Adrianna Middot; Mei'er

When discussing the influence of artificial intelligence, almost always think of the Pandora Box of ancient Greek mythology.In the modern fairy tale version of this story, Pandora was depicted as a unfortunate young woman full of curiosity, opened a sealed jar, and accidentally brought eternal suffering to humans.Just like the elf who escaped the jar, the horse that rushed out of the barn, and the train left the station, this myth has become a cliché.

However, the real Pandora story is far more suitable for discussions in artificial intelligence and machine learning than what many people think.It teaches us that it is best to listen to the suggestions of Prometheans, which cares about the future of human beings, rather than Epimetheans, which is easily blinded by short -term interests.

As one of the oldest Greek mythology, Pandora's story first appeared in the Homer era, which was more than 2,500 years ago.In the original narrative, Pandora was not seductive to open the innocent girl who had closed the banned jar.On the contrary, Hesiod, the poet, told us that Pandora was developed the day after tomorrow, not inherently generated.Entrusted by the Almighty God Zeus, Hephaestus, the invention god, designed in accordance with his harsh specific requirements, is a lifelike robot like a charming girl.Her purpose is to trick mortals to show that she is a good scourge (KALOS KAKON): Hongyan.

Pandora's name means all gifts, indicating that she is the common product of the gods.After Hermes was born in Pandora's furnace in Hemperstos, this fascinating young woman came to the world and dedicated her as a bride to Shebu Mo.S..Her dowry is the catastrophic seal jar containing more gifts.

Hebabra is the brother of Prometheus, the latter is the rebellious Titan god who maintains human beings, and according to some statements, he created human beings.The obvious vulnerability of human beings is worried that Prometheus is very worried that he taught men and women how to use fire and other tools.But this angered Zeus, a amazing technology for the relentless tyrant.As a punishment, Zeus tied Promosus on a rock and sent an eagle like a drone and forgly by Hyhishazos to peck his liver.

As for Pandora, she was deliberately designed to punish humans because humans accepted the fire given by Prometheus.In essence, she is a female robot with artificial intelligence, charming, has no parents, no childhood memories, no emotions, and will not die.She was arranged to perform a vicious task: lurking in the world, and then opened the jar.

However, this is not the whole story.Plato told us that Provence's name means foresight, because unlike his carefree younger brother Embragus (the name means the Ming Dynasty), he will always plan for the future.Among the two, Prometheus was more rational and had reasonable paranoia. He tried to warn the dangerous gifts from Zeus.But shebetoly was fascinated by Pandora, and let her walk into his life without any defense.Then he realized that he made a terrible mistake.

Therefore, Pandora retreated in horror and watched the images of various monsters escape from the jar, which was imagined by modern people.Similarly, I hope to finally fly out of the jar and soothe the disgusting bridge of the human soul.In the ancient Greek version, Pandora was described as a cunning robot: in the most famous Pandora flower bottle painting, she was a young woman standing stiff and showing mysterious smile.

In addition, in ancient times, it was hoped that young women named Elpis were generally described, usually with lack of vision.Hope that it is not a gospel, but a symbol of the ability to make a wise choice from the possible results; she represents the idealistic ideas, not the optimism of life.For the Greeks, she is another manifestation of a beautiful scourge: a beautiful demon who came to the world.Therefore, at least one ancient artist described Elpus like Pandora, and grinned.

With the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence and machine learning into a technical black box, Pandora's ban on the ban on the ban on the banquet is given a new meaning.Soon, not only users cannot understand the operating logic of the artificial intelligence decision -making system, but also the creator.Including other threats, the possibility of artificial intelligence systems invaded by malicious actors, or the use of terrorists and tyrants, is now getting bigger.

When the founder of Facebook, Zuckerberg, Andrew McAfee, MIT, and Microsoft's Cheng Lili and other artificial intelligence optimism guarantees to us that when artificial intelligence will bring huge benefits, we can't help but think of BaifeiMoouz and Elpus.Should we really believe that humans can correct and solve the problems caused by artificial intelligence?

Listening to the opinions of modern Prometheus thinkers seem to be more wise. For example, Hawking, Ho Jin, Microsoft founder Bill Middot; Gates, and 115 other 115 publicly talked about artificial intelligence and robotic weapons in 2017Threats of technology leaders.They warned that there was not much time for us to act. Once Pandora's box was opened, it would be difficult to turn off.In addition, Google co -founder Sergey Brin, as well as the artificial intelligence ethical ethical scientists such as Joanna Bryson and the Professor of Patrick Lin, a professor of philosophy at the California State University of Science and Technology, and Patrick LinIt also expresses the same concerns as these Prometheus people.They warned that before they figured out how to control artificial intelligence, they could not accept the gifts they sent.

The latest polls show that for the potential benefits of artificial intelligence, those who actually develop artificial intelligence systems have a significant decrease in optimism.The understanding of the principle of artificial intelligence seems to bring more realistic expectations.It is not blind hope, but based on the vision of knowledge and experience. We should guide us how to manage this technology in the future and our relationship with it.

Author Adrienne Mayor is the Department of Classical Department of Stanford, as well as scholars of history and scientific philosophy, Stanford's Higher Research Center in Stanford's Higher Research Center in 2018; Researcher of Berggruen in 2019.Her new gods and robots: myths, machines, and ancient technology dreams (GODS and Robots: Myth, Machines, and Ancient Dreams of Technology) was published in November 2018.

English Title: An AI Wake-Up Call from Ancient Greece

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018.