunities are deprived of for no reason.

Some people think that the political trial belongs to the surplus of the Cultural Revolution. In fact, this statement is not accurate, because the political trial has been available before the Cultural Revolution.As long as you know a little about the history of the Communist Party of China, you will know that the political trial is almost as long as the CCP's history.Initially, the political trial was only a working process within the Organization of the Communist Party of China.What the designer was unexpected was that now, political trials and variants have penetrated into various organizational institutions in China, becoming a wide range of personnel management methods, affecting generations of Chinese people.

As the name suggests, political review is political review.This is a phenomenon unique to China, because it is impossible for developed countries abroad to have such a thing.Although there are personnel review abroad, the review system that involves the widely involved personnel like China, and in today's world, is extremely rare even if it is not unique.Politics, which affects countless Chinese people, are also political learning and political workers and cadres.

The high frequency of these terms indicates that the work and study and daily life of ordinary Chinese people are undoubtedly highly politicized. It is difficult to not be politically stained with politics.This is both the truth of China and the characteristics of China.

As a neutral word, the characteristics are not as different.Obviously, clarifying its own characteristics is to respond to the specific actions of the ruling party to tell the Chinese story appeal, and it is also a necessary preparation for better integration into the international community.In a word, the various types of Chinese characteristics are clearly inventory, which is in line with the political correctness of the Chinese official language system.

To be honest, there are many preaching characteristics in China. From Chinese characteristics to the artistic art of calligraphy, to ionic icing and being desired, Chinese classic opera, etc., can give people a beautiful feeling.Needless to say this.However, there are some less comfortable features in China. Not only can they not get the table, they are also disgusting and difficult to remove. These so -called characteristics are either attached to culture and traditional bad habits, or they are stipulated by some unexplained systems.The existence is stable and stubborn.

There is an old saying in China, listening to its words and seeing it.We must particularly be alert to some practices of some practices during the Cultural Revolution and the planned economy, and appear in the form of new bottles of old wine.For example, on the surface, the use of those words that make people produce painful memories, such as changing political trials to superior opinions and relevant departments' opinions, or the appraisal of the lengthy ideological and political performance of the Chongqing Education authorities, but in fact, the soup is changed.Without changing medicine, it still follows the old thinking and old routine, because it is also endless.

According to political trial, it should be a procedure and barrier before the appointment and promotion of cadres, and it is necessary to strictly limit the scope and object of use.However, there is a tendency of pan -administrative review today in China. The review of political review has expanded and extended to a wider range of areas, mixed with various administrative approval and daily management.For example, in grass -roots organizations, non -party members will be managed by reference to party members' rules, which not only increases the workload of the management department, but also causes the daily life of ordinary people to apply funny political colors.In addition, there are problems with aging and socialization in political trials, and many of them are fixed in an institutionalized form.

For example, the Sanhao student evaluation began in 1954, with virtue, wisdom, and body as the content, and put the most subjective and most difficult to quantitative ideological and political morality in the primary position.In this regard, Mr. Gu Mingyuan, a Chinese educator, has repeatedly called for: stop selecting three good students, because this will label children and bad students prematurely.Coincidentally, almost at the same time, the Chinese Women's Federation also launched a national five -good family selection activity.

No matter what kind of evaluation, it will focus on whether to support the Communist Party of China, and then contact whether it is patriotic, etc., to give the ideological and political appraisal as a basis for participating in the evaluation, and it is an indicator of veto.

The problem is that even if carefully designed and used cautiously, it is difficult to achieve the policy effects claimed by the designer.Imagine: an institution, organization or individual, who can review matters related to the future and fate of others?First of all, in terms of the main body and qualifications of political trials, in the traditional society of modern state or in traditional methods, only professional organizations and institutions can issue similar political trial reports, such as the criminal records issued by the judicial institution prove that the personal integrity given by the financial organizationGuarantee.In addition, the verified recommendation letter issued by the former employer has no certain rules, but it is the most widely used in developed countries today, and it is also quite efficient.

Except for these specialized agencies and key parties, I am afraid that there are no organizations and individuals who have the qualifications for reviewing others, especially those issues that are difficult to grasp the individual morality, which are not clear at all.

Secondly, seeing the content of the political review, whether it is a certificate issued by the judicial organs or financial institutions, or the recommendation of employers, must be based on facts, and can withstand all parties, including the inspection of the subject, that is, the party himself.For the parties, the content of the censorship is either an unspeakable fact or a clear plot.This is actually the bottom line of personnel censorship. No matter what kind of review, it is necessary to be open and transparent to avoid the parties from knowing that they are in the drums. There is no opportunity to make a statement.

Finally, talk about political trial procedures.How does China's political trial usually complete?Taking the current Chinese universities as an example, they have completed their political trials for undergraduates, that is, they often perform their counselors in hodgepodge. These counselors are just young people who have just joined the job. They are not less than undergraduate students.And social experience may not be rich, and few people have relevant knowledge of personnel management. Can such a group of young people reliable to another group of young people?As a result, it can be imagined, subjective judgment and opaque, which means that such links are full of flaws and indispensable.

In view of the fact that Chinese universities have no value on political trials on students, they need to be abolished, and there is no need to give any more improvement opinions.Behind this proposition, there is a basic facts support: college students have entered an adult. Once they make a commitment, they naturally leave a case in the public prosecution law system or financial institutions. This is the original material they will be reviewed in the future.In the future, Chinese schools can only retain simple student records. Others have nothing to do with facts. Personnel records that basically inferred based on subjective inferences should be abolished as soon as possible.This is also the direction of the socialization reform of Chinese universities. The school no longer assumes the affairs that should be undertaken by social special agencies.

In reality, the reason why political trials are difficult to achieve is that except for reviewers who need to face many subjects, they are the influence of subjective factors mentioned above.In recent years, some of the CCP officials often appeared in the news release of officials of the Communist Party of China: they were not loyal to the party, they were different, the appearance was different, Yang Fengyin violated, deceived and concealed, engaged in two sides, two sides, and so on.

Actually, ChinaThe senior officials who have fallen off the horse are not through layers, but also stricter political trials, and they will be promoted to higher positions. Many officials have found problems, but they have been promoted and promoted with illness all the way.What role.

It can be seen that the political trial encountered a tricky real problem: how to review it before the official east window of the official?Perhaps this is theoretically unsolvable.Because even the theory of information economics, it is estimated that this practical problem is estimated to be unsatisfactory, and it is impossible to design an effective screening mechanism.This also proves once again that the political trial cannot obtain the result that the designer wants.Why a working process such as the political trial that does not have much practical effect is still widely used in China. It is estimated that it can only be explained in one sentence, which is just a walk.

The reflection on China's political trial will also bring a bigger and more basic question, that is, who will review the political trial?If this system defects are not resolved, political trials cannot be effective.

To some extent, China's political trials are like exams, but many times the candidate's exam is unknown after the exam is over, and the examiner does not provide answers and clues.Generally, the results of the political trial are not presented to the parties. This opaque means that many of them are not clear about where they have problems.This may be one of the reasons for many political trials and criticisms.

One of the consequences caused by the trial of Chinese pan -politics today is that too many administrative management or approval matters are too much. Many reasons and necessary reasons and necessities are purely internal consumption and tossing.In China, an example of a thorough way to go into a classic joke is to prove that my mother is my mother.Because of the media disclosure, such absurd moves can be known to the Chinese public.In fact, the worse thing is those unknown details. For example, individuals may be determined to be unreliable politics because they cannot provide a certificate similar to my mother as my mother.I don't know about this.

Among the various performances of Chinese pan -political review, there is nothing more intuitive to feel the political trial practices more intuitively than the online review.May wish to summarize them as simple and rude, can't help but have no legal basis, and related parties have no channels for descriptions.Those who are busy deleting other people's articles all day are only concerned about political tendencies and so -called sensitive articles. As for the authenticity of the article, they are not considered by them.

In fact, as far as the content of the article is concerned, the authenticity is first, far more important than what is not allowed to be accurate.Of course, whether it is authentic or unwilling sensitivity, they are unable to identify.In fact, no organization or individual has the ability to determine what others should see or not to see.When someone tries to do this, it first violates and tramples on the principles of constitutional government, followed by the doomed failure.For related practitioners, everything is just a rice bowl. No one really treats this as a career.According to the political philosopher Arrrent, these people are both the original creators of the mediocre evil and the victims of their behavior.

In a word, because the political trial is difficult to obtain the expected results, it is recommended that the relevant Chinese departments accelerate the reform of the personnel system according to the concept of modern state governance, truly control the use of people, pay attention to practical results, and restrict the use of political trials to avoid pan -generalization.The tendency of political review is getting worse.

Finally, considering the most cherished value of human beings such as human freedom and development, any improvement in Chinese political trial may achieve the effect of led the whole body.When the traditional demographic dividend gradually retreats, if China can use the style of reform and reform, China will be the first to release people's freedom, encourage personal development, and make society full of vitality. Is this not another more pleasant dividend?

(Note: The author is an independent scholar. This article only represents the author's personal point of view.