, a lottery site in Beijing,

Overseas Network News on November 13. Recently, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection released 4 original persons in charge of the China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center, which caused heated discussions on public opinion.Combined with the previous data released by the Ministry of Finance, a total of 383.498 billion yuan in sales in the first three quarters reached 383.498 billion yuan, of which the welfare lottery institutions sold 165.311 billion yuan.Such a huge sales can easily derive the topic of the management of welfare lottery funds at the level of public opinion.

The welfare lottery is developed in the context of the reform of the Chinese social system and the reconstruction of the social welfare system.Since its establishment, the welfare lottery tickets have held the banner of welfare, helping the elderly, helping disability, saving loneliness, and helping the poor, accumulated a large amount of public welfare funds, and actively promoted public welfare projects.It awakened the public's charity consciousness.However, the welfare lottery has exposed some problems in the development process, such as unclear functional positioning, insufficient use of funds, lack of integrity of operating procedures, etc., which has attracted widespread attention from the whole society.As a result, when we are developing the welfare lottery, we should pay attention to the following relationships:

The first is the relationship between public welfare and profitability.Public welfare is the fundamental purpose of developing welfare lottery.Under the premise of public welfare, it is the issue of profitability.To this end, the welfare lottery should focus on the reasonable distribution mechanism raised by funds, highlight the role of the welfare lottery in the public welfare and welfare cause, enable the profitability to serve the public welfare, and prevent the banner of public welfare.Tools for government departments for profit.

The second is the relationship between national and marketability.Whether the welfare lottery is government management or market -oriented operation is essential for the development of welfare lottery.From the perspective of the development history of the World Welfare Lottery, although the lottery sales are very market -oriented, lottery management has strong national regulatory characteristics.For example, the Britain has a dedicated National Lottery Committee responsible for the launch management of lottery tickets and does not allow privately operating lottery tickets.Among the states that allow lottery tickets in the United States, there are also very clear use of lottery profits, which are mainly used for public education, sports facility construction, mass transportation systems, and disabled veterans to build housing.

The third is the relationship between short -term and long -term.As a new thing in China, the Welfare Lottery has exceeded many concepts and institutions in the field of social construction.In the short term, the legislation and supervision of the welfare lottery should be focused on.In the long run, the development of welfare lottery still faces many uncertainty.For example, how will the public welfare and welfare of welfare lottery be reflected in the new regulations of the lottery industry?To this end, theoretical research on welfare lottery should be strengthened to provide theoretical support and decision -making basis for the formulation of relevant policies.

The fourth is the relationship between local and international.The development of welfare lottery must consider both traditional Chinese culture and the general laws of its industry development.Welfare lottery should be based on China's national conditions, emphasize its public welfare charity nature, weaken the psychology of gamblers, and enable the welfare lottery to serve social harmony and social security.At the same time, we also need to clarify the responsibility of the central land and standardize the use of the use of welfare lottery public welfare funds.

In general, the following points should be paid attention to the development of welfare lottery.

First, we must improve the management system.Establish and improve the national issuance of MDASH as soon as possible; fiscal management MDASH; civil affairs use MDASH; the management system for audit supervision, consider establishing a management agency similar to the National Welfare Lottery Committee or the National Lottery Committee, responsible for the issuance management of the welfare lottery.Welfare lottery income shall be included in the central and local financial accounts in a timely manner, and the civil affairs department shall propose a plan for the welfare lottery income, and be responsible for the implementation of various welfare plans and projects.The audit department should conduct audit supervision in response to the above links to form a closed -loop system.

Second, we must strengthen credibility.The operating procedures of the benefits must be standardized and transparent, and the operating cost, profit distribution and winning probability should be reasonably stipulated to ensure fairness and justice management of the redemption awards, and to enhance their social credibility.

Third, we must guide public opinion to publicize.Focus on highlighting public welfare, such as how many hopeful primary schools are donated by the Welfare Lottery Fund, and how many poverty -funded poverty -stricken persons have been donated. We must weaken the gimmick guidance of gimmicks such as gameplay and winning information, and form a good charity and cultural atmosphere.

Fourth, we must use public welfare funds.Welfare lottery public welfare funds should be given priority to allocating people's livelihood fields such as education, elderly care, disabled and children's protection, regularly announce income, expenditure and balance, and conduct third -party assessments of the use of funds to ensure that the welfare lottery tickets are on the track of law and system.Healthy operation.(The author is a professor at the School of Labor and Personnel of Renmin University of China)