Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, announced on Sunday (September 1) that he will visit Australia this Sunday, hoping to strengthen the connection and cooperation of Hong Kong, Macao economic, trade, finance and innovation, and develop more business opportunities.

Chen Maobo will visit Melbourne and Sydney.He introduced on his blog that this was his visit to Australia again in the past six years.The purpose of this visit to Australia is to attract investment in the theme, and provide more opportunities for exchange and cooperation for emerging industries; promote more exchanges and cooperation for the development of green technology; and consolidate and expand the connection with traditional overseas markets.

Chen Maobo said that in addition to the selection of many Hong Kong people's education and travel, Australia is also one of the important markets for Hong Kong economic and trade exchanges.The goods imported from Australia to Hong Kong last year were worth HK $ 14.8 billion (S $ 2.4 billion), mainly mainly fruits and vegetables, seafood and drinks.

He took Australian wine as an example. The total value of wine imported from Australia last year was more than 1.4 billion Hong Kong dollars. In terms of import value, it was the second largest imported place in Hong"We have connected a huge market for the Australian wine industry, which also consolidated Hong Kong's position as one of the world's major wine transactions and auction centers."

Chen Maobo also said that he will participate in many games from Hong Kong.Exchange activities organized by the Economic and Trade Office and the local business community in Sydney will also attend the "Asian Summit" co -organized by the Australian Financial Review News and the Asian Association Australia Center.Develop and opportunity.