Lus: The crisis in the United States is that its imagination of Americans is divided into two.On one side is a nationalist represented by Trump, and on the other is globalists.

As scholar Bull Bull; BENEDICT Anderson said, the country is the community of imagination.The crisis of the United States is that its imagination is divided into two.On one side is the Donald Bull; Trump's nationalist, and the other is a globalist.In Trump's words, the latter hopes to live well around the world. Frankly speaking, they don't care so much about our country.His definition is rude and clever, but also playing fire.

Last week, the simple explosive devices of George Soros, Barack Bull; Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were also targeted at globalists.

The upcoming mid -term election is a battle for the monitoring of the American beliefs to be related to the American belief.Trump's critics support the word patriotic, but list nationalism as taboo.However, a nationalist is not naturally racist or violent.Ask most people in India or Ireland, they will have the labels of nationalists frankly.Their Republic was established after the word was created.

The Republic of the United States was born earlier.In the late 18th century, nationalists claimed to be patriots.In fact, most American liberals are nationalists.They believe that their beliefs in their country are better than the beliefs of other people's countries.Therefore, it deserves it.Facing Trump's challenges, entanglement in the meaning of words is not a solution.

It is not very useful to point out that his facts are wrong.Trump said that more than 7,000 Chinese Americans to the US border are full of members of the Middle East terrorist and drug trafficking gangs.In addition, the leaders of this group of people are Democrats.Soros and others are funding these advanced migrants.They are trying to stage a globalist takeover, which makes them unlike Americans.Each of Trump's above claims is not established.But this is not the point.These referred to the imagination of his basic voters.Trump's nationalism is not mild.

However, even the most gentle one requires a certain degree of blind faith.As Anderson said: Even members of the smallest country will never know, meet, and even hear most members of the other members, but everyone has the imagination of communicating with them in their hearts.

Trump's skills are that he is further forcing the Democratic imagination to a global corner.The slogan of the Chinese Americans above is a borderless person.Any attempt between the Democratic Party and Trump's compromise MDASH; MDASH; that is, it means that the US border should be strongly enforced MDASH; mdash; may be labeled on the surrender of racial policy.However, this was exactly what Obama did.During the Obama administration's administration, more than 2 million illegal immigrants were expelled, more than the sum of all his predecessors.

Today, this position will not be able to stand.Trump has successfully put immigrants mdash; a core part of American history mdash; mdash; becomes a theological problem.Republicans believe that the job is provided for people in a certain place.Democrats support the rights of mobs from anywhere.

This is a dispute over the nature of Americans.It is impossible to win by facts and data.The Democratic Party's hope is that Trump will lose in the vote next month.At the same time, they hope that the conversation can end.This wish cannot be long.Regardless of whether Republicans can keep their control on the House on November 6, Trump is making a rehearsal for his re -election for his 2020 campaign. The key to campaign will be culture, not fiscal policy.As the economic growth of the United States has slowed down, Trump will only increase its attack on globalists.

They need a more exciting story than they are talking about today.

People often want to know why Trump has special hostility to German Chancellor Angel; Angela Merkel.The answer is that the German Prime Minister happened to be what Trump wants Democrats to become.After deciding to allow about 1 million Syrian refugees to enter in 2015, Merkel's political career has not recovered from it.Her actions are standard globalism.This means that the German government cares about people in distant places as they are as much as their nationals.Obama only accepted less than 20,000 Syrian refugees.

Even if this number, Trump feels too high.His Vice President Mike Bull; Mike Pence said that he would not let a Syrian family enter the state.The next two years may only be ugly.

Democrats have a bad response to Trump's possession of nationalists because it implies a silent white man.Trump is driving Democrats into the Merkel trap.Democrats' instincts are that the beliefs of the United States welcomes anyone with faith and skin color.In the ideal circumstances, this is the meaning of the United States.The same is true of Germany under Merkel's leadership.But now, this requires high political costs.Democrats will need to dig in their imagination more deeper than her.

Translator/He Li