The Chinese media launched incomplete statistics and found that since the announcement of Evergrande Real Estate's financial financial fraud to the top, at least 60 companies ended their cooperation with PwC in the accounting firm.After the official announcement was punished, five Chinese companies terminated the contract with PwC.

According to the incomplete statistics of the same Flush iFIND data and surging news, Permian Yongdao officials have been fined before they were fined. At least 60 companies have ended their cooperation with PwC, of ​​which 36 of A -share listed companies have 36Home, seven listed companies in Hong Kong, 16 fund companies, and non -listed companies.

After that, the five fund companies of Hua'an, Baoying, Hui'an, Yimi and Puyin Ansheng "broke up" with PwC.

Evergrande Real Estate acknowledged financial fraud in the announcement on March 18th, and was fined 4.175 billion yuan (RMB, Same as Sim, Sim of 764 million yuan) by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

China official Friday (September 13) announced that PwC, which involved Evergrande Real Estate cases, was fined S $ 441 million to suspend business for six months.Counted.