Internet celebrities "Crazy Yang Brother" and other head anchors, such as the live broadcast of the goods, sold the high -end brand "Meicheng Moon Cake" from Hong Kong, and was questioned that there was no offline and online door in Hong Kong without offline and online doorThe store's "fake Hong Kong brand" has caused geothermal discussions between Lu and Hong Kong.Meicheng responded to this that there was no law that Hong Kong brands could not be produced in the mainland.

Comprehensive surging news and daily economic news reports, on the eve of the Mid -Autumn Festival, "Crazy Xiao Yang" promoted the sale of "Meicheng Moon Cake" in the live broadcast room, with sales of more than 50 million yuan (RMB, 9.14 million newYuan).The live broadcast room promotes the sale of the brand's moon cake "Hong Kong brand". In fact, its trademark was registered in Hong Kong last year, and the production place was in Guangdong, and there was no offline selling point in Hong Kong. Therefore, it was questioned as false propaganda.

According to the product's out -of -product packaging of the netizens who purchased "Meicheng Mooncake", Meicheng Mooncake brand operators are Guangzhou Meicheng Food Co., Ltd.. There are two brands of moon cake manufacturers, one is GuangzhouCity Meicheng Food Technology Co., Ltd., the other is Foshan Meicheng Food Co., Ltd.

The relevant person in charge of Guangzhou Meicheng Human Resources Department showed the company's registered trademark in Hong Kong on Sunday (September 15) to Chinese media reporters, and said that the company registered the brand in Hong Kong in 2019, and said thatI am still helpless when I encounter such a thing.

The person in charge said, "(question (question online) Why do we register a company in Hong Kong and then produce in the Mainland, I believe that no law stipulates that I am registered in Hong Kong and cannot be produced in the Mainland.Right?search.Most Internet people hold the view that the price of "selling the mainland in Hong Kong's leather can double the price" and believes that the brand profit through false propaganda.In addition, some netizens described the response of Guangzhou Meicheng as "dead duck mouth".

According to the Guangzhou Daily, the Guangzhou Huadu District Market Supervision Bureau responded on Sunday that after the above situation on September 13thCheck it.In response to the public's concerns about "registered in Hong Kong" and "whether it belongs to the Hong Kong brand", the company provides Hong Kong Meicheng Food Group Co., Ltd. registered business registration information in Hong Kong, issuing Hong Kong Meicheng Food Group Co., Ltd. to register in Hong KongThe relevant certificates of the trademark of "Meisun", "Meicheng" and "Hong Kong Meicheng Mooncake" also provided documents such as the use authorization of trademarks between the company and Hong Kong Meicheng Food Group Co., Ltd.

In response to the question of whether it involves "false propaganda", the Supervision Bureau said that because of the wide range of companies, companies involved and cargo companies (Hefei are divided into different regions and cross -regions across regions.The inspection requires coordinating the multi -party regulatory regulatory authorities. The Huadu District Market Supervision Bureau will step up to accelerate the progress of the inspection, deal with it in accordance with laws and regulations, and respond to the attention of the masses and the media in a timely manner.