The new Chief Executive Election of Macau will be held on October 13. After the 62 -year -old former Court Dean Cen Haohui announced the election at the end of August, the outside world generally believes that he will be elected without his opponent.What the background of Cen Haohui has and why it can break out, which has caused heated discussions in Hong Kong and Macau.

Since the return of Macau in 1999, the three chief executives were served as members of the local famous family members. Among them, He Houyi, the first chief executive, came from the He family, the second chief executive Cui Shi'an came from the Cui family, the third chief executive He Yicheng came from the He family.The Macau government has been criticized with too many interests with the local business community, especially the "four families".In contrast, Cen Haohui, who has the judicial background, has almost no suspected collusion between government and business, and the benefit transportation, and has a closer relationship with Beijing.

On the eve of the return of Macau in the 1990s, the local legal talents were seriously inadequate. Beijing sent a group of legal professionals to Macau to learn Macau and Portugal law to assist Macau transition.Among these people, Cen Haohui came earlier.

Cen Haohui was born in Zhongshan, Guangdong. In the 1980s, he sent cadres to study local laws in Macau. He also received the training of judges and prosecutors.Macao politics and legal talents, such as Cen Haohui, who have been trained in the legal system of Portuguese, are also deeply trusted by Beijing, commonly known as the "Thirteen Taibao".If Cen Haohui was successfully elected this time, it means that it will open a new situation of "Australia's Governance Australia".

Hong Kong and Macau are close to each other, and Macau's political changes have also set off a ripple in Hong Kong.Liu Zhaojia, a consultant to the China National Hong Kong and Macao Research Association, who is regarded as a think tank of the Hong Kong policy of Hong Kong, believes that Hong Kong and Macao are also the special administrative region. If Macau appears for the first time, "New Macau people governs Australia", it will not rule out that "new Hong Kong people governs Hong Kong" in the future.

In fact, Hong Kong, as the most free and most complete city in China, has continuously attracted the people of the mainland to settle for many years.Even after the return of 97, hundreds of thousands or even millions of mainlanders still come to Hong Kong.In addition to the one -way card, these "new Hong Kong people" are reunited with relatives and relatives from the mainland to Hong Kong, and many people also go to Hong Kong to live in Hong Kong as expertise, investment immigrants and further studies.

Compared with the old mainland immigrants before the return, the academic degree of "new Hong Kong people" has risen as a whole, and there are generally college degrees or above.In Hong Kong, whether it is the university, the legal community, or the financial community, there are many shadows of "new Hong Kong people", and even become the leaders in many professional fields.

But these "new Hong Kong people" have been absent from Hong Kong politics for so many years.Li Xiaoga, the chief executive officer of the Hong Kong Exchange in 2020, left in advance, which also attracted great attention from Hong Kong public opinion. Interpretation of this "new Hong Kong people" with the mainland background will run for Hong Kong Chief Executive.

Among the four Chief Executives of Hong Kong that year, Zeng Yinquan, Liang Zhenying and Lin Zhengyue were all native Hong Kong people. Although the first chief executive Dong Jianhua was born in Shanghai, he came to Hong Kong at the age of 12 and was regarded as locals.Li Xiaoga was different. He was born in Beijing. He studied in the United States in the 1980s. After he moved to Wall Street, he finally went to Hong Kong as the Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. He did not understand Cantonese.If he becomes the chief executive of Hong Kong, it will break the convention of "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" in the traditional sense and become Hong Kong's first "New Hong Kong Chief Executive", but Beijing later chose Li Jiachao as the Chief Executive.

Moved the world. Since the implementation of the "Patriot Governing Hong Kong" in Hong Kong in the past few years, there are obviously many more red background "Hong Kong Drifting" have entered the administrative and legislature, such as Sun Dong, director of the Innovation and Science and Technology Bureau Sun Dong.It is the first "Hong Kong Drifting" director.

As for the 90 Legislative Council members, many people were born in the mainland "Hong Kong Drifting", including Yan Gang, Zhang Xinyu, and Hong Wen.Most of them have a strong red background and do not understand Cantonese. They often speak Mandarin in Parliament.

According to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong, the chief executive is 40 years old, and Chinese citizens who have lived in Hong Kong, which usually live in Hong Kong for 20 consecutive years in Hong Kong for 20 consecutive years.Theoretically, "new Hong Kong people" is not impossible to make chief executives in the future.It is generally believed that this group has been trusted by Beijing, which is beneficial to the central government to exercise comprehensive governance in Hong Kong.

Liu Zhaojia also believes that "new Hong Kong people" have less benefits in Hong Kong, and it is easier to break the constraints of inherent interests, and it will not be influenced by the old colonial governance methods.50 years will not change as a shield, resisting reform, and it is more likely to propose innovative policies.He emphasized that Hong Kong's selection of talents in Hong Kong should not be sticking to old Hong Kong or new Hong Kong people, as long as talents should be recruited.

However, compared to the Macau people, it is not disgusted with the "Beijing people to rule the Australia". Some people even think that Beijing directly sent people to make chief executives. At present, most Hong Kong people are still resisting Beijing's intervention in Hong Kong affairs. "New Hong Kong"Once the person is the chief executive, it may not be able to play the role of a bridge of Lugang.

In 2020, three "New Hong Kong people" with the background of mainland China established the party "Bauhinia Party", and threatened to recruit 250,000 Hong Kong people as party members.The local institutional school in Hong Kong has not yet obtained any seats in the Legislative Council and District Council, reflecting that Hong Kong people have not yet accepted the "new Hong Kong people".

In fact, once the "new Hong Kong people" serve as the chief executive, Hong Kong's political culture may also change significantly.More importantly, "New Hong Kong people" have lived in Hong Kong for many years. There is no doubt that it is "Hong Kong people" in law, but they are not familiar with Hong Kong.Will foreign countries add distrust of Hong Kong's "one country, two systems"?These are what Beijing needs to consider carefully.