Ming Pao News Agency

The United States Congress, the US -China Economic and Security Review Commission issued a report, questioning that Hong Kong has gradually lost its uniqueness. It is suggested that the government reviews the military and civilian high -tech export policies. It should continue to regard Hong Kong and mainland China as two independent customs areas.The United States is determined to obstruct China to become a high -tech country, and to do everything possible to prevent China from contacting the U.S. cutting -edge technology. The committee is largely based on human rights rule of law.Hong Kong volumes into the game of a large country and is trapped downward. The committee's report may be the beginning of a big storm.The construction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area is at its core. To become the International Creation Center in Hong Kong, Hong Kong may face more resistance in the future. The SAR government cannot take it lightly.

Congress report threatens Hong Kong -MDASH; human rights rule of law become a guise

In the 1990s, the U.S. Congress passed the Hong Kong Policy Law of the United States. Taking the Hong Kong system different from mainland China, it was treated differently in all aspects of political, economic, and trade policies.EssenceIn recent years, American members have promoted the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts to provide new ammunition for sanctioning Hong Kong and mainland China in Washington.In contrast, the US -China Economic and Security Review Commission is a cross -party group under the U.S. Congress. The members are recommended by the leaders of the two hospitals of the House of Representatives.Some parliamentarians will be serious errors.

In the Sino -US trade war, Hong Kong suffered from the pond fish. The suggestion of this committee was directly targeted at Hong Kong. The sword refers to China's high -tech development. This is no longer an extension of the trade war, but a new battlefield of China -US wrestling.The committee reported that the SAR government banned the Hong Kong National Party and refused to issue a work visa to the Vice Chairman of the Foreign Press Conference as an example. It accused Beijing's continuous erosion of Hong Kong's political system, the rule of law, and freedom of speech, which made Hong Kong increasingly the same as mainland cities.On the grounds of this, the report is suggested that Congress requires government agencies such as the Ministry of Commerce to review the US export policies of Hong Kong, especially in the military -civilian dual -use technology export control policy, regarding Hong Kong and mainland China as two customs areas.If the US implementation report suggests, it will not only crack down on the development of Hong Kong, but also cause serious damage to Hong Kong.

The freedom of speech and the rule of law is the cornerstone of Hong Kong. The SAR Government has the responsibility to maintain it to avoid people's words. However, when it comes to, the committee obviously only uses human rights rule of law as a guise.According to the United States Congress, the responsibilities of the committee are investigating and supervising the trade and national security issues between China and the United States. Human rights issues are not the focus of work.The content of the report shows that even if there is no Ma Kai incident, the committee can still move out of a lot of reasons, including high -speed rail disputes in one place, and rejecting the requirements of the US extradition fugitive. It is questioned that Hong Kong has gradually no differences from ordinary cities in the Mainland.More importantly, if the United States really thinks that Hong Kong and the Mainland are no different, there is no reason to start the scope of high -tech exports.All these are showing that the committee is Xiangzhuang Wujian's meaning in Peigong.

China strives to become a high -tech country. Washington is deemed to be challenging the US leadership. The committee reports that a focus is that the strength of Chinese technology manufacturing pose a threat to US national security.The United States launched a trade war in China, and a major goal was to force the Chinese side to abandon the 2025 plan of China.The outside world expects that the G20 summit at the end of this month can reach a trade suspension agreement. However, according to the latest news of the United States, China has not given substantial concessions on Made in China 2025.Will change.

Promote Chuangke less to do more -MDASH; the central government of the SAR needs to study countermeasures

China is moving towards a high -tech road. Made in China 2025 is just one of them; the construction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area is based on the founding of the founding of the creation industry, which is another major plan in Beijing.The central government supports Hong Kong to become the International Innovation Center of the Greater Bay Area. One of the reasons is that Hong Kong's uniqueness is conducive to attracting international talents to develop high -tech.In order to obstruct the road of China's high -tech, the United States does not rule out buried hands towards the Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong.

The uniqueness of Hong Kong lies in compatibility and accumulation. It talks about one country and two systems. However, as China rises, the US adjustment strategy to China and the emergence of Hong Kong's independence trends, the appearance of the internal and external environment of Hong Kong has changed, and the strength of all stocks will not allow Hong Kong to allow Hong Kong to not allow Hong Kong to Hong Kong.Calm down, Hong Kong's statement to choose to choose to stand by, and put a pressure on the hat in an unexpectedly, making Hong Kong's political virus space smaller and smaller.The political paradox brought by the committee report is that the United States treats Hong Kong and Mainland China, because Hong Kong pursues one country, two systems, and Hong Kong independence negates one country, two systems.Excuse.As long as the United States presence Hong Kong independence and freedom of speech, it can continue to use the topic to make the SAR government in a dilemma.

In the eyes of Washington, the Hong Kong issue may have become a weakness in China.In addition to proposing to examine the export policy for Hong Kong, it also recommends that Congress cooperates with the British, European Union and Taiwan Parliament to regularly examine whether Beijing has complied with the Basic Law.As a political chip, the status of the financial center should threaten the Hong Kong and Beijing authorities, highlighting that Hong Kong is in the game of the big country.The United States has been upgraded to the Hong Kong brand system, and the situation in Hong Kong is quite dangerous. The SAR Government needs to study countermeasures with Beijing.Hong Kong cannot slow down the pace of development of the section, but it is possible to do more and less talk like Made in China 2025.