(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) The Hong Kong Journalists Association revealed on Friday (September 13) that since June this year, dozens of journalists and their families have been threatened by the threat of threats to different degrees.The maximum -scale disturbance.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and Reuters reports that the Hong Kong Records Association survey found that since June this year, many journalists and their families have been disturbed and intimidated, which is more frequent in mid -August.Reporters from 13 media institutions and news education institutions were disturbed, including independent media, Hong Kong Free News, and Zhizhi Media.

Statistics of the Hong Kong Records Association, at least 15 employers, work institutions or cooperation agencies, and renting units of the family members of the family members receive an anonymous complaint email or letter who claims to be "patriots" to warn them if they maintain it with reporters or their families to maintainContact may involve harm of Guoan and illegal.At least eight reporters' families, owners, or neighbors of the same layer also received intimidation letters.

In addition, some users have criticized at least 36 reporters on Facebook to criticize at least 36 journalists. They are incredible or illegal, and some posts also include threatening content.

The Hong Kong Freedom News issued a statement saying that the owner of the founder Tom Grundy's rental unit and the real estate agent received anonymous intimidation letter to warn the unimaginable consequences and damage unless he moved away.Grandi had called the police last Saturday (September 7).

Zheng Jiaru, chairman of the Hong Kong Records Association, said at a press conference on Friday that this disturbance behavior was systematically targeted at reporters, intending to pressure reporters by affecting the source of family income and interpersonal networks.

She said that the government could not see that the government was directly related to this incident, but after two reporters entering Hong Kong were searched in Hong Kong, they received intimidation information in a short time.She urged the law enforcement department and the Private Office to investigate in detail and explain whether the official database was leaked.

The Hong Kong Customs issued a statement on the same day that the passenger mobile phone number will not be collected during customs clearance, and reiterated that it will adhere to the requirements of privacy laws and monitor and check through risk assessment and intelligence analysis.