Sing Tao Daily News

The US midterm elections have ran into a straight road. Next Tuesday will be determined. The candidates for both parties are connected. The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger. President Trump and Democratic Democratic heavyweights have four tickets, making the election even more hot.At this critical moment, serious political violence occurred continuously, and the absence of the army in Central America broke out of riots on the US -Mexico border. Hate was permeated across the country. The objective effect was to push voters to poles and stimulate more people to vote.In the past, Trump won the election by inciting populist emotions, but his arrogant words and deeds also triggered a strong rebound of public opinion. In turn, it was conducive to the opponent's election. The Democratic Party's chances of winning the majority of the House of Representatives are rising. If this situation is true, Trump will be difficult to maintainStrong, political and economic situations and even the development of trade and war will change.

Political violence stimulate anti -special emotions

For Americans, last week was a chilling and heartache hatred for a week, and three consecutive political violence crimes involving politics had occurred within 72 hours.First, a white gunman broke into a supermarket in Jefferson Town, Kentucky, and shot two black men. Then, in the past few days, he sent thirteen white men in Trump's eyes to be arrested on Friday.It was confirmed that it was a loyal fan of Trump; by Saturday, a more severe bloody massacre occurred in Pittsburgh. A gunman shot a shot at the Jewish Church and killed eleven people.Trump condemned the above incident and also emphasized that he should not be responsible for him, but many people believe that he has always advocated social opposition, spreads populist extreme thoughts, objectively promoted hatred, and eventually caused political violence.

Among the voters supporting the Democratic Party, the above -mentioned ideas were already very common. After 72 hours of violence last week, it became more intense. Politicians believe that series of incidents such as fire were poured on fire.Next week, voters who voted for the anger would increase.

Hate is not only related to violent crimes. The recent refugee crisis has also made the Democratic Party more clearly ranging from the Republican Party and intensify voters' opposition.Last week, nearly 10,000 Central American refugees rushed to the US -Mexico border. They wanted to forcibly break through the barrier, causing a riots. However, Trump continued to be hard, claiming that he would only assist relevant countries and never accept their entry residence.He obviously stabilized his basic disk before the midterm election, because he had won the votes of populist voters with anti -immigrant positions at that time.However, its tough attitude makes the opposed voters even more disgusted.

Democratic Party has the opportunity to control the House of Representatives

According to recent polls, voters support about 50 % of the Democratic Party and about nine percentage points ahead of the Republican Party. Among them, women, young people, and Latin American voters are mainly.It is worth mentioning that the female candidate who participated in the mid -term elections has reached a record high. This pink wave is very unfavorable to Trump.

According to the current trend, the more general prediction is that more than half of the Democratic Party has the opportunity to control the House of Representatives, and the Republican Party is likely to stabilize more than half of the seats in the Senate.His old account, chasing his scandals such as tax evasion and Tong Russia, will be greatly weakened.

Trump has been holding a trump card MDASH; MDASH; the stock market is prosperous, and has recently become weak, which is another reason why the Republican Party election is urgent.If the Democratic Party can win back this time, Trump ’s business policy is subject to the restraint, and the US stock market will worsen the snow, but its trade war position may soften slightly.