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I do n’t know when, many famous Chinese businessmen are very dangerous. For example, Ma Yun mentioned in an exclusive interview in 2012 that few Chinese entrepreneurs were good.This kind of uneasiness is actually existed in ancient times.There is a tradition of heavy agriculture and suppression in Chinese culture, and of course the situation of each dynasty is slightly different.

Taking the Warring States as an example, the famous Qi Xiangzhong, that is, to crack down on private quotients and implement the national monopoly of salt and iron, the Qi State has enabled Qi Guo to move towards the road of wealthy country.Therefore, Confucius's evaluation of him is very polar. On the one hand, he feels that his personal product is very inspirational, but on the other hand, he believes that he has made a great contribution to the national level, because if there is no Guan Zhong, the Chinese civilization will be in danger of falling in the northern barbarians.

By the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the business had developed greatly, and the history of the cargo colonization came from the cargo colonization that these giants were doing business.It is mentioned that at this time, the switching beam, the ban on the mountains, and the wealthy businessmen are flowing around the world.It is said that poverty is not as good as farming, farmers are not as good as working, and workers are not as good as business.Therefore, Sima Xiangru's wife Zhuo Wenjun's family appeared like this, and the big businessman who caused a wealthy wealth by the iron smelting by the iron land.

At that time, the business atmosphere was so prosperous that Zou Lu, who was famous for his poetry and ceremony, also abandoned literature and became profitable.Commercial activities did not just bring personal wealth, but also created the prosperity of the market and the city. For example, there were nine cities in Chang'an at that time, and many other Tongdu Dayi were also very prosperous.

In the early Han Dynasty, non -domestic business was developed, and it also brought about international trade development. The trade between Shu merchants and Southwest Yi promoted the development of the southwest border.The development of the mutual market between the north and the Huns in the early Han Dynasty and the Silk Road in the Western Regions were even a model to promote international materials exchange and cultural exchanges.The products and art and culture of the Roman Empire have had a profound impact on the East through this tuto.

However, in the final analysis, in the final analysis, personal rights cannot be protected, and personal rights must be submitted to any system of the will of the Supreme Supreme State.It is just Huai Yan's sin.

Since the establishment of the traditional Qin Empire of the Chinese Empire, it has basically hoped to implement the policy of small agriculture operations and agricultural light business, and governs the country with penalties (not law).The requirement for ordinary people as a national attachment is that in addition to being able to reproduce the princes and biological children in peace, we must also be able to fight as a soldier to open up the country for the country. Others are not particularly important.Therefore, excess wealth will instead make the state regime uneasy. Whether it is caused by corruption like a concubine, or from the business as Shen Wanshiang, once a certain amount is accumulated, it will become the accumulation of the country (emperor) accumulation.Wealth, this is almost inevitable fate.

In addition to directly confiscating the property of businessmen with penalties (of course in nominal), the national franchise is also an unpleasant road.After all, the country competes directly with the individual of businessmen, of course, there is no good fruit to eat.

Taking the Han Dynasty as an example, after decades of recuperation in the early Han Dynasty, the so -called non -tossing today, the state treasury is extremely full.But in the end, the Emperor Hanwu, who could not stand the talents, made a discussion in the east, and the thick family foundation was almost lost.He reached his hands to the people and implemented the specialty of salt and iron wine. The average of state -owned commerce and a standard system, coupled with the calculation of the iron fist, and the boat car, which is the name of the wealth accumulated in the hands of the merchant in the name of tax evasion.

According to historical records, macroexians of businessmen soon went bankrupt.However, in exchange, the treasury was full again. The great Emperor Wu could use soldiers, east -sealed Taishan, and south to the sea.And the reward, with more than 10,000 horses, the money and gold are huge, it is easy to get, and naturally spend it.In the final analysis, the state's official business monopoly, the peeling of businessmen and the middle class, not only the emperor is happy, but also the bureaucratic class is mostly supported. This is just a matter of interest.

How does the people feel the people feel that the people's treasury is happy in addition to the state treasury?According to the salt and iron theory, the merchants before the iron organic business sent the iron to the field. Farmers can use money, grains or old instruments to exchange or even account for accounts. The price is not expensive and the quality is high.After the official business, the iron artifact cast by the county officials was cut constant, the price was expensive, and the people suffered.In other cases, in the final analysis, the result of the monopoly industry is the high profits of monopolists and the economic losses of ordinary people.Of course, in class society, these are not considered factors.

The Chinese emperor's system was centered on human governance and class, while commercial behavior emphasized the spirit of equal exchange and business contract. At this point, there was almost almost irreconcilable contradictions between the two.And the businessman, no matter how rich, is destined to only save money for the country. This is the essential reason for the light business.

The author is local literary and historical lovers