Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe officially visited China again after seven years, hoping to carry out a new era relationship for the two countries.This time, there are 500 business leaders who visit China to accompany and sign a number of cooperation agreements to reflect the strong willingness to cooperate in economics. As for the military, I am afraid that Japan will continue to move closer to the United States.Considering a threat can help relieve the situation in the East China Sea.

The tension of the East China Sea is mainly related to the sovereignty of the Diaoyutai Islands and the Japanese government's attitude towards the history of the Second War.Abe came to the stage to fight for the support of the right -wing politicians. The members of the cabinet repeatedly published a discussion of distorted historical facts, and also worshiped the Yasukuni Shrine, which worshiped the A -class war criminals. Sino -Japanese relations continued to cool down. After the national -owned fishing island of Japan, Sino -Japanese leaders stopped mutual.visit.

Abe has always hoped that this relationship was thawed, but he could only take advantage of the Chinese and Japanese leaders and participated in the overseas multi -national summit. He embarrassedly conducted corridor diplomacy with Chinese leaders. Even if he set foot on Chinese land, he only attended the 20th National Summit.This time, he visited China on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the China -Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty.

The Japanese economy, which once had a storm at that time, signed the square agreement under the pressure of Europe and the United States to increase the appreciation of the yen for more than 20 years. Abe issued three arrows to revitalize the economy after playing.Beyond Japan to become the world's second largest economy.Abe's visit to China this time shows that Japan has adjusted his mentality and hopes to improve his economic strength through cooperation.

At present, China is turning from a manufacturer of exports as a major consumer import country, and the market will continue to open. The first international import expo will be held early next month.In contrast, the trade relations between Japan and the United States have regressed after Trump as the president of the United States. Even if Abe broke the diplomatic practice, he went to the tribute during Trump's time.Increase the object of imported steel and aluminum tariffs.China has become the primary opponent of the US trade war, and the Sino -US trade war has also affected some companies in Japan in the upper reaches of the international production chain.Both China and Japan are interested in improving relations to promote economic growth.

This time, the two parties restarted the currency swap agreement that had been put on hold for five years, and set up a dialogue that aimed at developing cutting -edge technologies and protecting intellectual property rights.In the third -party market, Japan has taken this actual action to show its support for infrastructure strategies in China.

After the war, Japanese after the war, regardless of political, military and economy, it is subject to the United States everywhere.Abe has always hoped to relieve his constraints and make Japan a normal country. In the early days, through the strategy of echoing the United States to return to Asia, the United States was economically acquiesced to the yen depreciation. The military consent was gradually allowed to allow the Self -Defense Force to send troops overseas and deploy the peaceful constitution.

Based on its own interests, Japan will continue to join the United States' encirclement of China in military as allies, echoing the U.S. government's Indo -Pacific strategy; economic aspects will reduce their dependence on the United States, rush to open China's open -winding car, make full use of the use of China's open reform, make full useThe huge opportunities brought by the development strategy of Chinese leaders in the new era.

In view of the repeated period of the Japanese government in the historical issues of Chinese invasion, there is also the problem of fishing island, and the Taiwan independence as the background of the United States and Japan, and China has maintained a considerable degree of prudential to Japan.Japan learned from history, and then made up to the future.Regardless of the development of the economy or promoting the nuclearization of the Korean penalty, China and Japan have common interests. If both parties can increase political mutual trust and different controls, it will help reduce the risks brought by the United States in East Asia, so that China and Japan can be peaceful in peace and Japan.In the environment, through the new level of cooperation, it promotes its own development to a new level. Comment from Sing Tao Daily