A week review

After Trump's phone call on November 1, US President Trump ignited the expectations of the outside world. He hoped that the two would progress at the trade negotiations when they met at the G20 summit 20.Over the past week, the leaders of China and the United States have strived to reach a trade war ceasefire agreement at the G20 summit opened at Buenos Aires on November 30, and the information that the two sides are actively preparing for.

US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and the head of China Trade Negotiations and Vice Premier Liu He of the State Council of the Chinese State Council opened the phone on November 9. Both parties agreed to strengthen contact with the two countries and conduct consultations on issues that both parties concerned.The problem reached a solution that both sides can accept.

After that, the two sides held a lower level of discussion. Kudlo, director of the National Economic Commission of the White House, said on November 13 that the United States resumed trade with China and at all levels of the United States and Chinese governments.Essence

On November 15, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, Gao Feng said that after the call between the heads of state between China and the United States, the economic and trade field of the two countries had resumed calls and communication.

The day before, three sources of the U.S. government reported that China responded in writing on the evening of November 12 to the United States' requirements for comprehensive trade reform in China.

However, according to people familiar with the matter, most of the documents seem to be the changes that have previously made by the old tune and heavy bomb Beijing, such as improving the upper limit of foreign investment equity in certain industries.According to a person familiar with the discussion, there is no promise that contains industrial policies, such as Washington has always read Zezhe and China ’s Made in China 2025.

A U.S. official said that the current commitment that China currently put forward is not in line with major structural reforms that President Trump has always required; the differences between the two parties on the stolen of Chinese industrial policies and intellectual property rights are still very large, so after any summit, any summitThe negotiations may be difficult, and there are still long ways to go.

Therefore, when Trump held a meeting between the 20th National Group's Summit, the best result we could expect was to let the two leaders open a head at the G20 summit and start a process of narrowing differences.

Or only reach a handshake agreement

Some experts expect that Trump will only reach a handshake agreement, just like the European Commission President Juncker, Juncker, visiting Washington in July, Trump's agreement reached with him.That is: China and the United States reached a ceasefire agreement to avoid any further upgrades in the tariffs, and then the two parties launched a deeper negotiation.

U.S. Business Minister Ross took a market view on November 16.

He said that on January 1 next year, the tax rate for tariffs on about 200 billion U.S. dollars (S $ 275.4 billion) in China increased from 10%to 25%from 10%in September.At the meeting, at best, it will only reach a framework agreement on the further negotiations that resolve trade tensions: we must not reach a comprehensive formal agreement before the end of January, which is impossible.

Rose said that there are 142 projects in the United States, which requires time discussion, let alone solve differences and reach text agreements.

The United States issued a list of above -mentioned requirements in May this year to reduce the US trade deficit with the United States and promote Beijing to fundamentally change economic, industrial and regulatory policies.

Sino -US tensions have not seen slowly

In any case, the recovery of trade negotiations has at least opened the prospects of both parties to adopt a more constructive posture.At present, the continuous tension between the two countries has not been gentle.This is evident from November 15th, Vice President Pence made implicit condemnation in China.

He delivered a speech at the Asian Dimetry Leadership Meeting held in Singapore to condemn the imperial and aggressive acts in Asia, and said that the vision of the United States in this region was to require each country to respect neighboring countries and the rules of sovereignty and international order in various countries.

In Beijing, the two -pronged approach competes together.While advancing trade negotiations with the United States, it continues to have foreign policies.This includes former US officials who have been on the past two weeks, and have been dealing with China for a long time and closely related to the Trump government officials, including former Treasury Secretary Paulson and former Secretary of State Kissinger.

Kissinger's visit to China this time is particularly noticeable. The official Chinese media reported that he and the Chinese trade negotiation representative Liu He met.But US officials said Kissinger did not play the role of the middleman.

In addition, different from Trump's absence of the Asianan series of Asians in Singapore this week, and the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum held in Papua New Guinea today, Chinese senior officials participated in the APEC forum comprehensively, while Premier Li Keqiang attended the Asian Division SeriesThe meeting, with Singapore's good results in bilateral cooperation.

Asian countries are closer?

According to the analysts of China News Agency, the analysts said that in the trade protectionist lsquo; anti -wind rsquo; Zhongxin pragmatic cooperation will realize the reappearance of the field, the method to the connotation, and the development of the relationship between the two countries, the regional trade cooperation, and the maintenance of global free trade.Inject huge kinetic energy.

However, the two world -largest world's largest economies in the world's influence have also aroused the attention and anxiety of the imbalance in the order of the region.

Reuters reported yesterday that scholars of interviewees pointed out that due to the lack of enthusiasm of Trump, China actively participating in the regional activities is conducive to expanding its influence and also allowing Asian countries to move closer to each other.Cooperation in the United States.

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Xianlong said at the closing ceremony of the Asian Security Summit on Thursday (15th) that one day may occur in the situation that Asians must choose one of the two camps in China and the United States. I hope that this day will not come quickly.

Another regional reorganization of the regional queue is that the United States issued a statement saying that Australia, India, Japan, and the United States, also known as the Four -nation Alliance (QUAD), met in Singapore on Thursday to reiterate that they are working together to maintain and strengthen India MDASH;Pacific waters are based on rules; all countries in this region have sovereignty, strong and prosperous.