Yu Zhi

Recently, Li Daokui, a well -known economist in China, a professor at Tsinghua University, and a member of the Central Bank of China Monetary Policy Committee, proposed in a public speech: Whether it is state -owned enterprises or private enterprises, entrepreneurs should be loyal to their own governments;Government help is required at critical moments, so it should also help the government at critical moments; this is international politics and economic common sense.

The author believes that entrepreneurs should be loyal to the government's cognition. Theoretically, it is completely wrong, not only does not meet, but also seriously violates international common sense, and will have a serious negative impact on the inside and outside.

1. Entrepreneurs should be loyal to the government's cognition theoretically wrong

Obviously, the entrepreneurs that Professor Li Daokui said should be loyal to the government, not to refer to the laws and regulations of entrepreneurs that comply with the state formulated by the state (no one will question this), but that entrepreneurs should support it, rather than oppose the government, not against the governmentPolicies.

Enterprises are the main body of the market economy.The government's economic policies, including macro -control policies and micro -intervention policies, either to maintain the steady development of the macro economy, or to maintain a fair market competitive environment, or to support the development of specific enterprises.

The impact of a certain policy on different enterprises may be different, so their reactions may also be different: some companies may benefit from this policy, and therefore support this policy; the other part of the company may be damaged from it and therefore oppose itThis policy.This is the normal state of corporate behavior under the market economy.

Entrepreneurs have no obligation to support government policies, not against government policies.On the contrary, entrepreneurs should clearly express their support or opposition to government policies according to their own gains and losses, so that the government clearly understands the effectiveness of the policy, and then decides whether to continue, revise or abandon a policy.

Entrepreneurs are required to be loyal to the government, that is, they require them to support and not oppose government policies. They should not only have the right to infringe enterprises, but also not conducive to the government's accurate policy effect feedback.This may cause a policy to damage the interests of the vast majority of enterprises, but it can be successfully implemented due to no objection. As a result, it leads to huge risk of policy effects.

The government to help enterprises is one of the governments' due functions (at the same time, this help should not be at the cost of harming the fair competition of the market).This help cannot be a reason for enterprises to be loyal and helping the government, and cannot be at the cost of enterprises only support and does not oppose government policies.Enterprises pay taxes for the country, and support government operations is the only price that enterprises should pay in order to obtain government help.

The above discussion is not only applicable to private enterprises, but also for state -owned enterprises.State -owned enterprises are enterprises that the government, as a direct owner, is indeed more reasonable than private enterprises to support government policies and even direct direct orders from the government. The government has the power to ask state -owned enterprises to do so.

However, one of the basic requirements of the internationally recognized state -owned enterprise competitive neutrality (the Chinese government just expressed acceptance) is that only when state -owned enterprises provide public products, they should accept government instructions (that is, loyalty to the government) and special support;This should not be the case during business activities.Therefore, according to international rules, entrepreneurs of state -owned enterprises are not loyal to government and support government policies.This is especially true of private entrepreneurs.

The above cognition can also be promoted from entrepreneurs to citizens.Citizens of a country have the right to decide whether to support or lose their support based on a policy to determine whether they are supported or opposed to a certain policy of the government.Citizens only have the obligation to pay taxes and have no obligations to be loyal to the government and support government policies.On the contrary, the government has the obligation of loyalty to citizens (that is, the overall interests of loyalty to citizens).

2. Entrepreneurs should be loyal to the government's cognition against international common sense

In all democratic countries, entrepreneurs do not have to be loyal to the government and the cognition of supporting government policies. They are not only generally accepted by both officials and civilians, but also a practical normal.Entrepreneurs publicly oppose government policies are very commonplace.

For example, during this Sino -US trade war, the response of different US companies (home) to the US government's tariffs on Chinese products is very different: US domestic companies that compete directly with Chinese export products, from the US governmentIt benefits in tariff protection and thus supports US government policies; companies that use Chinese export products as intermediate products, because tariffs have aggravated their corporate costs, they oppose US government policies;

As the U.S. tariff policy leads to China's countermeasures, tariffs (such as planes, cars, and soybeans) imposed some US products (such as airplanes, cars, and soybeans) are adversely affected by China ’s exports to China, so they also oppose US government policies.These different sounds can be expressed publicly.

At the same time, the tariff countermeasures taken by China in the trade war are very targeted. Its goal is to use tariffs to affect the interests of relevant exporters in the United States and promote its policies against the US government.This is also the reason why the United States has accused China of intervention in its internal affairs and elections.If China believes that entrepreneurs should be loyal to the government, how can China's countermeasures encourage American entrepreneurs to oppose the US government.

3. Entrepreneurs should be loyal to the government's cognition.

Entrepreneurs should be loyal to the government's cognition. For the current China, whether it is inside or outside, it will have a negative impact.

The first is the panic of entrepreneurs, especially private entrepreneurs, to exacerbate entrepreneurs, especially private entrepreneurs.In recent years, the trend of obvious national progress and civil retreat in China, as well as the government's strengthening of direct control over enterprises, has caused many entrepreneurs, especially private entrepreneurs to panic.Many well -known private entrepreneurs (Ma Yun, Wang Jianlin, Liu Qiangdong, Xu Jiayin, etc.) scrambled to make different forms of political statements.

Some private enterprises take the initiative to establish a party committee and even take the initiative to introduce state -owned capital to seek political protection.These are all interpreted as invisible pressure from private entrepreneurs.Some private entrepreneurs were tangible or even jailed for various problems, and some of them began to transfer assets (running) to overseas.The remarks of the private economy some time ago have caused a stir.

Recently, national leaders and government departments have come forward to support the development of private enterprises. The government has also launched a series of measures to support the development of private enterprises.These can be regarded as a kind of soothing of private enterprises that are like a bowbird under the storm of public opinion, which slightly reduces the panic of private entrepreneurs.

In this case, if you preach entrepreneurs should be loyal to the government, it is tantamount to adding new deterrence to entrepreneurs and exacerbating the panic of entrepreneurs, especially private entrepreneurs.

The second is to sit on the outside world's non -market economy allegations to China's non -market economy.Since China announced the implementation of a market economy in 1992, the three major Western developed economies (the United States, the European Union, and Japan) have not recognized China's market economy status.

The important reason is that the Chinese government's direct intervention of enterprises (including state -owned enterprises and private enterprises, especially state -owned enterprises) is excessive. Enterprises do not operate in accordance with market principles, but often performed mdash; mdash; that is, substantial enterprisesFamily loyal to the government.This is also the accusations of China in the two joint statements in May and September this year in the United States and Europe.Therefore, entrepreneurs should be loyal to the government, and they will be accusing the non -market economy of Western countries on China's non -market economy.

In short, entrepreneurs should be loyal to the government's cognition. They are not only theoretically wrong in theory, but also in violation of international knowledge. They are also very unpredictable in practice. They have negative effects on internal and external, and should be clarified and opposed.

The author is a professor of economics at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics