The United States and China are stepping up their efforts to strive to reach a ceasefire agreement at the Group 20 Group Summit to control the trade war between the two countries; however, the expectations of all parties to reach a wide range of agreements are still quite low.

The United States and China are stepping up their efforts to strive to reach a ceasefire agreement at the Group 20 Group (G20) summit to control the trade war between the two countries.

US President Donald Bull; Donald Trump talked on the phone on November 1 and agreed to meet at the G20 summit to discuss trade affairs.The summit will open on November 30 in Buenos Aires.

After Trump Mandarin, China responded to the requirements of the United States to solve a series of difficult problems and discussed the possibility of concessions in several rounds of telephone negotiations between senior Sino -US officials.However, the expectations of all parties to reach a wide range of agreements in Argentina are still quite low. The United States believes that the olive branches extended by China are too late at the time and lack substance.

A US executive who heard a briefing related to the negotiations said that the White House National Economic Commission (NEC) responsible for coordinating economic policies (NEC) is exploring various options that might achieve trade offsets, but core issues are still difficult to solve.

The best result we can expect is to let the two leaders open a head at the G20 summit and start a narrowing process.He said.

The continuous tension between the United States and China was exposed on Thursday, and the US Vice President Mike Bull; Mike Pence made a statement that it was considered to condemn China.He delivered a speech at the ASEAN summit held in Singapore to condemn the empire and aggressive acts in Asia, and said that the vision of the United States in the region requested that each country to respect neighboring countries and the rules of sovereignty and international order in various countries.

However, the recovery of trade negotiations has at least opened the prospects of both parties to adopt a more constructive gesture.We talked to them again that Larry Kudlow, the head of the National Economic Council; Larry Kudlow said this week that we are communicating at all levels of the United States and the Chinese government.

Evan Medeiros, an expert at Georgetown University, said that the two -country leader's call on November 1st is crucial because Beijing had previously worried that Trump would not want to talk about any agreement.

Before that call, both sides were in a posture. Mai Aven said that the biggest concern of China ’s greatest concern was that they spent their efforts as an agreement, but the United States suddenly refused to cooperate, just like what happened in May.So they want to determine that Trump really devoted himself to the entire process.

However, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) former China Affairs Analyst and now working at Chris Johnson, the Chris Johnson of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said that the United States and China are still facing a stalemateThe risk, because there is no enough time to reach a broad agreement before the G20 summit.

It is impossible to reach a truly comprehensive agreement, which is a good thing because the related issues are so complicated.Johnson said that there is still the possibility of reaching a certain framework protocol, such as frozen the current tariffs and giving negotiating representative power.

Such results will mean that the US tariff rate of Chinese -US transmission and US -US -USS -US -USS -US -USS -transmitted tariff rates will be maintained at 10%, instead of rising to 25%as planned in January.As long as the negotiations continue, the United States will not impose tariffs on the remaining $ 267 billion in Chinese -American transit products as Trump has threatened.

A person familiar with the matter said the US trade representative Robert Bull; Robert Lighthizer told some industry executives that the next batch of tariffs had been put on hold.

But the friction point between the two sides was basically not resolved.Washington issued a list of requests in May, and China immediately divided it into 142 specific projects. These requirements aim to reduce the US trade deficit with the United States and promote Beijing to fundamentally change economic, industrial and regulatory policies.

The requirements of the United States include: to ban the practice of restricting US investors entering the Chinese market, and converge the United States as rampant intellectual property rights and mandatory technology transfer behaviors.

For Beijing, any serious steps that meet the requirements of the United States will mean that it will retreat in the important aspects of its economic vision, including promising to make China a more innovative economy.This means that it is difficult for China to accept the requirements of the United States.

One of the important issues is what kind of transactions are the most reasonable in his view when Trump's outlook for the 2020 presidential election?

Dennis Wilder, a senior Asian affairs adviser who had served as George Bull;

If you reach a complete agreement now, you will let the critics say that you have not got enough gains, and you can give up too quickly.He said that there is no need to gain something in the United States.The stock market is not so bad.The economy runs well.The trade war has not really cracked down on American consumers, and this impact will not begin to appear until next year.

Some experts believe that the handshake agreement will be reached at the G20 summit, just like the European Commission Chairman Jean of the Cloll Bull; Jean-Claude Juncker visited Washington in July.That way.This will resolve the direct threat of the full business war, but does not solve the fundamental tension.

At the G20 meeting, Trump is likely to reach the agreement reached by him and Rongcak.Mai Aiwen said that after the meeting, they said, lsquo; we need to make a transaction RSquo; actually announced the ceasefire and then began to negotiate.

This prospect scares some people for Hua Eagle, they are worried that the current situation may bring a weak transaction with no substantial content.One of them was the White House trading consultant Peter Bull; Peter Navarro, who recently conflicted with Kudlo on the issue of negotiating against China.

There are also signs that Wright Heizawa, who was said to have not been hung up shortly ago, has now been more invested and participated in the negotiations. It seems that Trump has become a transaction at the G20 meeting.serious.Chinese officials had previously complained that they felt difficult to deal with Leitchizer.

Some analysts believe that the North Korean dictator Kim Jong UN may have adopted the strategy of Trump at the US -North Korea summit at the June in order to make similar tricks in trade negotiations.The Special Formation held in Singapore eased the tension between the United States and North Korea, but was criticized for MDASH; mdash; it seemed to indicate that Kim Jongle's Trump chess was high because of failed to achieve any progress in nuclearization.

It looks like I want to go all out at the G20 summit to see if I can get Trump.Johnson of Strategy and International Research Center said.
