Author: Zhang Linzheng

Following the two American Aegis -class warships on July 7, through the Taiwan Strait, on October 22, the US warships and drums passed the Taiwan Strait and voted for tight Sino -US relations and cross -strait relations.

Since Tsai Ing -wen came to power, cross -strait relations have deteriorated.In order to curb a series of Taiwan independence governance on the island and the United States of the United States in diplomatic, the mainland has adopted the measures of military aircraft warships around the island. The cross -strait relations were quite tight.Since July, the mainland has stopped activities around the island, but at this time, the stimulus of the US ship has continued to cross the strait.

Is the US ship crossing the Taiwan Strait to play the Taiwan card and forcing the mainland to bow their heads on trade issues as soon as possible?Or is it intended to provoke cross -strait conflicts to interrupt the development momentum of mainland China and relieve the pressure of being chased by the United States?Or is it for the November US midterm elections and Taiwan's local elections to urge votes?There may be various reasons.

The Taiwan Strait does not belong to the collar strait. In the middle, there is a sea area and airspace. Foreign merchant ships, fishing boats, warships, and military and civilian aircraft can freely pass with flying over. U.S. warships and military planes exist freely or fly earlier in this area. In the past, they all existed.In the low -key, why is it publicly advertised this time, and Taiwan also cooperated with his statement, claiming to follow the prison?

Simply put, of course, political operations.As far as Sino -US relations are concerned, the spillover effect of the trade war has been extended to various fields such as strategy, military, politics, diplomacy, and economy.At present in various fields, the United States does not give up, and China does not retreat, forming a stalemate.The United States may want to open a mouth in the Taiwan Strait to force the mainland to bow, but this is actually delusional.

The US ship crossed the Taiwan Strait, and the mainland also followed the west of the Straits to the west, but it was extremely restrained.The position of the mainland is that the most important thing is to resolve conflicts with the United States in many fields. Taiwan cannot run away and can be used to map it.Since the US ship crossing does not violate the United Nations Oceanic Law, the escort statement is just fine, and there is no need to dance with its political plan.The mainland shows a certain degree of strategic determination.

It was Taiwan. For more than this year, Trump has been a chess piece, and he is still complacent. He believes that the US government has strongly supported Taiwan and Taiwan has a mountain.Tsai Ing -wen's mainland policy has become more and more confrontation. The Twenty National Day conversation not only repeatedly called the mainland as China, but also explained the position of one country; accusing China of expanding power; emphasizing the promotion of value diplomacy, focusing on the United States and Japan.In particular, Cai Yingwen was deeply relieved to criticize China on October 4th, Vice President Pence, and affirmed Taiwan's democratic system.

Tsai Ing -wen's double ten talks immediately attracted the severe criticism of Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China, saying that his speech was full of falsehood of the two countries, the confrontation thinking against the mainland, and cooperating with the western anti -China forces to curb the danger of the mainland.Cross -strait relations bring Taiwan to a more dangerous situation.

The security situation of the Taiwan Strait has deteriorated. Can the United States ensure that Taiwan stands up?In fact, the Taiwan government is very clear that once the two sides of the Taiwan Strait burst out of military conflicts, the United States will not send troops to support.This has been clearly written in Taiwan's latest Taiwan Strait Defense Battle Plan.However, due to the continued US military sales of the United States, the government and friends in the Congress support Taiwan, and the Tsai government intentionally misleaded, making many Taiwanese mistakenly believe that the United States would defend Taiwan at the expense.In fact, the United States played Taiwan to fight for the interests of the United States itself, not supporting Taiwan independence, nor will they be killed for Taiwan.

Although the Sino -US trade war is caused by huge trade deficit, the drunkard's intention is not in wine. The United States intends to curb China's rise. In this regard, Trump insists that it will not be willing to take a goal.Although Chinese strength has a small distance compared to the United States, it is not Japan in the 1980s. It can be settled by the United States alone. Besides, the Chinese's perseverance is also famous.

Because both sides are not idle, the dispute between the dragon eagle seems to last a long period of time.Not only will both parties pay considerable costs, but the global economy and strategic pattern will also be affected.Taiwan's internal affairs are disturbing today, the economy is declining, and it is still not time to ask for a blessing. How can it be involved in the struggle between the dragon eagle, how can the United States and the United States resist land, bet on their own future?