The Hong Kong Journalists Association announced that many reporters were disturbed. Xiao Zeyi, director of the Police Department, responded that Hong Kong is a society in rule of law, and the police must not rely on a thorough investigation.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Ming Pao Da Pao reported that Xiao Zeyi said on Saturday (September 14) to attend the police academy.The police must not be impartialized by calling for any intimidation and disturbances, and the incident will be thoroughly investigated regardless of any background.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association said on Friday that since June this year, dozens of journalists and their families have been threatened by the threat of intimidation.Drive action.

A survey of the Hong Kong Records Association found that since June this year, many reporters and their families have been disturbed and intimidated, and they are more frequent in mid -August.Reporters from 13 media institutions and news education institutions were disturbed, including independent media, Hong Kong Free News, and Zhizhi Media.

Statistics of the Hong Kong Records Association, at least 15 reporters, work institutions or cooperation agencies, and renting units of the family members of the family members who have received an anonymous complaint email or letter who claims to be "patriots" to warn them if they are with reportersOr keep in touch with his family may involve harm to Guoan and illegal.At least eight reporters' families, owners, or neighbors of the same layer also received intimidation letters.

In addition, some users have criticized at least 36 journalists on Facebook to have institutional or illegal reports, and some posts also include threatening content.