Zhang Lun: Taiwan ’s democracy has developed into a new stage. During the period when the DPP needs to make bigger adjustments and updates, the Kuomintang is not proud of it. It takes two levels to have two levels.

The Nine -in -1 election in Taiwan is over. The DPP of the Governance not only loses the original ruling county and cities in the number, but has greatly reduced from 13 seats in 2014 to 6 seats.Kaohsiung and Taichung, which has a strategic significance and a decisive impact on Taiwan's political direction, have been lost one by one.

The author has visited Taiwan for the first time in 1991. He has been going to Taiwan to watch and meets in Taiwan for many years, and has experienced academic exchanges. He has been paying attention to the transformation of Taiwan for a long time.From the media reports and the results of the election, a few feelings are still obtained, which is roughly written for readers' reference.

Two years later, the Kuomintang's victory over the two years after 2016 was of course the result of a political clock effect, but if it was all attributed to this, I am afraid that some important information passed on this election would be ignored.In the author's opinion, the result of this election has a lot to do with the development of democracy in Taiwan and the brewing of some new development;A source of power for mutation is provided.In the past, Taiwan ’s ethnic group problems have always been the most important driving force for democratic development in Taiwan, but in recent years, it seems to be a key obstacle to affecting Taiwan’ s democracy to continue to mature and leap to new steps.

This problem does not crack, and the democracy in Taiwan is difficult to move towards a policy -oriented rational democratic operation stage.

Obviously, the solution of this problem is associated with the solution of cross -strait relations, but the interior of Taiwan cannot be well integrated, and the internal tears can be torn.Taiwan's consumption and stagnation over the years have an important relationship with this.

South Korea ’s Yu was traditionally belonged to the second generation of deep blue provinces. It was elected in Kaohsiung high -green votes in the dark green in South Taiwan, showing that the political ethnic spells are starting to crack. People pay more attention to political opinions.Bringing real interests, what you value is the ability and quality of the election person.This is absolutely significant to the development of Taiwan's political culture and the differences in ethnic groups, which will also alleviate the centrifugal power of many people from other provinces, which will help the reconciliation of Taiwan ethnic groups.In addition, the high -style elections advocated by Han and not doing personal attacks have also provided a good paradigm for improving Taiwan's election cultural quality.After he was elected, he reiterated that he would never have a blue and green distinction and serve the citizens.

Obviously, the ethnic problem will not be eliminated due to him because of him, and this time in Taiwan's election will be completely eliminated. In the two years later, the election will become a certain or hidden element in the election.The reason for rational policy may be an increasingly important consideration in the future of voters' political choices, which will of course be conducive to the healthy development of Taiwan's democracy.

Objectively speaking, from the perspective of many structural restrictions in Taiwan, such as aging of population, geopolitics, etc., it is difficult to fundamentally change Taiwan's condition in the short term.Tsai Ing -wen also faces this pattern.For example, in terms of economy, the author has repeatedly talked to people when Cai Sheng was elected in 2016 that Cai's five major industrial policies may be very difficult to achieve.However, these democratic countries that are completely unrealized with Taiwan's democracy are not necessarily unreasonable, and do not talk about traditional democratic countries. As far as emerging democratic countries are concerned, the economic development of South Korea, which has launched democratic South Korea, proves this.

The development of Taiwan in the era of authoritarianism is not necessarily related to authoritarian authority. The economic conditions of the world's authoritarian countries are not good, and there are also examples of comparison.In addition to political factors, the development of economic development obviously depends on many other conditions.

In recent years, Taiwan has not developed well in recent years, but it is obviously related to the internal consumption, the lack of consensus in society, and the loss of a clear direction of the country.This is related to Taiwan's history and special democratic transformation process.However, the best way to eliminate this problem is not to return to the old authority, but to deepen democracy. After all, Taiwan ’s existing system space provides conditions for the people and political figures with interested here.Mind, vision, work hard to change this situation.After the end of this election, the winning party, such as the Kuomintang people and Lu Xiuyan and the candidates, such as Korean Yu, Lu Xiuyan, etc., such as Chen Qimai, Lin Jialong, etc., may also show the future of Taiwan's democratic culture to some extent.prospect.

In addition, the flying from Kaohsiung to the entire national flag of the Republic of China in South Taiwan seems to help to maintain the consensus of Taiwan with the largest number of constraints and political symbols in the Republic of China as the largest number of contracts and political symbols today.

Taiwan's Nine -in -1 election will definitely affect cross -strait relations. For the Taiwan Strait, which is in a period of time in the Sino -US trade war, international relations, and Taiwan's strategic position in the eyes of the United States, Beijing rarely comes up stupidly.The election will naturally be happy to see the results of this election in Taiwan. The next step will be as good as possible.However, Beijing must not be misunderstood, thinking what was the 1992 consensus and the victory of the Taiwan unification.

It is hoped that cross -strait relations will improve, and it is obviously the expectations of some people in Lido in Taiwan. Chinese identity shown in some polls has also recovered a lot, but it is still necessary to recognize that the main consciousness of Taiwan is still developing and strengthening.It will still be the most important trend in the future.

Dissatisfaction with the DPP and voting to the Kuomintang candidate does not mean that Taiwanese people agree with China, which is completely two issues.The separation of political identity and identity may become an evolution trend in the future, and perhaps it may also show that Taiwan's democracy is further mature from a certain aspect.

This time is the first time the DPP ’s true defeat after ruling, and it is also the victory of the Kuomintang without any party property support. This is worthy of summarizing and reflection on both sides.It is also worth learning from the Chinese Communist Party on the other hand. A truly confident political party and the people who believe in the people should never be afraid of the inspection of the people.

I have been paying attention to Taiwan for many years. In addition to the consequences of the evolution of cross -strait relations, they are also concerned about the research on the modernity of modernity and Chinese culture.Experience.Over the years, out of some personal interests or psychological needs, scholars and politicians of some blue camps regardless of their firm anti -communist stance or the history of democratic freedom, and they are not in principle to be charming to Beijing, and even vilify Taiwan's democracy to obtain.The achievements are obviously irresponsible and difficult to recognize; on the other hand, some green camps are popular with the banner of democracy, and even some similar to advocating racist thoughts, obviously they are also the real democratic spirit.Contradicate.

It is almost unavoidable to a country that is unclear in Taiwan, such as a special situation, state status and identity in Taiwan.The correction mechanism will help form a rational political culture.But the premise is that people respect the principles of democracy.In general, in just decades, Taiwan's democracy has made great progress, and it is worthy of affirmation and cherishment.

This progress is not only reflected in the progress of the legitimacy of power and the protection of citizens' rights, but also in the deepening and expansion of citizenship rights in Taiwan. It is also rapidly catching up with some developed democratic countries in the world.The referendum in Taiwan's same -sex equal rights at the same time and the nine -in -one election, although the referendum form itself is suitable for controversy, there are unacceptable chaos in the voting organization.In any case, these referendum issues have come to this day, and it is already a huge improvement in the space of public discussion and choice;

Of course, history will not be in one step, and he will do his best, but the democracy in Taiwan will continue and gradually mature. The discussion of many issues will be more mature one day, which is also what the author believes and expects.

1997 TaiwanThe mayor's election, the author went to Taiwan to watch the election. That time it was the DPP for the first time to win a majority of counties and cities, and the blue sky became green.After the author returned, he wrote a article on the turning point of history and made some analysis of the election.More than two years later, Chen Shui -bian was elected, and the historic first political party in Taiwan replaced in Taiwan.Twenty years later, today's election did not dare to say that this would be the beginning of another historical turning point, but I believe that the new page of Taiwan's democracy may have been opened slowly.